65 research outputs found

    Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen: Eine (erneute) Bestandsaufnahme

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    Das Personalmanagement befindet sich im Umbruch, da immer mehr Unternehmen dazu übergehen, ihre Personalfunktionen an professionelle Dienstleister auszulagern. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht auf Basis einer durchgeführten schriftlichen Befragung von 45 deutschen Unternehmen deren Outsourcingverhalten hinsichtlich ihrer Personalfunktionen. Im Ergebnis wird gezeigt, dass bereits eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen einzelne Personalfunktionen auslagern und die Unternehmen zum großen Teil auch bereit sind, über die bisher ausgelagerten Bereiche hinauszugehen und noch weitere Personalfunktionen auszulagern. Im Vergleich zu anderen Studien ist auffällig, dass Unternehmen sich von einer reinen (transaktions-)kostentheoretischen Betrachtung der Outsourcingentscheidung lösen und verstärkt ressourcenorientierte Überlegungen in ihr Kalkül einbeziehen. Daher werden in diesem Beitrag sowohl Transaktionskostentheorie als auch Ressourcenansatz als theoretisches Fundament zugrunde gelegt.Based on a survey among 45 leading German companies, this paper analyses their outsourcing activities in the human resources management function. This paper reports that a lot of HR activities have already been outsourced and that companies are willing to extend outsourcing to further HR activities. This study shows that companies do not rely only on transaction cost theory, but increasingly also on resource-based analyses to make their outsourcing decisions

    Antitrust in Two-Sided Markets: Is Competition Always Desirable?

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    The main objective of antitrust interventions is to assure competition in markets to benefit consumers. This paper challenges this common approach by examining the case of a satellite broadcasting network with monopoly power. First, satellite TV is identified as a two-sided market. It is then analyzed in the framework of the canonical model for two-sided markets developed by Rochet & Tirole (2004). The main finding is that the satellite network maximizes his profits by choosing a price formation which maximizes the overall welfare of all market participants. Even if the satellite network uses his monopoly power to introduce a fee to receive satellite TV, it would do so only until the semi-elasticity of the amount of consumers in regard to the per-interaction-price equals the one of the TV stations – exactly the point where welfare is maximized. It is therefore concluded that antitrust cases have to take a more in-depth look at two-sided markets before deciding that competition is best for consumers

    p53 and TAp63 promote keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation in breeding tubercles of the zebrafish

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    p63 is a multi-isoform member of the p53 family of transcription factors. There is compelling genetic evidence that ΔNp63 isoforms are needed for keratinocyte proliferation and stemness in the developing vertebrate epidermis. However, the role of TAp63 isoforms is not fully understood, and TAp63 knockout mice display normal epidermal development. Here, we show that zebrafish mutants specifically lacking TAp63 isoforms, or p53, display compromised development of breeding tubercles, epidermal appendages which according to our analyses display more advanced stratification and keratinization than regular epidermis, including continuous desquamation and renewal of superficial cells by derivatives of basal keratinocytes. Defects are further enhanced in TAp63/p53 double mutants, pointing to partially redundant roles of the two related factors. Molecular analyses, treatments with chemical inhibitors and epistasis studies further reveal the existence of a linear TAp63/p53->Notch->caspase 3 pathway required both for enhanced proliferation of keratinocytes at the base of the tubercles and their subsequent differentiation in upper layers. Together, these studies identify the zebrafish breeding tubercles as specific epidermal structures sharing crucial features with the cornified mammalian epidermis. In addition, they unravel essential roles of TAp63 and p53 to promote both keratinocyte proliferation and their terminal differentiation by promoting Notch signalling and caspase 3 activity, ensuring formation and proper homeostasis of this self-renewing stratified epithelium

    Resolution 1960-13-18 National Water Pollution Control Program

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    Re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds in adult mammals takes days to complete and relies on numerous signalling cues and multiple overlapping cellular processes that take place both within the epidermis and in other participating tissues. Re-epithelialization of partial- or full-thickness skin wounds of adult zebrafish, however, is extremely rapid and largely independent of the other processes of wound healing. Live imaging after treatment with transgene-encoded or chemical inhibitors reveals that re-epithelializing keratinocytes repopulate wounds by TGF-beta- and integrin-dependent lamellipodial crawling at the leading edges of the epidermal tongue. In addition, re-epithelialization requires long-range epithelial rearrangements, involving radial intercalations, flattening and directed elongation of cells - processes that are dependent on Rho kinase, JNK and, to some extent, planar cell polarity within the epidermis. These rearrangements lead to a massive recruitment of keratinocytes from the adjacent epidermis and make re-epithelialization independent of keratinocyte proliferation and the mitogenic effect of FGF signalling, which are only required after wound closure, allowing the epidermis outside the wound to re-establish its normal thickness. Together, these results demonstrate that the adult zebrafish is a valuable in vivo model for studying and visualizing the processes involved in cutaneous wound closure, facilitating the dissection of direct from indirect and motogenic from mitogenic effects of genes and molecules affecting wound re-epithelialization
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