1,286 research outputs found

    Serre Theorem for involutory Hopf algebras

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    We call a monoidal category C{\mathcal C} a Serre category if for any CC, DCD \in {\mathcal C} such that C\ot D is semisimple, CC and DD are semisimple objects in C{\mathcal C}. Let HH be an involutory Hopf algebra, MM, NN two HH-(co)modules such that MNM \otimes N is (co)semisimple as a HH-(co)module. If NN (resp. MM) is a finitely generated projective kk-module with invertible Hattory-Stallings rank in kk then MM (resp. NN) is (co)semisimple as a HH-(co)module. In particular, the full subcategory of all finite dimensional modules, comodules or Yetter-Drinfel'd modules over HH the dimension of which is invertible in kk are Serre categories.Comment: a new version: 8 page

    Thin-film chemical sensors based on electron tunneling

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    The physical mechanisms underlying a novel chemical sensor based on electron tunneling in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) tunnel junctions were studied. Chemical sensors based on electron tunneling were shown to be sensitive to a variety of substances that include iodine, mercury, bismuth, ethylenedibromide, and ethylenedichloride. A sensitivity of 13 parts per billion of iodine dissolved in hexane was demonstrated. The physical mechanisms involved in the chemical sensitivity of these devices were determined to be the chemical alteration of the surface electronic structure of the top metal electrode in the MIM structure. In addition, electroreflectance spectroscopy (ERS) was studied as a complementary surface-sensitive technique. ERS was shown to be sensitive to both iodine and mercury. Electrolyte electroreflectance and solid-state MIM electroreflectance revealed qualitatively the same chemical response. A modified thin-film structure was also studied in which a chemically active layer was introduced at the top Metal-Insulator interface of the MIM devices. Cobalt phthalocyanine was used for the chemically active layer in this study. Devices modified in this way were shown to be sensitive to iodine and nitrogen dioxide. The chemical sensitivity of the modified structure was due to conductance changes in the active layer

    Thin film memory matrix using amorphous and high resistive layers

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    Memory cells in a matrix are provided by a thin film of amorphous semiconductor material overlayed by a thin film of resistive material. An array of parallel conductors on one side perpendicular to an array of parallel conductors on the other side enable the amorphous semiconductor material to be switched in addressed areas to be switched from a high resistance state to a low resistance state with a predetermined level of electrical energy applied through selected conductors, and thereafter to be read out with a lower level of electrical energy. Each cell may be fabricated in the channel of an MIS field-effect transistor with a separate common gate over each section to enable the memory matrix to be selectively blanked in sections during storing or reading out of data. This allows for time sharing of addressing circuitry for storing and reading out data in a synaptic network, which may be under control of a microprocessor

    Comparison maps for relatively free resolutions

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    Let Λ be a commutative ring, A an augmented differential graded algebra over Λ (briefly, DGA-algebra) and X be a relatively free resolution of Λ over A. The standard bar resolution of Λ over A, denoted by B(A), provides an example of a resolution of this kind. The comparison theorem gives inductive formulae f : B(A)→X and g : X→B(A) termed comparison maps. In case that fg=1 X and A is connected, we show that X is endowed a A  ∞ -tensor product structure. In case that A is in addition commutative then (X,μ X ) is shown to be a commutative DGA-algebra with the product μ X =f*(g⊗g) (* is the shuffle product in B(A)). Furthermore, f and g are algebra maps. We give an example in order to illustrate the main results of this paper

    Memory switches based on metal oxide thin films

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    MnO.sub.2-x thin films (12) exhibit irreversible memory switching (28) with an OFF/ON resistance ratio of at least about 10.sup.3 and the tailorability of ON state (20) resistance. Such films are potentially extremely useful as a connection element in a variety of microelectronic circuits and arrays (24). Such films provide a pre-tailored, finite, non-volatile resistive element at a desired place in an electric circuit, which can be electrically turned OFF (22) or disconnected as desired, by application of an electrical pulse. Microswitch structures (10) constitute the thin film element, contacted by a pair of separate electrodes (16a, 16b) and have a finite, pre-selected ON resistance which is ideally suited, for example, as a programmable binary synaptic connection for electronic implementation of neural network architectures. The MnO.sub.2-x microswitch is non-volatile, patternable, insensitive to ultraviolet light, and adherent to a variety of insulating substrates (14), such as glass and silicon dioxide-coated silicon substrates

    Nematodes and Fungi Are Cutting Hay Yields

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    Because of parasitic nematodes and fungi many Iowa farmers are not getting nearly the quantity of hay that alfalfa is capable of producing. Hay losses from these pests and diseases cost several million dollars annually

    Initial Results from a Stacked Ring Apparatus for Simulation of a Soil Profile

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    A stack of 48 rings, lined with a latex membrane, is used to confine a column of soil 12 inches high by 12 inches in diameter (300 mm x 300 mm). Both dry and saturated columns of fine sand are shaken at their base, at a centrifugal acceleration of 35.5 g. Measurements of the settlement of the surface, horizontal displacement and pore pressures show that the columns of soil are behaving essentially (although not exactly) as one-dimensional shear beams

    Hybrid analog-digital associative neural network

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    Random access memory is used to store synaptic information in the form of a matrix of rows and columns of binary digits. N rows read in sequence are processed through switches and resistors, and a summing amplifier to N neural amplifiers in sequence, one row for each amplifier, using a first array of sample-and-hold devices S/H1 for commutation. The outputs of the neural amplifiers are stored in a second array of sample-and-hold devices S/H2 so that after N rows are processed, all of said second array of sample-and-hold devices are updated. A second memory may be added for binary values of 0 and -1, and processed simultaneously with the first to provide for values of 1, 0, and -1, the results of which are combined in a difference amplifier

    High density associative memory

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    A multi-layered, thin-film, digital memory having associative recall. There is a first memory matrix and a second memory matrix. Each memory matrix comprises, a first layer comprising a plurality of electrically separated row conductors; a second layer comprising a plurality of electrically separated column conductors intersecting but electrically separated from the row conductors; and, a plurality of resistance elements electrically connected between the row condutors and the column conductors at respective intersections of the row conductors and the column conductors, each resistance element comprising, in series, a first resistor of sufficiently high ohmage to conduct a sensible element current therethrough with virtually no heat-generating power consumption when a low voltage as employed in thin-film applications is applied thereacross and a second resistor of sufficiently high ohmage to conduct no sensible current therethrough when a low voltage as employed in thin-film applications is applied thereacross, the second resistor having the quality of breaking down to create a short therethrough upon the application of a breakdown level voltage across the first and second resistors