2,337 research outputs found

    The long-term agronomic performance of organic stockless rotations

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    This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Two long-term experiments were established with the aim of evaluating the agronomic and economic performance of organic stockless rotations. In total, four different rotations were evaluated at two sites in the south (Elm Farm Research Centre) and east (ADAS Terrington) of England. All of the rotations included either a one or two-year red clover green manure crop to provide nitrogen for subsequent crops and it was found that this was sufficient to support three or four years of arable cropping. Over a period of eleven years at EFRC and five years at ADAS Terrington, there was no evidence of a decline in crop yield, although there were significant year-to-year variations. Crop yields were generally equivalent to or greater than average organic yields. Levels of soil available P and K was maintained at both sites at non-limiting levels. Pest and diseases were not problematic, but perennial weeds posed the most significant problem

    Cooperation, Trust and Social Capital in Southeast Asian Urban Slums

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    We conduct experiments in urban slums to measure trust and cooperation and to see how behavior varies with demographic factors and associational measures of social capital. Overall, we find high contribution rates among Thai and Vietnamese participants in a voluntary contribution game, and we see that many participants are willing to signal their disapproval of free riding despite it being costly to do so. At the individual level, we find that behavior varies with many demographic factors and with many associational factors. However, these correlations often differ significantly between our two locations, indicating the role of culture, defined broadly.Cooperation, trust, social disapproval, Thailand, Vietnam

    An automated tool for the design and assessment of space systems

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    Space systems can be characterized as both large and complex but they often rely on reusable subcomponents. One problem in the design of such systems is the representation and validation of the system, particularly at the higher levels of management. An automated tool is described for the representation, refinement, and validation of such complex systems based on a formal design theory, the Theory of Plausible Design. In particular, the steps necessary to automate the tool and make it a competent, usable assistant, are described

    The Impact of Base Stacking on the Conformations and Electrostatics of Single-Stranded DNA

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    Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is notable for its interactions with ssDNA binding proteins (SSBs) during fundamentally important biological processes including DNA repair and replication. Previous work has begun to characterize the conformational and electrostatic properties of ssDNA in association with SSBs. However, the conformational distributions of free ssDNA have been difficult to determine. To capture the vast array of ssDNA conformations in solution, we pair small angle X-ray scattering with novel ensemble fitting methods, obtaining key parameters such as the size, shape and stacking character of strands with different sequences. Complementary ion counting measurements using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy are employed to determine the composition of the ion atmosphere at physiological ionic strength. Applying this combined approach to poly dA and poly dT, we find that the global properties of these sequences are very similar, despite having vastly different propensities for single-stranded helical stacking. These results suggest that a relatively simple mechanism for the binding of ssDNA to non-specific SSBs may be at play, which explains the disparity in binding affinities observed for these systems

    The Breakdown of Kinetic Theory in Granular Shear Flows

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    We examine two basic assumptions of kinetic theory-- binary collisions and molecular chaos-- using numerical simulations of sheared granular materials. We investigate a wide range of densities and restitution coefficients and demonstrate that kinetic theory breaks down at large density and small restitution coefficients. In the regimes where kinetic theory fails, there is an associated emergence of clusters of spatially correlated grains

    Glass Ceiling Commission - The Impact of the Glass Ceiling and Structural Change on Minorities and Women

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    Glass Ceiling ReportGlassCeilingBackground12StructuralChange.pdf: 9391 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Long Range Correlation in Granular Shear Flow II: Theoretical Implications

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    Numerical simulations are used to test the kinetic theory constitutive relations of inertial granular shear flow. These predictions are shown to be accurate in the dilute regime, where only binary collisions are relevant, but underestimate the measured value in the dense regime, where force networks of size ξ\xi are present. The discrepancy in the dense regime is due to non-collisional forces that we measure directly in our simulations and arise from elastic deformations of the force networks. We model the non-collisional stress by summing over all paths that elastic waves travel through force networks. This results in an analytical theory that successfully predicts the stress tensor over the entire inertial regime without any adjustable parameters

    Food Economics: Unit Pricing, Open Dating, Item Pricing

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    Responses to 97 Food Marketing Questions Raised by Homemakers!

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    Transplanted neurons form both normal and ectopic projections in the adult brain

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    Transplantation of embryonic or stem cell derived neurons has been proposed as a potential therapy for several neurological diseases. Previous studies reported that transplanted embryonic neurons extended long‐distance projections through the adult brain exclusively to appropriate targets. We transplanted E14 lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) and E15 cortical precursors from embryonic mice into the intact adult brain and analyzed the projections formed by transplanted neurons. In contrast to previous studies, we found that transplanted embryonic neurons formed distinct long‐distance projections to both appropriate and ectopic targets. LGE neurons transplanted into the adult striatum formed projections not only to the substantia nigra, a normal target, but also to the claustrum and through all layers of fronto‐orbital cortex, regions that do not normally receive striatal input. In some cases, inappropriate projections outnumbered appropriate projections. To examine the relationship between the donor cells and host brain in establishing the pattern of projections, we transplanted cortical precursors into the adult striatum. Despite their heterotopic location, cortical precursors not only predominantly formed projections appropriate for cortical neurons, but they also formed projections to inappropriate targets. Transplantation of GFP‐expressing cells into β‐galactosidase‐expressing mice confirmed that the axonal projections were not created by the fusion of donor and host cells. These results suggest that repairing the brain using transplantation may be more complicated than previously expected, because exuberant ectopic projections could result in brain dysfunction. Understanding the signals regulating axonal extension in the adult brain will be necessary to harness stem cells or embryonic neurons for effective neuronal‐replacement therapies