3,888 research outputs found

    Role of Higher Education Institutions in Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development: A case study of Shivaji University, Maharashtra, India.

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    The ever increasing population and changing lifestyles are making the environmental problems more critical. Higher educational institutions can be the best solution to solve this situation. Higher education can play a crucial role in sustainable development of any nation. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the world, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more prevalent. Universities are the apex bodies in higher education system and can provide environmental education through its curricular design, research and collaborative efforts with NGO’s working in those areas. They can provide trained manpower and knowledgeable expertise to solve critical environmental problems. They can also act as a good networking system and data collector. Shivaji University is one of the significant higher education institution located in heart of Western Ghats working with the same goal of environmental sustainability through various activities. The paper examines the efforts taken by higher education in environmental development in the areas of creating healthy environment and conservation of resources. Key words: Role of Higher education, Environmental protection, Universities, sustainable developmen

    Extending Shelf-life of Different Cut-flowers under Cold Room Conditions

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    Uniform and healthy Rose cv. ‘Dutch'; Gerbera cv. ‘Lexington'; Gladiolus cv. ‘Top Secrate'; Tuberose cv. ‘Bizet' and Carnation cv. ‘Liberty' were used for the study in September 2016. Cut flowers were harvested at 7.00 am at proper stage, transported within 1.30 hours by AC car to the Agricultural Research Laboratory of Ecofrost Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune and then immediately prepared for post-harvest treatment and storage. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of different storage conditions, i.e. room and cold storage conditions (10°C + 93 % RH) on the longevity of the cut flowers. The two treatments viz., holding flowers at room temperature (RT) (T1) and at cold room conditions (T2), were replicated twice. The result showed that keeping cut-flowers at cold storage in a holding-solution of tap water recorded the maximum storage-life (days) compared to room conditions

    PC Based Wireless Scrolling Notice Board

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    this technical paper explains how a reliable and an authentic wireless communication could be easily developed between PC and LCD Display using Arduino Kit. This technical paper explains PC based wireless scrolling notice board which can be widely used for multitude of applications including educational sector, traffic control, banks, and public advertisements, stoke exchanges etc. Moreover we can also learn as well as modify some of the common applications of Arduino Kit as per the requirements and needs of the user. Here we will learn the hardware behind the picture. This technical paper plays a vital role in the state-of-the-art scenario where market window is relentlessly shrinking and really need pocket-friendly and authentic products


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    Objective: The objective of the present work was to establish a simple, precise, accurate and robust method for simultaneous estimation of gallic acid, curcumin and piperine from the marketed ayurvedic formulation by liquid chromatography. Methods: The separation was carried out on Hemochrom C18 Column (250 mm × 4.6 mm ID, 5 µm pore size) with a mobile phase methanol: acetonitrile: water (pH 3.2adjusted by using orthophosphate acid) in the ratio 70:20:10v/v by isocratic elution modeat 25 °C and the flow rate was setat0.8 ml/min. The analysis was carried out atisoabsorptive wavelength of 295 nm. Results: The retention time of gallic acid, curcumin and piperine was found to be 3.3(±0.2), 4.7 (±0.2) and 5.6 (±0.2) min, respectively. The linearity range for gallic acid, curcumin and piperine was found to be 10-70 μg/ml, 20-80 µg/ml and 2-14 µg/ml, respectively with the coefficient of linear regression greater than 0.99 for all markers. Mean percent recoveries for gallic acid, curcumin, and piperine were found within the limit of acceptance (99-100%). The percent relative standard deviation (%RSD) for precision and robustness was found less than 2%, which indicates the method is precise and robust. The developed method applied for quantification of these markers from the marketed ayurvedic formulation of Dekofcyn tablet. Conclusion: The developed method was found to be simple, rapid, precise and reproducible for standardization of Dekofcyn tablet and can be useful for other formulations containing these three markers

    Cardiotoxicity of verapamil in renal failure: a case report and review of the literature

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    We present a case of a 76-year-old diabetic patient on verapamil with undiagnosed renal failure presenting with collapse and severe life threatening bradyarrhythmias. She responded well to inotropic support and calcium supplementation

    Isolation, Screening and Characterization of Exopolysaccharide Producing Pseudomonas Sp. from The Soil Sample

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      Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are vital metabolites that specific environmental microorganisms produce and expel. The goal of the current investigation is to identify bacteria that produce exopolysaccharides in soil samples from the Buttenath Dam region, At. Chanai, Tq. Ambajogai, Dist. Beed situated in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, India. Two methods, such as gravimetric analysis of exopolysaccharide dry weight and quantification as, instance, for total carbohydrate content using phenol sulphuric acid technique, were used to screen the EPS-producing capacities of the chosen isolates. Post preliminary screening by selecting thick, ropy-like colony formers on agar medium, the results showed that thirteen (13) distinct colonies were marked to manufacture EPS. Tentative identification of these isolates was done based on morphological and biochemical tests. Three (03) isolates, VJ001, VJ003 and VJ010, were identified through secondary screening as the most effective EPS producers (producing precipitates over 1.46 mg/L of total dry weight and 8). This was in comparison to other bacterial colonies that were also isolated. Out of these screened isolates, VJ003 was the isolate with the highest exopolysaccharide produced and this isolated bacterium was identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence and phylogeny study as Pseudomonas aeruginosa VJ003 with NCBI GeneBank accession no. OR196093. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa VJ003 strain can be used in biotechnological sectors because of the ability it has to create significant levels of exopolysaccharides, according to the results of the current study

    Predicting HR Churn with Python and Machine Learning

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    Employee turnover imposes a substantial financial burden, necessitating proactive retention strategies. The aim is to leverage HR analytics, specifically employing a systematic machine learning approach, to predict the likelihood of active employees leaving the company. Using a systematic approach for supervised classification, the study leverages data on former employees to predict the probability of current employees leaving. Factors such as recruitment costs, sign-on bonuses, and onboarding productivity loss are analysed to explain when and why employees are prone to leave. The project aims to empower companies to take pre-emptive measures for retention. Contributing to HR Analytics, it provides a methodological framework applicable to various machine learning problems, optimizing human resource management, and enhancing overall workforce stability. This research contributes not only to predicting turnover but also proposes policies and strategies derived from the model's results. By understanding the root causes and timing of employee departures, companies can proactively implement measures to mitigate turnover, thereby minimizing the associated financial and operational burdens
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