6,844 research outputs found

    Expression of Smooth Muscle Myosin Heavy Chains and Unloaded Shortening in Single Smooth Muscle Cells

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    The functional significance of the variable expression of the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SM-MHC) tail isoforms, SM1 and SM2, was examined at the mRNA level (which correlates with the protein level) in individual permeabilized rabbit arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs). The length of untethered single permeabilized SMCs was monitored during unloaded shortening in response to increased Ca2+ (pCa 6.0), histamine (1 μM), and phenylephrine (1 μM). Subsequent to contraction, the relative expression of SM1 and SM2 mRNAs from the same individual SMCs was determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction amplification and densitometric analysis. Correlational analyses between the SM2-to-SM1 ratio and unloaded shortening in saponin- and α-toxin-permeabilized SMCs (n = 28) reveal no significant relationship between the SM-MHC tail isoform ratio and unloaded shortening velocity. The best correlations between SM2/SM1 and the contraction characteristics of untethered vascular SMCs were with the minimum length attained following contraction (n = 20 andr = 0.72 for α-toxin,n = 8 andr = 0.78 for saponin). These results suggest that the primary effect of variable expression of the SM1 and SM2 SM-MHC tail isoforms is on the cell final length and not on shortening velocity

    Investigation of the surface structure and activity of molybdenum oxide-containing catalysts : I. An infrared study of the surface structure of molybdena-alumina catalysts

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    A comparison has been made of the infrared spectra of alumina with molybdenum oxide-alumina in both the oxidized and reduced forms. In the case of molybdena-alumina prepared via adsorption of gaseous MoO2(OH)2, the spectra show that a practically complete monolayer of Mo6+ oxide covers the alumina. After reduction with hydrogen the hydroxyls of the carrier appear. From the reversibility of reduction and oxidation under mild conditions it has been established that the reduced oxide is present as an interrupted monolayer

    Spatially encoded light for Large-alphabet Quantum Key Distribution

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    Most Quantum Key Distribution protocols use a two-dimensional basis such as HV polarization as first proposed by Bennett and Brassard in 1984. These protocols are consequently limited to a key generation density of 1 bit per photon. We increase this key density by encoding information in the transverse spatial displacement of the used photons. Employing this higher-dimensional Hilbert space together with modern single-photon-detecting cameras, we demonstrate a proof-of-principle large-alphabet Quantum Key Distribution experiment with 1024 symbols and a shared information between sender and receiver of 7 bit per photon.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Added references, Updated Fig. 1 in the main text, Updated Fig.1 in supplementary material, Added section Trojan-horse attacks in supplementary material, title changed, Added paragraphs about final key rate and overfilling the detector to result sectio

    Longtitudinal electron beam diagnostics via upconversion of THz to visible radiation

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    Longitudinal electro-optic electron bunch diagnostics has been successfully applied at several accelerators. The electro-optic effect can be seen as an upconversion of the Coulomb field of the relativistic electron bunch (THz radiation) to the visible spectral range, where a variety of standard diagnostic tools are available. Standard techniques to characterise femtosecond optical laser pulses (auto- and cross-correlators) have led to the schemes that can measure electron bunch profiles with femtosecond resolution. These techniques require, however, well synchronized femtosecond laser pulses, in order to obtain the desired temporal resolution. Currently, we are exploring other electro-optic variants which require less advanced laser systems and will be more amenable to beam based longitudinal feedback applications. The first results of one such new scheme will be presented in this paper

    A numerical investigation on the vortex formation and flow separation of the oscillatory flow in jet pumps

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    A two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model is used to predict the oscillatory flow through a tapered cylindrical tube section (jet pump) placed in a larger outer tube. Due to the shape of the jet pump, there will exist an asymmetry in the hydrodynamic end effects which will cause a time-averaged pressure drop to occur that can be used to cancel Gedeon streaming in a closed-loop thermoacoustic device. The performance of two jet pump geometries with different taper angles is investigated. A specific time-domain impedance boundary condition is implemented in order to simulate traveling acoustic wave conditions. It is shown that by scaling the acoustic displacement amplitude to the jet pump dimensions, similar minor losses are observed independent of the jet pump geometry. Four different flow regimes are distinguished and the observed flow phenomena are related to the jet pump performance. The simulated jet pump performance is compared to an existing quasi-steady approximation which is shown to only be valid for small displacement amplitudes compared to the jet pump length.Comment: The following article has been accepted by the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. After it is published, it will be found at: http://scitation.aip.org/JAS

