631 research outputs found

    Chandra Detection of X-ray Absorption Associated with a Damped Lyman Alpha System

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    We have observed three quasars, PKS 1127-145, Q 1331+171 and Q0054+144, with the ACIS-S aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory, in order to measure soft X-ray absorption associated with intervening 21-cm and damped Lyα\alpha absorbers. For PKS 1127-145, we detect absorption which, if associated with an intervening z_{abs}=0.312 absorber, implies a metallicity of 23% solar. If the absorption is not at z_{abs}=0.312, then the metallicity is still constrained to be less than 23% solar. The advantage of the X-ray measurement is that the derived metallicity is insensitive to ionization, inclusion of an atom in a molecule, or depletion onto grains. The X-ray absorption is mostly due to oxygen, and is consistent with the oxygen abundance of 30% solar derived from optical nebular emission lines in a foreground galaxy at the redshift of the absorber. For Q1331+171 and Q 0054+144, only upper limits were obtained, although the exposure times were intentionally short, since for these two objects we were interested primarily in measuring flux levels to plan for future observations. The imaging results are presented in a companion paper.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I alter Hippocampal Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Young and Old Rats

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In rats, as in humans, normal aging is characterized by a decline in hippocampal-dependent learning and memory, as well as in glutamatergic function. Both growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels have been reported to decrease with age, and treatment with either GH or IGF-I can ameliorate age-related cognitive decline. Interestingly, acute GH and IGF-I treatments enhance glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the rat hippocampus of juvenile animals. However, whether this enhancement also occurs in old rats, when cognitive impairment is ameliorated by GH and IGF-I (des-IGF-I), remains to be determined. To address this issue, we used an in vitro CA1 hippocampal slice preparation and extracellular recording techniques to study the effects of acute application of GH and IGF-I on compound field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs), as well as AMPA- and NMDA-dependent fEPSPs, in young adult (10 months) and old (28 months) rats. The results indicated that both GH and IGF-I increased compound-, AMPA-and NMDA-dependent fEPSPs to a similar extent in slices from both age groups and that this augmentation was likely mediated via a postsynaptic mechanism. Initial characterization of the signaling cascades underlying these effects revealed that the GH-induced enhancement was not mediated by the JAK2 signaling element in either young adult or old rats but that the IGF-Iinduced enhancement involved a PI3K-mediated mechanism in old, but not young adults. The present findings are consistent with a role for a GH-or IGF-I-induced enhancement of glutamatergic transmission in mitigating age-related cognitive impairment in old rats. © 2012 American Aging Association

    Acute Cardiorespiratory and Kinematic Adjustments upon Early Exposure to Barefoot Running

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    Growth hormone modulates hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission and plasticity in old rats

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Alterations in the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor (AMPA-R) and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) have been documented in aged animals and may contribute to changes in hippocampal-dependent memory. Growth hormone (GH) regulates AMPA-R and NMDA-R-dependent excitatory transmission and decreases with age. Chronic GH treatment mitigates age-related cognitive decline. An in vitro CA1 hippocampal slice preparation was used to compare hippocampal excitatory transmission and plasticity in old animals treated for 6–8 months with either saline or GH. Our findings indicate that GH treatment restores NMDA-Rdependent basal synaptic transmission in old rats to young adult levels and enhances both AMPA-R-dependent basal synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation. These alterations in synaptic function occurred in the absence of changes in presynaptic function, as measured by paired-pulse ratios, the total protein levels of AMPA-R and NMDA-R subunits or in plasma or hippocampal levels of insulin-like growth factor-I. These data suggest a direct role for GH in altering age-related changes in excitatory transmission and provide a possible cellular mechanism through which GH changes the course of cognitive decline. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A Uniform Analysis of the Ly-alpha forest at z = 0 - 5: II. Measuring the mean intensity of the extragalactic ionizing background using the proximity effect

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    A homogeneous sample of 99 moderate resolution QSO spectra at z > 1.7 were presented in Paper I, including 39 previously unpublished spectra from the Multiple Mirror Telescope. The statistics of the Lyman alpha forest were discussed. In this analysis, we demonstrate that a proximity effect is present in the data, ie. there exists a significant (5.5σ\sigma) deficit of lines at zabszemz_{abs} \approx z_{em}. Within 1.5 h1h^{-1} Mpc of the QSO emission redshift, the significance does depend on QSO luminosity, in accordance with the theory that this effect is caused by enhanced ionization of hydrogen in the vicinity of the QSO from UV photons from the QSO itself. The photoionization model of Bajtlik, Duncan, and Ostriker (1988) permits an estimate of the mean intensity of the extragalactic background radiation at the Lyman limit. We compare the results of this standard analysis with those obtained using a maximum likelihood technique. The best fit value for J(ν0)J(\nu_{0}) is 7.04.4+3.4^{+3.4}_{-4.4} x 1022^{-22} ergs/s/cm2^{2}/Hz/sr, over the redshift range 1.7 < z < 3.8, using QSO redshifts based on narrow emission lines. The best fit value for the HI ionization rate is 1.91.0+1.2^{+1.2}_{-1.0} x 1012^{-12} s1^{-1}, in good agreement with models of the background which incorporate QSOs only. This large absorption line sample and these techniques for measuring the background and understanding the systematics involved allow us to place what we believe are are the firmest limits on the background at these redshifts.Comment: revised figures 13 and 14, and other minor corrections, 42 Latex pages, 23 encapsulated Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty, To appear in the Sept. 2000 ApJ