428 research outputs found

    Detailed motility evaluation of boar semen and its predictive value for reproductive performance in sows

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    Reliable estimates of boar fertility potential from semen evaluation could be a valuable tool for boar selection. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology and the detailed motility parameters of diluted boar semen and to relate these to their predictive value concerning conception and farrowing rate, litter size and the number of live born piglets. In addition, the optimal time for evaluation of the motility of preserved semen with respect to its predictive effect on fertility was determined. One hundred ejaculates from 38 boars were evaluated morphologically by eosin-nigrosin staining and different motility characteristics were assessed using Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). The motility was determined at 15, 45 and 120 minutes after incubation at 37 degrees C. The conception rate, farrowing rate, litter size and number of live born piglets were registered from 276 sows inseminated with these ejaculates. Different regression models were used to evaluate the predictive value of the semen characteristics on these fertility parameters, taking into account the effect of herd, parity and weaning to estrus interval. The motility characteristics of the spermatozoa varied significantly during the 15 to 120 minutes of incubation. The longer the incubation time, the more the velocity parameters along the actual cell path decreased, while the parameters of straightforward movement increased. The predictive value of individual semen parameters on conception and farrowing rate was very small. The predictive value of certain associations of different semen parameters, on the other hand, was significant. The percentage of motile spermatozoa had a significant (P<0.05) and positive effect on the total number of piglets born (litter size) and on the number of live born piglets, independent of the time of measurement (X-2 0.38-1.00 and 0.41-1.00, respectively). Accurate evaluation of the motility of a semen dose is therefore imperative for estimating its predictive value relating to fertility. In conclusion, since the time of evaluation after warming the samples significantly influences the motility parameters, CASA measurement should be done when the cells are completely acclimatized to 37 degrees C. On the basis of the available data, a 45 min incubation period appeared to be sufficient. The percentage of motile spermatozoa, as assessed by CASA on diluted semen, offers detailed predictive information regarding litter size, irrespective of the time of measurement

    Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy versus laparoscopic total hysterectomy: a decade of experience

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    At present, there are only few data on the surgical outcomes of laparoscopic hysterectomy (LH). Up till now, it has been unclear whether there is a difference in number of complications among the subcategories of laparoscopic total hysterectomy and laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy (LSH). Therefore, we have performed a retrospective analysis to evaluate the peri- and postoperative outcomes in women undergoing LSH versus LH. This multi-centre retrospective cohort study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2) was conducted in multi-centres (two teaching hospitals and one university medical centre) in the Netherlands, all experienced in minimally invasive gynaecology. In a multi-centre retrospective cohort study we compared the long-term outcomes of laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy and laparoscopic total hysterectomy (including laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy and total laparoscopic hysterectomy). All laparoscopic hysterectomies from the last 10 years (January 1998 till December 2007) were included. Patient characteristics, intra- and postoperative complications, operating time and duration of hospital stay were recorded. The minimum follow-up was 6 months. A total of 390 cases of laparoscopic hysterectomies were included in the analysis: 192 laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomies and 198 laparoscopic total hysterectomies. Patient characteristics such as age and parity were equal in the groups. The overall number of short-term and long-term complications was comparable in both groups: 17% and 15%. Short-term complications (bleeding, fever) were 3% in the LSH group and 12% in the LH group. Long-term complications were (tubal prolapse and cervical stump reoperations) 15% in the LSH group and 3% in the LH group. Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy as compared with the different types of laparoscopic total hysterectomy is associated with more long-term postoperative complications, whereas laparoscopic total hysterectomy is associated with more short-term complications

    Procalcitonin as a potent marker of bacterial infection in febrile Afro-Caribbean patients at the emergency department

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    Procalcitonin (PCT) has been shown to be of additional value in the work-up of a febrile patient. This study is the first to investigate the additional value of PCT in an Afro-Caribbean febrile population at the emergency department (ED) of a general hospital. Febrile patients were included at the ED. Prospective, blinded PCT measurements were performed in patients with a microbiologically or serologically confirmed diagnosis or a strongly suspected diagnosis on clinical grounds. PCT analysis was performed in 93 patients. PCT levels differentiated well between confirmed bacterial and confirmed viral infection (area under the curve [AUC] of 0.82, sensitivity 85%, specificity 69%, cut-off 0.24 ng/mL), between confirmed bacterial infection and non-infectious fever (AUC of 0.84, sensitivity 90%, specificity 71%, cut-off 0.21 ng/mL) and between all bacterial infections (confirmed and suspected) and non-infectious fever (AUC of 0.80, sensitivity 85%, specificity 71%, cut-off 0.21 ng/mL). C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were shown to be less accurate when comparing the same groups. This is the first study showing that, in a non-Caucasian febrile population at the ED, PCT is a more valuable marker of bacterial infection than CRP. These results may improve diagnostics and eventually decrease antibiotic prescriptions in resource-limited settings

