395 research outputs found

    Source Mechanism of Small Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005 Using Template Matching, Phase-Weighted Stacking, and Full-Waveform Inversion

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    Long-period (LP, 0.5-5 Hz) seismicity, observed at volcanoes worldwide, is a recognized signature of unrest and eruption. Cyclic LP “drumbeating” was the characteristic seismicity accompanying the sustained dome-building phase of the 2004–2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens (MSH), WA. However, together with the LP drumbeating was a near-continuous, randomly occurring series of tiny LP seismic events (LP “subevents”), which may hold important additional information on the mechanism of seismogenesis at restless volcanoes. We employ template matching, phase-weighted stacking, and full-waveform inversion to image the source mechanism of one multiplet of these LP subevents at MSH in July 2005. The signal-to-noise ratios of the individual events are too low to produce reliable waveform inversion results, but the events are repetitive and can be stacked. We apply network-based template matching to 8 days of continuous velocity waveform data from 29 June to 7 July 2005 using a master event to detect 822 network triggers. We stack waveforms for 359 high-quality triggers at each station and component, using a combination of linear and phase-weighted stacking to produce clean stacks for use in waveform inversion. The derived source mechanism points to the volumetric oscillation (∌10 m3) of a subhorizontal crack located at shallow depth (∌30 m) in an area to the south of Crater Glacier in the southern portion of the breached MSH crater. A possible excitation mechanism is the sudden condensation of metastable steam from a shallow pressurized hydrothermal system as it encounters cool meteoric water in the outer parts of the edifice, perhaps supplied from snow melt

    Arctic deep water ferromanganese-oxide deposits reflect the unique characteristics of the Arctic Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (2017): 3771–3800, doi:10.1002/2017GC007186.Little is known about marine mineral deposits in the Arctic Ocean, an ocean dominated by continental shelf and basins semi-closed to deep-water circulation. Here, we present data for ferromanganese crusts and nodules collected from the Amerasia Arctic Ocean in 2008, 2009, and 2012 (HLY0805, HLY0905, and HLY1202). We determined mineral and chemical compositions of the crusts and nodules and the onset of their formation. Water column samples from the GEOTRACES program were analyzed for dissolved and particulate scandium concentrations, an element uniquely enriched in these deposits. The Arctic crusts and nodules are characterized by unique mineral and chemical compositions with atypically high growth rates, detrital contents, Fe/Mn ratios, and low Si/Al ratios, compared to deposits found elsewhere. High detritus reflects erosion of submarine outcrops and North America and Siberia cratons, transport by rivers and glaciers to the sea, and distribution by sea ice, brines, and currents. Uniquely high Fe/Mn ratios are attributed to expansive continental shelves, where diagenetic cycling releases Fe to bottom waters, and density flows transport shelf bottom water to the open Arctic Ocean. Low Mn contents reflect the lack of a mid-water oxygen minimum zone that would act as a reservoir for dissolved Mn. The potential host phases and sources for elements with uniquely high contents are discussed with an emphasis on scandium. Scandium sorption onto Fe oxyhydroxides and Sc-rich detritus account for atypically high scandium contents. The opening of Fram Strait in the Miocene and ventilation of the deep basins initiated Fe-Mn crust growth ∌15 Myr ago.National Science Foundation Grant Numbers: 1434493, 1713677; NSF-OCE Grant Number: 15358542018-05-0

    The Spatial Cross-Correlation Method for Dispersive Surface Waves

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    Dispersive surface waves are routinely used to estimate the subsurface shear-wave velocity distribution, at all length scales. In the well-known Spatial Autocorrelation method, dispersion information is gained from the correlation of seismic noise signals recorded on the vertical (or radial) components. We demonstrate practical advantages of including the cross-correlation between radial and vertical components of the wavefield in a spatial cross-correlation method. The addition of cross-correlation information increases the resolution and robustness of the phase velocity dispersion information, as demonstrated in numerical simulations and a near-surface field study with active seismic sources, where our method confirms the presence of a fault-zone conduit in a geothermal field

    Embryogenesis in Sedum acre L.: structural and immunocytochemical aspects of suspensor development

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    The changes in the formation of both the actin and the microtubular cytoskeleton during the differentiation of the embryo-suspensor in Sedum acre were studied in comparison with the development of the embryo-proper. The presence and distribution of the cytoskeletal elements were examined ultrastructurally and with the light microscope using immunolabelling and rhodamine-phalloidin staining. At the globular stage of embryo development extensive array of actin filaments is present in the cytoplasm of basal cell, the microfilament bundles generally run parallel to the long axis of basal cell and pass in close to the nucleus. Microtubules form irregular bundles in the cytoplasm of the basal cell. A strongly fluorescent densely packed microtubules are present in the cytoplasmic layer adjacent to the wall separating the basal cell from the first layer of the chalazal suspensor cells. At the heart-stage of embryo development, in the basal cell, extremely dense arrays of actin materials are located near the micropylar and chalazal end of the cell. At this stage of basal cell formation, numerous actin filaments congregate around the nucleus. In the fully differentiated basal cell and micropylar haustorium, the tubulin cytoskeleton forms a dense prominent network composed of numerous cross-linked filaments. In the distal region of the basal cell, a distinct microtubular cytoskeleton with numerous microtubules is observed in the cytoplasmic layer adjacent to the wall, separating the basal cell from the first layer of the chalazal suspensor cells. The role of cytoskeleton during the development of the suspensor in S. acre is discussed

    New data about the suspensor of succulent angiosperms : ultrastructure and cytochemical study of the embryo-suspensor of Sempervivum arachnoideum L. and Jovibarba sobolifera (Sims) Opiz

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    The development of the suspensor in two species - Sempervivum arachnoideum and Jovibarba sobolifera - was investigated using cytochemical methods, light and electron microscopy. Cytological processes of differentiation in the embryo-suspensor were compared with the development of embryo-proper. The mature differentiated suspensor consists of a large basal cell and three to four chalazal cells. The basal cell produces haustorial branched invading ovular tissues. The walls of the haustorium and the micropylar part of the basal cell form the wall ingrowths typical for a transfer cells. The ingrowths also partially cover the lateral wall and the chalazal wall separating the basal cell from the other embryo cells. The dense cytoplasm filling the basal cell is rich in: numerous polysomes lying free or covering rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), active dictyosomes, microtubules, bundles of microfilaments, microbodies, mitochondria, plastids and lipid droplets. Cytochemical tests (including proteins, insoluble polysaccharides and lipids are distributed in the suspensor during different stages of embryo development) showed the presence of high amounts of macromolecules in the suspensor cells, particularly during the globular and heart-shaped phases of embryo development. The protein bodies and lipid droplets are the main storage products in the cells of the embryo-proper. The results of Auramine 0 indicate that a cuticular material is present only on the surface walls of the embryo-proper, but is absent from the suspensor cell wall. The ultrastructural features and cytochemical tests indicate that in the two species - S. arachnoideum and J. sobolifera - the embryo-suspensor is mainly involved in the absorption and transport of metabolites from the ovular tissues to the developing embryo-proper

    Financial Flows and International Imbalances - The Role of Catching-up by Late Industrializing Developing Countries

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    While the traditional approach to the adjustment of international imbalances assumes industrialized countries at a similar level of development and with similar production structures, such imbalances have historically been the result of a process of catching up by late-industrializing developing countries. This may call for an alternative approach that assesses how these imbalances can be managed in order to support developing countries' efforts to achieve successful industrialization and integration into the global trade and financial system. In this light, the paper presents an alternative explanation of the existence and persistence of the currently high levels of imbalances and suggests reasons why they may persist in the medium term
