7,528 research outputs found

    Born-Infeld magnetars: larger than classical toroidal magnetic fields and implications for gravitational-wave astronomy

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    Magnetars are neutron stars presenting bursts and outbursts of X- and soft-gamma rays that can be understood with the presence of very large magnetic fields. Thus, nonlinear electrodynamics should be taken into account for a more accurate description of such compact systems. We study that in the context of ideal magnetohydrodynamics and make a realization of our analysis to the case of the well-known Born-Infeld (BI) electromagnetism in order to come up with some of its astrophysical consequences. We focus here on toroidal magnetic fields as motivated by already known magnetars with low dipolar magnetic fields and their expected relevance in highly magnetized stars. We show that BI electrodynamics leads to larger toroidal magnetic fields when compared to Maxwell's electrodynamics. Hence, one should expect higher production of gravitational waves (GWs) and even more energetic giant flares from nonlinear stars. Given current constraints on BI's scale field, giant flare energetics and magnetic fields in magnetars, we also find that the maximum magnitude of magnetar ellipticities should be 10610510^{-6}-10^{-5}. Besides, BI electrodynamics may lead to a maximum increase of order 10%20%10\%-20\% of the GW energy radiated from a magnetar when compared to Maxwell's, while much larger percentages may arise for other physically motivated scenarios. Thus, nonlinear theories of the electromagnetism might also be probed in the near future with the improvement of GW detectors.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal C (EPJC

    Influence of temperature and storage time on anthocyanin stability of grape juice treated by hot filling.

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the storage temperatures on anthocyanins content of grape juices bottled hot, simulating inadequate cooling and storage conditions

    Quercetin synergistically induces sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil through p53 modulation in colorectal cancer cells

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    Colorectal tumors (CRC) with microsatellite instability (MSI) show resistance to chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the most widely used pharmacological drug for CRC treatment. The aims of this study were to identify compounds that increase sensitivity of MSI CRC cells to 5-FU and characterize their dependence on the p53 status of the cells. Two MSI human CRC derived cell lines were used: CO115 wildtype for p53 and HCT15 that harbors a p53 mutation. The sensitivity of these cells to 5-FU was evaluated by TUNEL assay and the effects on apoptosis induction of co-incubation of the flavonoids, quercetin (Q) or luteolin (L), with 5-FU were characterized. The mechanisms of apoptosis induction were assessed by western blot and p53 mediated effects confirmed by small interference RNA (siRNA) in CO115 and in HCT116 wt and p53 knockout cells. Our results demonstrate that CO115 is more sensitive to 5-FU than the p53 mutated HCT15. Additive effects on apoptosis were shown for L (in both cell lines) and Q (in HCT15). In CO115 Q synergistically induced apoptosis with 5-FU. Apoptosis induction was caspase dependent in CO115 cells but not in HCT15 cells. Both flavonoids increased p53 expression in both cell lines, an effect particularly remarkable for Q. The synergistic effect of Q and 5-FU in CO115 involved the activation of the mitochondrial pathway with an increase in the expression of cleaved caspase 9 and 3 and PARP, as well as a decrease in Bcl-2 expression. Importantly, knockdown of p53 by siRNA in CO115 cells and p53 knockout in HCT116 cells totally abrogated apoptosis induction, demonstrating the dependence on p53 modulation of apoptosis induction by Q. This study suggests the potential applicability of these phytochemicals for enhancement 5-FU efficiency in CRC therapy, especially Q in p53 wild-type tumors.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Chemical Potential and the Nature of the Dark Energy: The case of phantom

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    The influence of a possible non zero chemical potential μ\mu on the nature of dark energy is investigated by assuming that the dark energy is a relativistic perfect simple fluid obeying the equation of state (EoS), p=ωρp=\omega \rho (ω<0,constant\omega <0, constant). The entropy condition, S0S \geq 0, implies that the possible values of ω\omega are heavily dependent on the magnitude, as well as on the sign of the chemical potential. For μ>0\mu >0, the ω\omega-parameter must be greater than -1 (vacuum is forbidden) while for μ<0\mu < 0 not only the vacuum but even a phantomlike behavior (ω<1\omega <-1) is allowed. In any case, the ratio between the chemical potential and temperature remains constant, that is, μ/T=μ0/T0\mu/T=\mu_0/T_0. Assuming that the dark energy constituents have either a bosonic or fermionic nature, the general form of the spectrum is also proposed. For bosons μ\mu is always negative and the extended Wien's law allows only a dark component with ω<1/2\omega < -1/2 which includes vacuum and the phantomlike cases. The same happens in the fermionic branch for μ0\mu 0 are permmited only if 1<ω<1/2-1 < \omega < -1/2. The thermodynamics and statistical arguments constrain the EoS parameter to be ω<1/2\omega < -1/2, a result surprisingly close to the maximal value required to accelerate a FRW type universe dominated by matter and dark energy (ω10/21\omega \lesssim -10/21).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure


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    A alergia as proteínas do leite de vaca (APLV) constituiu a alergia alimentar mais frequente em crianças com idade inferior a tres anos, podendo as suas manifestações gastrointestinais ocorrer em qualquer idade. Na suspeita clínica de APLV baseada na anamnese e exame físico, deve instituir-se dieta de eliminação durante um período variável consoante o quadro clínico, seguida de uma prova de provocação oral (PPO) que ira confirmar ou excluir o diagnostico. Exames complementares como testes cutâneos e IgEs séricas especificas poderão ser necessários. O tratamento baseia-se na dieta de eliminação e pressupõe aconselhamento nutricional e vigilância do crescimento. Habitualmente repete-se a PPO após tres a 12 meses de dieta de eliminação, verificando-se aquisição de tolerância em mais de 80% das crianças aos três anos de idade. O objetivo deste artigo e fazer uma breve revisão e atualizacao sobre as manifestações gastrointestinais da APLV em idade pediátrica, apresentando uma proposta de abordagem fundamentada em recomendações internacionais recentes.Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is the leading cause of food allergy in children under three years of age, although its gastrointestinal manifestations may occur in all age groups. In the suspicion of CMPA based on the anamnesis and physical examination, an elimination diet should be initiated for a variable length of time according to the clinical picture, followed by an oral food challenge (OFC) confirming or excluding the diagnosis. Complementary exams such as skin prick tests and specific IgE may be necessary. Treatment is based on an elimination diet and demands nutritional counselling and growth monitoring. Usually an OFC is repeated after three to 12 months of elimination diet. Tolerance is achieved at three years of age in more than 80% of the children. The aim of this work is to make a brief review and update on CMPA in pediatric age, proposing a management approach based on recent international recommendations

    Benefits of condylar distraction in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction

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    Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century. 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: two different neonatal manifestations of the same disease

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    Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is a rare disorder in which maternal alloantibodies cross the placenta and cause fetal thrombocytopenia. Most cases are mild but can be potentially fatal if there is an intracranial haemorrhage. Usually, the mother is asymptomatic during pregnancy and no screening is routinely recommended unless there is obstetric or family history. After birth, prompt identification is crucial so that the newborn is closely monitored and treatment is given, if needed, to prevent serious complications. In this article we present two clinical cases of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia in first-born children, after uneventful pregnancies, with different outcomes and discuss the obstetric management and follow-up in future pregnancies

    Histomorphometry of encephalic meninges of Wistar rats in different bands

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    O desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso é bastante complexo, existindo poucos estudos sobre a organização dos envoltórios cerebrais relacionados ao crescimento encefálico. Utilizando como modelo experimental o rato, analisaram-se os diferentes aspectos estruturais e morfométricos da paquimeninge e leptomeninge durante o processo de envelhecimento. Foram utilizados quatro grupos de ratos em diferentes faixas etárias e analisadas as meninges em microscopias de luz e eletrônica. Verificamos que o grupo de ratos adultos apresentou uma maior área de fibras colágenas tanto do tipo I e quanto do tipo III, em relação aos outros grupos. Encontramos também que as fibras colágenas do tipo III em todos os grupos analisados ocupam uma maior área quando comparados com as fibras do tipo I. Os resultados revelam que a coloração de Weigert Oxona, que mostra fibras elásticas, elaunínicas e oxitalânicas, apresentou uma diferença estatisticamente maior de fibras quando comparados com as colorações de Weigert e Verhoeff, que mostra fíbras elaunínicas e elásticas, respectivamente. Os resultados ultra-estruturais demonstraram a presença de muitos fibroblastos e mitocôndrias tanto na paquimeninge como nas leptomeninges dos grupos de ratos neonatos e adultos, indicativo de alta atividade celular e conseqüentemente, intensa formação de tecido conjuntivo. Como as fibras colágenas do tipo III atuam na manutenção da estrutura de tecidos delicados e expansíveis, o estudo mostra que as funções das meninges encefálicas não estão relacionadas apenas com a resistência a trações e tensões a que estão sujeitas o encéfalo. Mas também a função relacionada com a distensibilidade dos vasos meníngeos e cerebrais de acordo com a necessidade do aporte sanguíneo em diversas funções específicas regionais do tecido nervoso.The development of the nervous system is very complex and there are few studies about the organization of the brain envoltories related to the encephalus growing. Using the rat as an animal model, it was proposed to evaluate the several structural aspects of paquimeninge and leptomeninge in different ages. It was used 4 groups of different ages and processed according to the techniques of the light and transmission microscopy. It was verified that the adult rats present a higher area of collagen fibers of type I and III, if compared to the others groups. It was found that, the collagen fibers of type III occupy, in all analyzed groups, a higher area when compared to type I fibers. The results reveal that the Weigert Oxona's staining, which shows elastics, elauninics, and oxitalanics fibers, showed a statistically difference when compared to the Weigert's staining and Verhoeff's staining that show elauninics and elastics fibers, respectively. The ultra-structural aspects demonstrated the presence of many fibroblasts and mitochondria in the paquimeninge and also in the leptomeninges of the neonats and adults groups, indicating the high cellular activity and consequently, an intense formation of conjunctive tissue. As collagen fibers of type III acting on the structural maintenance of delicate and expansive tissues, the study shows that the function of the encephalic meninges are not only related to the to resistance to tractions and tensions that the encephalus is subjected. But also the function related to the distensibility of the meningeos and brain vases according to the sanguineous apport in several specific functions of the nervous system