    Thixotropy in macroscopic suspensions of spheres

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    An experimental study of the viscosity of a macroscopic suspension, i.e. a suspension for which Brownian motion can be neglected, under steady shear is presented. The suspension is prepared with a high packing fraction and is density-matched in a Newtonian carrier fluid. The viscosity of the suspension depends on the shear rate and the time of shearing. It is shown for the first time that a macroscopic suspension shows thixotropic viscosity, i.e. shear-thinning with a long relaxation time as a unique function of shear. The relaxation times show a systematic decrease with increasing shear rate. These relaxation times are larger when decreasing the shear rates, compared to those observed after increasing the shear. The time scales involved are about 10000 times larger than the viscous time scale and about 1000 times smaller than the thermodynamic time scale. The structure of the suspension at the outer cylinder of a viscometer is monitored with a camera, showing the formation of a hexagonal structure. The temporal decrease of the viscosity under shear coincides with the formation of this hexagonal pattern

    Towards OPtimal TIming and Method for promoting sUstained adherence to lifestyle and body weight recommendations in postMenopausal breast cancer survivors (the OPTIMUM-study):protocol for a longitudinal mixed-method study

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of postmenopausal breast cancer (PMBC) survivors do not adhere to lifestyle recommendations and have excess body weight. In this group, this is associated with poorer health-related quality of life and an increased risk of type II diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, second primary cancers, cancer recurrences, and mortality. Gaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body composition is therefore important. It is unknown when and how sustained adherence to these recommendations can be promoted optimally in PMBC survivors. Therefore, the OPTIMUM study aims to identify the optimal timing and method for promoting sustained adherence to lifestyle and body weight recommendations in PMBC survivors. METHODS: The OPTIMUM-study has a mixed-methods design. To assess optimal timing, a longitudinal observational study will be conducted among approximately 1000 PMBC survivors. The primary outcomes are adherence to lifestyle and body weight recommendations, readiness for change, and need for support. Questionnaires will be administered at 4–6 months after cancer diagnosis (wave 1: during treatment and retrospectively before diagnosis), 1 year after diagnosis (wave 2: after completion of initial treatment), and 1.5 years after diagnosis (wave 3: during follow-up). Wave 2 and 3 include blood sampling, and either wearing an accelerometer for 7 days or completing a 3-day online food diary (randomly assigned at hospital level). To assess the optimal method, behavioural determinants of the primary outcomes will be matched with Behavior Change Techniques using the Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy. Qualitative research methods will be used to explore perceptions, needs and preferences of PMBC survivors (semi-structured interviews, focus groups) and health care providers (Delphi study). Topics include perceptions on optimal timing to promote adherence; facilitators and motivators of, and barriers towards (sustained) adherence to recommendations; and acceptability of the selected methods. DISCUSSION: The OPTIMUM study aims to gain scientific knowledge on when and how to promote sustained adherence to lifestyle and body weight recommendations among PBMC survivors. This knowledge can be incorporated into guidelines for tailored promotion in clinical practice to improve health outcomes

    The interlayer cohesive energy of graphite from thermal desorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons

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    We have studied the interaction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with the basal plane of graphite using thermal desorption spectroscopy. Desorption kinetics of benzene, naphthalene, coronene and ovalene at sub-monolayer coverages yield activation energies of 0.50 eV, 0.85 eV, 1.40 eV and 2.1 eV, respectively. Benzene and naphthalene follow simple first order desorption kinetics while coronene and ovalene exhibit fractional order kinetics owing to the stability of 2-D adsorbate islands up to the desorption temperature. Pre-exponential frequency factors are found to be in the range 101410^{14}-1021s110^{21} s^{-1} as obtained from both Falconer--Madix (isothermal desorption) analysis and Antoine's fit to vapour pressure data. The resulting binding energy per carbon atom of the PAH is 52±52\pm5 meV and can be identified with the interlayer cohesive energy of graphite. The resulting cleavage energy of graphite is 61±561\pm5~meV/atom which is considerably larger than previously reported experimental values.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 table