    Above-ground biomass and productivity in a rain forest of eastern South America

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    Abstract: The dynamics of tropical forest woody plants was studied at the Nouragues Field Station, central French Guiana. Stem density, basal area, above-ground biomass and above-ground net primary productivity, including the contribution of litterfall, were estimated from two large permanent census plots of 12 and 10 ha, established on contrasting soil types, and censused twice, first in 1992¿1994, then again in 2000¿2002. Mean stem density was 512 stems ha¿1 and basal area, 30m2 ha¿1. Stem mortality rate ranged between 1.51% and 2.06% y¿1. In both plots, stem density decreased over the study period. Using a correlation between wood density and wood hardness directly measured by a Pilodyn wood tester,we found that the mean wood densitywas 0.63 g cm¿3, 12% smaller than the mean of wood density estimated from the literature values for the species occurring in our plot. Above-ground biomass ranged from 356 to 398Mgha¿1 (oven-dry mass), and it increased over the census period. Leaf biomass was 6.47Mg ha¿1. Our total estimate of aboveground net primary productivity was 8.81 MgC ha¿1 y¿1 (in carbon units), not accounting for loss to herbivory, branchfalls, or biogenic volatile organic compounds, whichmay altogether account for an additional 1MgC ha¿1 y¿1. Coarse wood productivity (stem growth plus recruitment) contributed to 4.16 MgC ha¿1 y¿1. Litterfall contributed to 4.65MgC ha¿1 y¿1 with 3.16 MgC ha¿1 y¿1 due to leaves, 1.10 MgC ha¿1 y¿1 to twigs, and 0.39MgC ha¿1 y¿1 to fruits and flowers. The increase in above-ground biomass for both trees and lianas is consistentwith the hypothesis of a shift in the functioning of Amazonian rain forests driven by environmental changes, although alternative hypotheses such as a recovery from past disturbances cannot be ruled out at our site, as suggested by the observed decrease in stem density. Key Words: above-ground biomass, carbon, French Guiana, net primary productivity, tropical fores

    Myosin Isoform Heterogeneity in Single Smooth Muscle Cells

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    We review the current understanding of the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms and show that the mRNA levels of smooth muscle (SM)1 and SM2 mimic the expressed levels of SM1 and SM2 protein. The reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction technique has been shown to be sufficiently sensitive to examine SM-MHC expression at the single cell level. Most single smooth muscle cells isolated from adult rabbit carotid express both SM1 and SM2. However, expression of these SM-MHC isoforms at the cellular level is nonuniform and highly variable. This work provides a foundation for future investigations as to the possible unique functional characteristics of the SM-MHC isoforms, SM1 and SM2. This methodology may also prove useful when used with mechanical studies to determine the physiological significance of the alternatively spliced myosin isoforms, including the SM-MHC-head and LC17 isoforms

    Jet pumps for thermoacoustic applications: design guidelines based on a numerical parameter study

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    The oscillatory flow through tapered cylindrical tube sections (jet pumps) is characterized by a numerical parameter study. The shape of a jet pump results in asymmetric hydrodynamic end effects which cause a time-averaged pressure drop to occur under oscillatory flow conditions. Hence, jet pumps are used as streaming suppressors in closed-loop thermoacoustic devices. A two-dimensional axisymmetric computational fluid dynamics model is used to calculate the performance of a large number of conical jet pump geometries in terms of time-averaged pressure drop and acoustic power dissipation. The investigated geometrical parameters include the jet pump length, taper angle, waist diameter and waist curvature. In correspondence with previous work, four flow regimes are observed which characterize the jet pump performance and dimensionless parameters are introduced to scale the performance of the various jet pump geometries. The simulation results are compared to an existing quasi-steady theory and it is shown that this theory is only applicable in a small operation region. Based on the scaling parameters, an optimum operation region is defined and design guidelines are proposed which can be directly used for future jet pump design.Comment: The following article has been accepted by the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. After it is published, it will be found at http://scitation.aip.org/JAS

    Electro-optic techniques for longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics

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    Electro-optic techniques are becoming increasingly important in ultrafast electron bunch longitudinal diagnostics and have been successfully implemented at various accelerator laboratories. The longitudinal bunch shape is directly obtained from a single-shot, non-intrusive measurement of the temporal electric field profile of the bunch. Further- more, the same electro-optic techniques can be used to measure the temporal profile of terahertz / far-infrared opti- cal pulses generated by a CTR screen, at a bending magnet (CSR), or by an FEL. This contribution summarizes the re- sults obtained at FELIX and FLASH