11 research outputs found
Dried fruit quality judging on different sweet cherry varieties grown in Hungary
The modern consumer's habit needs new material to enrich biological complete human foods. The mueslis contain more and more part of dried fruit. The organic nutrition prefers fruit, grown in that area, where they will be consumed. Therefore we thought on cherries, because earlier, almost all kind of fruit, including cherries, were dried. First of all we collect all sweet cherry varieties grown in Hungary (by the National List), (Harsányi &. Mády, 2005) than they were dried similar way to the dried plum. After a short storage the samples were judged, by different consumers. The aim was to know, which variety gives the best result, i.e. which variety is the most suitable to gather round for dried fruit. At the judging we used the methods, worked out by the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control in Hungary. Our work shows orders, which varieties were the best, from different point of view. (e.g. colour, size; firmness of flesh, flavour, and total score). The best varieties by total score will be shown and characterised shortly (Apostol, 1996; Beschreihende Sortenliste Steinobst 1997; Brózik & Kállay, 2000; Tóth, 1997; Harsányi & Mády, 2005; Horváth, 2004; Tomcsányi, 1979)
Dried fruit quality judging on different sweet cherry varieties grown in Hungary
The modern consumer's habit needs new material to enrich biological complete human foods. The mueslis contain more and more part of dried fruit. The organic nutrition prefers fruit, grown in that area, where they will be consumed. Therefore we thought on cherries, because earlier, almost all kind of fruit, including cherries, were dried. First of all we collect all sweet cherry varieties grown in Hungary (by the National List), (Harsányi &. Mády, 2005) than they were dried similar way to the dried plum. After a short storage the samples were judged, by different consumers. The aim was to know, which variety gives the best result, i.e. which variety is the most suitable to gather round for dried fruit. At the judging we used the methods, worked out by the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control in Hungary. Our work shows orders, which varieties were the best, from different point of view. (e.g. colour, size; firmness of flesh, flavour, and total score). The best varieties by total score will be shown and characterised shortly (Apostol, 1996; Beschreihende Sortenliste Steinobst 1997; Brózik & Kállay, 2000; Tóth, 1997; Harsányi & Mády, 2005; Horváth, 2004; Tomcsányi, 1979)
General esthetic evaluation and connotative meaning in architecture: The use of analogy as a tool
Bu tezde; sembolik estetik üzerinden dış cephe-çağrışımsal anlam ilişkisi irdelenmiş, çağrışımsal anlamın çeşitli kavramlar üzerinden sorgulanması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, mimarlık öğrencileri, mimarlar ve mimar olmayanlar arasında görsel imajların yorumlarını incelemektedir. Çalışmanın ana hipotezi; literatürde yer alan mimar mimar olmayan faklılaşmasını kabul etmekle birlikte, görüntü ve anlamın örtüştüğü durumda grupların yorumlarında benzerlikler olacağı yönündedir. Tez çalışması teorik ve deneysel olmak üzere iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde tezin strüktürünü oluşturan sembolik estetiğin bir parçası olan çağrışımsal anlam irdelenmiştir. Bu bölümde iletişim boyutunda mimarlığın anlam iletmede kullandığı dil, göstergebilim (semiology) çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır. Çalışmada daha sonra göstergebilim üzerinden çağrışımsal anlam araştırılmış, tasarımda bir girdi olan çağrışımsal anlamın mimar ve mimar olmayanlar tarafından nasıl algılandığı tartışılmıştır. Buradan yola çıkarak çağrışımsal anlam-analoji ilişkisi kurulmuştur. İkinci bölümde yer alan deneysel çalışma ise teorik çalışmayı desteklemek üzere kurgulanmıştır. Deneysel çalışma kapsamında, öncelikle; mimar ve mimar olmayanlar arasındaki farklılık ve benzerliklerin bulunması için istatiksel analizler yapılarak genel imaj yorumlarına bakılmış ve daha sonra, görüntü ve anlamın örtüştüğü durumdaki yorumlar fiziksel bileşenler-bilişsel kavramlar bazında Lens model yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Deneysel estetik kapsamında gerçekleştirilen bu tez çalışmasında; gruplar arasındaki ayrışmalara rağmen, görüntü ile anlamın örtüştüğü durumda görsel imaj yorumlarında benzerlikler olabileceği bulgusu ortaya konmuştur.In this study, relationship between facade and connotative meaning is analyzed through symbolic esthetics, and it is aimed to question the connotative meaning with respect to several concepts. The study examines the comments on visual images among architects, architecture students and lay people. The main hypothesis, acknowledging the differences between architects and lay people, is in the anticipation of similarities in group comments, specifically in the cases where image and meaning overlap. The study consists of two parts ?theoretical and experimental. The first section deals with connotative meaning, which is a part of the symbolic esthetics that forms the structure of the study. In this section, the architectural language that is used in the transmission of meaning was discussed within the scope of semiology. Later, connotative meaning was studied through semiology, and the perception of connotative meaning among architects and lay people was discussed with respect to its use as a design input. Depending on this, the relationship between connotative meaning and analogy was established. The experimental study, in the second section, was performed to support the theoretical study. In the experimental study, statistical analyses were conducted to find the similarities and differences between architects and lay people while general comments on images were studied; then, the Lens model was used to examine the cases with overlapping images and meanings with respect to physical components and cognitive concepts. The present study, implemented in terms of experimental esthetics, revealed that similar comments are likely to occur in visual images in the cases with overlapping images and meanings
Centralskolan för konstflit - berättelse över skolans verksamhet under dess 72:dra arbetsår 1946-1947
Sisältää tietoja mm. opettajista ja opiskelijoista, lahjoituksista, opiskelijoiden määristä, opetusohjelmasta, valmistuneista opiskelijoista, myönnetyistä avustuksista ja palkinnoista sekä näytteitä oppilastöistä
The Minimum Weight Triangulation Problem With Few Inner Points
We propose to look at the computational complexity of 2-dimensional geometric optimization problems on a finite point set with respect to the number of inner points (that is, points in the interior of the convex hull). As a case study, we consider the minimum weight triangulation problem. Finding a minimum weight triangulation for a set of n points in the plane is not known to be NP-hard nor solvable in polynomial time, but when the points are in convex position, the problem can be solved in O(n ) time by dynamic programming. We extend the dynamic programming approach to the general problem and describe an exact algorithm which runs in O(6 log n) time where n is the total number of input points and k is the number of inner points. If k is taken as a parameter, this is a fixed-parameter algorithm. It also shows that the problem can be solved in polynomial time if k = O(log n). In fact, the algorithm works not only for convex polygons, but also for simple polygons with k interior points
Edge insertion for optimal triangulations
10.1007/BF02573962Discrete & Computational Geometry10147-6