350 research outputs found

    An elementary proof of uniqueness of the particle trajectories for solutions of a class of shear-thinning non-Newtonian 2D fluids

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    We prove some regularity results for a class of two dimensional non-Newtonian fluids. By applying results from [Dashti and Robinson, Nonlinearity, 22 (2009), 735-746] we can then show uniqueness of particle trajectories

    A priori convergence estimates for a rough Poisson-Dirichlet problem with natural vertical boundary conditions

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    Stents are medical devices designed to modify blood flow in aneurysm sacs, in order to prevent their rupture. Some of them can be considered as a locally periodic rough boundary. In order to approximate blood flow in arteries and vessels of the cardio-vascular system containing stents, we use multi-scale techniques to construct boundary layers and wall laws. Simplifying the flow we turn to consider a 2-dimensional Poisson problem that conserves essential features related to the rough boundary. Then, we investigate convergence of boundary layer approximations and the corresponding wall laws in the case of Neumann type boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet parts of the domain. The difficulty comes from the fact that correctors, for the boundary layers near the rough surface, may introduce error terms on the other portions of the boundary. In order to correct these spurious oscillations, we introduce a vertical boundary layer. Trough a careful study of its behavior, we prove rigorously decay estimates. We then construct complete boundary layers that respect the macroscopic boundary conditions. We also derive error estimates in terms of the roughness size epsilon either for the full boundary layer approximation and for the corresponding averaged wall law.Comment: Dedicated to Professor Giovanni Paolo Galdi 60' Birthda

    Quantum graphs with singular two-particle interactions

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    We construct quantum models of two particles on a compact metric graph with singular two-particle interactions. The Hamiltonians are self-adjoint realisations of Laplacians acting on functions defined on pairs of edges in such a way that the interaction is provided by boundary conditions. In order to find such Hamiltonians closed and semi-bounded quadratic forms are constructed, from which the associated self-adjoint operators are extracted. We provide a general characterisation of such operators and, furthermore, produce certain classes of examples. We then consider identical particles and project to the bosonic and fermionic subspaces. Finally, we show that the operators possess purely discrete spectra and that the eigenvalues are distributed following an appropriate Weyl asymptotic law

    Adaptive FE-BE Coupling for Strongly Nonlinear Transmission Problems with Coulomb Friction

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    We analyze an adaptive finite element/boundary element procedure for scalar elastoplastic interface problems involving friction, where a nonlinear uniformly monotone operator such as the p-Laplacian is coupled to the linear Laplace equation on the exterior domain. The problem is reduced to a boundary/domain variational inequality, a discretized saddle point formulation of which is then solved using the Uzawa algorithm and adaptive mesh refinements based on a gradient recovery scheme. The Galerkin approximations are shown to converge to the unique solution of the variational problem in a suitable product of L^p- and L^2-Sobolev spaces.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Nonexistence of self-similar singularities for the 3D incompressible Euler equations

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    We prove that there exists no self-similar finite time blowing up solution to the 3D incompressible Euler equations. By similar method we also show nonexistence of self-similar blowing up solutions to the divergence-free transport equation in Rn\Bbb R^n. This result has direct applications to the density dependent Euler equations, the Boussinesq system, and the quasi-geostrophic equations, for which we also show nonexistence of self-similar blowing up solutions.Comment: This version refines the previous one by relaxing the condition of compact support for the vorticit

    Corneal Inflammatory Diseases - Infectious Keratitis in Dogs

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    Complications Related to Surgical Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs

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    Spectral Duality for Planar Billiards

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    For a bounded open domain Ω\Omega with connected complement in R2{\bf R}^2 and piecewise smooth boundary, we consider the Dirichlet Laplacian ΔΩ-\Delta_\Omega on Ω\Omega and the S-matrix on the complement Ωc\Omega^c. We show that the on-shell S-matrices Sk{\bf S}_k have eigenvalues converging to 1 as kk0k\uparrow k_0 exactly when ΔΩ-\Delta_\Omega has an eigenvalue at energy k02k_0^2. This includes multiplicities, and proves a weak form of ``transparency'' at k=k0k=k_0. We also show that stronger forms of transparency, such as Sk0{\bf S}_{k_0} having an eigenvalue 1 are not expected to hold in general.Comment: 33 pages, Postscript, A