10 research outputs found

    Children and adolescents in foster care and adoption: proposals for their educational attention in primary and high schools centres

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    El centre educatiu ha de facilitar la incorporació de la infància i l’adolescència en acolliment i adopció mitjançant un pla personalitzat d’acollida que inclourà una avaluació inicial que guiï l’atenció educativa. Un pla proactiu de protecció enfront de la discriminació seria també recomanable, així com un sistema d’avaluació flexible i mesures disciplinàries en positiu. També resulta essencial una bona comunicació i cooperació amb la família o els responsables del menor i la coordinació amb el servei d’orientació. El procés d’aprenentatge es facilitarà enormement si es dona una vinculació positiva entre el menor i el seu professor o professora, per la qual cosa és imprescindible respondre des de la comprensió, el suport i l’afecte, establint límits clars i ferms de forma predictible i evitant les sancions que puguin ser percebudes com a rebuig

    Motivational Interviewing as Evidence-Based Practice? An Example from Sexual Risk Reduction Interventions Targeting Adolescents and Young Adults

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    This paper critically examines sexual risk reduction interventions, more specifically how they are evaluated and the implications that this has for sexual health policy. The focus is on motivational interviewing (MI) interventions which aim to promote protective behaviors related to sexual risk on the part of young people. MI has become increasingly popular, largely due to it being a highly flexible counseling approach that may, with adequate staff training, and fidelity in implementation, be tailored to many different settings (e.g., health care, schools and in community work). Following a scoping review that comprised 34 papers, of which 29 were unique studies, the range and type of existing research were examined. The results show a wide range of study designs and evaluation procedures, MI conceptualizations, modes of MI delivery, and the particular sub-populations of youth and sexual risk behaviors targeted. While this makes it difficult to draw any generalized conclusions about “what works” in prevention, it provides important insights about the complexity of sexual risk behavior as well as complex behavioral treatment approaches like MI. We therefore problematize the political drive to implement evidence-based methods without adequate resource allocation and contextual adaptation