161 research outputs found

    Entanglement of two distant Bose-Einstein condensates by detection of Bragg-scattered photons

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    We show that it is possible to generate entanglement between two distant Bose-Einstein condensates by detection of Hanbury Brown-Twiss type correlations in photons Bragg-scattered by the condensates. Upon coincident detection of two photons by two detectors, the projected joint state of two condensates is shown to be non-Gaussian. We verify the existence of entanglement by showing that the partially transposed state is negative. Further we use the inequality in terms of higher order moments to confirm entanglement. Our proposed scheme can be generalized for multiple condensates and also for spinor condensates with Bragg scattering of polarized light with the latter capable of producing hyper entanglement.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Normal-mode spectroscopy of a single bound atom-cavity system

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    The energy-level structure of a single atom strongly coupled to the mode of a high-finesse optical cavity is investigated. The atom is stored in an intracavity dipole trap and cavity cooling is used to compensate for inevitable heating. Two well-resolved normal modes are observed both in the cavity transmission and the trap lifetime. The experiment is in good agreement with a Monte Carlo simulation, demonstrating our ability to localize the atom to within λ/10\lambda/10 at a cavity antinode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A heralded quantum gate between remote quantum memories

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    We demonstrate a probabilistic entangling quantum gate between two distant trapped ytterbium ions. The gate is implemented between the hyperfine "clock" state atomic qubits and mediated by the interference of two emitted photons carrying frequency encoded qubits. Heralded by the coincidence detection of these two photons, the gate has an average fidelity of 90+-2%. This entangling gate together with single qubit operations is sufficient to generate large entangled cluster states for scalable quantum computing

    Manipulation and Detection of a Trapped Yb+ Ion Hyperfine Qubit

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    We demonstrate the use of trapped ytterbium ions as quantum bits for quantum information processing. We implement fast, efficient state preparation and state detection of the first-order magnetic field-insensitive hyperfine levels of 171Yb+, with a measured coherence time of 2.5 seconds. The high efficiency and high fidelity of these operations is accomplished through the stabilization and frequency modulation of relevant laser sources.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    General limit to non-destructive optical detection of atoms

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    We demonstrate that there is a fundamental limit to the sensitivity of phase-based detection of atoms with light for a given maximum level of allowable spontaneous emission. This is a generalisation of previous results for two-level and three-level atoms. The limit is due to an upper bound on the phase shift that can be imparted on a laser beam for a given excited state population. Specifially, we show that no single-pass optical technique using classical light, based on any number of lasers or coherences between any number of levels, can exceed the limit imposed by the two-level atom. This puts significant restrictions on potential non-destructive optical measurement schemes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Bell inequality violation with two remote atomic qubits

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    We observe violation of a Bell inequality between the quantum states of two remote Yb ions separated by a distance of about one meter with the detection loophole closed. The heralded entanglement of two ions is established via interference and joint detection of two emitted photons, whose polarization is entangled with each ion. The entanglement of remote qubits is also characterized by full quantum state tomography.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Single-atom trajectories in higher-order transverse modes of a high-finesse optical cavity

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    Transits of single atoms through higher-order Hermite-Gaussian transverse modes of a high-finesse optical cavity are observed. Compared to the fundamental Gaussian mode, the use of higher-order modes increases the information on the atomic position. The experiment is a first experimental step towards the realisation of an atomic kaleidoscope.Comment: 6 pages, d figure

    Momentum diffusion for coupled atom-cavity oscillators

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    It is shown that the momentum diffusion of free-space laser cooling has a natural correspondence in optical cavities when the internal state of the atom is treated as a harmonic oscillator. We derive a general expression for the momentum diffusion which is valid for most configurations of interest: The atom or the cavity or both can be probed by lasers, with or without the presence of traps inducing local atomic frequency shifts. It is shown that, albeit the (possibly strong) coupling between atom and cavity, it is sufficient for deriving the momentum diffusion to consider that the atom couples to a mean cavity field, which gives a first contribution, and that the cavity mode couples to a mean atomic dipole, giving a second contribution. Both contributions have an intuitive form and present a clear symmetry. The total diffusion is the sum of these two contributions plus the diffusion originating from the fluctuations of the forces due to the coupling to the vacuum modes other than the cavity mode (the so called spontaneous emission term). Examples are given that help to evaluate the heating rates induced by an optical cavity for experiments operating at low atomic saturation. We also point out intriguing situations where the atom is heated although it cannot scatter light.Comment: More information adde

    Distributed Quantum Computation Based-on Small Quantum Registers

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    We describe and analyze an efficient register-based hybrid quantum computation scheme. Our scheme is based on probabilistic, heralded optical connection among local five-qubit quantum registers. We assume high fidelity local unitary operations within each register, but the error probability for initialization, measurement, and entanglement generation can be very high (~5%). We demonstrate that with a reasonable time overhead our scheme can achieve deterministic non-local coupling gates between arbitrary two registers with very high fidelity, limited only by the imperfections from the local unitary operation. We estimate the clock cycle and the effective error probability for implementation of quantum registers with ion-traps or nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. Our new scheme capitalizes on a new efficient two-level pumping scheme that in principle can create Bell pairs with arbitrarily high fidelity. We introduce a Markov chain model to study the stochastic process of entanglement pumping and map it to a deterministic process. Finally we discuss requirements for achieving fault-tolerant operation with our register-based hybrid scheme, and also present an alternative approach to fault-tolerant preparation of GHZ states.Comment: 22 Pages, 23 Figures and 1 Table (updated references
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