2,577 research outputs found

    Pauli blocking effects and Cooper triples in three-component Fermi gases

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    We investigate the effect of Pauli blocking on universal two- and three-body states in the medium. Their corresponding energies are extracted from the poles of two- and three-body in-medium scattering amplitudes. Compared to the vacuum, the binding of dimer and trimer states is reduced by the medium effects. In two-body scattering, the well-known physics of Cooper pairs is recovered. In the three-body sector, we find a new class of positive energy poles which can be interpreted as Cooper triples.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, discussion expanded, final versio

    Collateral, liquidity and debt sustainability

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    We study the sustainability of public debt in a closed production economy where a benevolent government chooses fiscal policies, including haircuts on its outstanding debt, in a discretionary manner. Government bonds are held by domestic agents to smooth consumption over time and because they provide collateral and liquidity services. We characterize a recursive equilibrium where public debt amounts to a sizeable fraction of output in steady state and is nevertheless fully serviced by the government. In a calibrated economy, steady state debt amounts to around 84% of output, the government's default threshold is at around 94% of output, and the haircut on outstanding debt at this threshold is around 40%. Both reputational costs of default and contemporaneous costs due to lost collateral and liquidity are essential to generate these empirically plausible predictions

    Central bank independence and the monetary instrument problem

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    We study the monetary instrument problem in a model of optimal discretionary fiscal and monetary policy. The policy problem is cast as a dynamic game between the central bank, the fiscal authority, and the private sector. We show that, as long as there is a conflict of interest between the two policy-makers, the central bank's monetary instrument choice critically affects the Markov-perfect Nash equilibrium of this game. Focusing on a scenario where the fiscal authority is impatient relative to the monetary authority, we show that the equilibrium allocation is typically characterized by a public spending bias if the central bank uses the nominal money supply as its instrument. If it uses instead the nominal interest rate, the central bank can prevent distortions due to fiscal impatience and implement the same equilibrium allocation that would obtain under cooperation of two benevolent policy authorities. Despite this property, the welfare-maximizing choice of instrument depends on the economic environment under consideration. In particular, the money growth instrument is to be preferred whenever fiscal impatience has positive welfare effects, which is easily possible under lack of commitment

    Inflation dynamics under optimal discretionary fiscal and monetary policies

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    We examine the dynamic properties of inflation in a model of optimal discretionary fiscal and monetary policies. The lack of commitment and the presence of nominally risk-free debt provide the government with an incentive to implement policies which induce positive and persistent inflation rates. We show that this property obtains already in an environment with flexible prices and perfectly competitive product markets. Introducing nominal rigidities and imperfect competition has no qualitative but important quantitative implications. In particular, with a modest degree of price stickiness our model generates inflation dynamics very similar to those experienced in the U.S. since the Volcker disinflation of the early 1980s

    Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy Without Commitment

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    This paper studies optimal fiscal and monetary policy in a stochastic economy with imperfectly competitive product markets and a discretionary government. We find that, in the flexible price economy, optimal time-consistent policy implements the Friedman rule independently of the degree of imperfect competition. This result is in contrast to the Ramsey literature, where the Friedman rule emerges as the optimal policy only if markets are perfectly competitive. Second, once nominal rigidities are introduced, the Friedman rule ceases to be optimal, inflation rates are low and stable, and tax rates are relatively volatile. Finally, optimal time-consistent policy under sticky prices does not generate the near-random walk behavior of taxes and real debt that can be observed under optimal policy in the Ramsey problem. A common reason for these results is that the discretionary government, in an effort to asymptotically eliminate its time-consistency problem, accumulates a large net asset position such that it can finance its expenditures via the associated interest earnings

    Fluctuations of 1/f1/f noise and the low frequency cutoff paradox

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    Recent experiments on blinking quantum dots and weak turbulence in liquid crystals reveal the fundamental connection between 1/f1/f noise and power law intermittency. The non-stationarity of the process implies that the power spectrum is random -- a manifestation of weak ergodicity breaking. Here we obtain the universal distribution of the power spectrum, which can be used to identify intermittency as the source of the noise. We solve an outstanding paradox on the non integrability of 1/f1/f noise and the violation of Parseval's theorem. We explain why there is no physical low frequency cutoff and therefore cannot be found in experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, supplementary material (4 pages
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