368 research outputs found

    Robust Inference for the Stepped Wedge Design

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    Based on a permutation argument, we derive a closed form expression for an estimate of the treatment effect, along with its standard error, in a stepped wedge design. We show that these estimates are robust to misspecification of both the mean and covariance structure of the underlying data-generating mechanism, thereby providing a robust approach to inference for the treatment effect in stepped wedge designs. We use simulations to evaluate the type I error and power of the proposed estimate and to compare the performance of the proposed estimate to the optimal estimate when the correct model specification is known. The limitations, possible extensions, and open problems regarding the method are discussed

    Susceptibility to multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinomas: significant interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 genotypes, skin type and male gender.

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    The factors that determine development of single and multiple primary cutaneous basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are unclear. We describe a case-control study firstly, to examine the influence of allelism at the glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 and cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 loci on susceptibility to these tumours and, secondly, to identify interactions between genotypes and relevant individual characteristics, such as skin type and gender. Frequency distributions for GSTM1 genotypes in cases and controls were not different, although the frequency of GSTM1 A/B was significantly lower (P = 0.048) in the multiple BCCs than in controls. We found no significant differences in the frequencies of GSTT1 and CYP2D6 genotypes in cases and controls. Interactions between genotypes were studied by comparing multinomial frequency distributions in mutually exclusive groups. These identified no differences between cases and controls for combinations of the putatively high risk GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, CYP2D6 EM genotypes. Interactions between GSTM1 A/B and the CYP2D6 PM and GSTT1-positive genotypes were also not different. Frequency distributions of GSTM1 A/B with CYP2D6 EM in controls and multiple BCCs were significantly different (P = 0.033). The proportion of males in the multiple BCC group (61.3%) was greater than in controls (47.0%) and single BCC (52.2%), and the frequency of the combination GSTM1 null/male gender was significantly greater in patients with multiple tumours (P = 0.002). Frequency distributions of GSTM1 null/skin type 1 were also significantly different (P = 0.029) and the proportion of subjects who were GSTM1 null with skin type 1 was greater (P = 0.009) in the multiple BCC group. We examined the data for interactions between GSTM1 null/skin type 1/male gender by comparing frequency distributions of these factors in the single and multiple BCC groups. The distributions were almost significantly different (exact P = 0.051). No significant interactions between GSTT1 null or CYP2D6 EM and skin type 1 were identified. Comparisons of frequency distributions of smoking with the GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null and CYP2D6 EM genotypes identified no differences between patients with single and multiple tumours

    Analysis of recently identified dyslipidemia alleles reveals two loci that contribute to risk for carotid artery disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-wide association studies have identified numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting high density lipoprotein (HDL) or low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels; these SNPs may contribute to the genetic basis of vascular diseases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We assessed the impact of 34 SNPs at 23 loci on dyslipidemia, key lipid sub-phenotypes, and severe carotid artery disease (CAAD) in a case-control cohort. The effects of these SNPs on HDL and LDL were consistent with those previously reported, and we provide unbiased estimates of the percent variance in HDL (3.9%) and LDL (3.3%) explained by genetic risk scores. We assessed the effects of these SNPs on HDL subfractions, apolipoprotein A-1, LDL buoyancy, apolipoprotein B, and lipoprotein (a) and found that rs646776 predicts apolipoprotein B level while rs2075650 predicts LDL buoyancy. Finally, we tested the role of these SNPs in conferring risk for ultrasonographically documented CAAD stenosis status. We found that two loci, chromosome 1p13.3 near CELSR2 and PSRC1 which contains rs646776, and 19q13.2 near TOMM40 and APOE which contains rs2075650, harbor risk alleles for CAAD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our analysis of 34 SNPs contributing to dyslipidemia at 23 loci suggests that genetic variation in the 1p13.3 region may increase risk of CAAD by increasing LDL particle number, whereas variation in the 19q13.2 region may increase CAAD risk by promoting formation of smaller, denser LDL particles.</p

    Siamese Survival Analysis with Competing Risks

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    Survival analysis in the presence of multiple possible adverse events, i.e., competing risks, is a pervasive problem in many industries (healthcare, finance, etc.). Since only one event is typically observed, the incidence of an event of interest is often obscured by other related competing events. This nonidentifiability, or inability to estimate true cause-specific survival curves from empirical data, further complicates competing risk survival analysis. We introduce Siamese Survival Prognosis Network (SSPN), a novel deep learning architecture for estimating personalized risk scores in the presence of competing risks. SSPN circumvents the nonidentifiability problem by avoiding the estimation of cause-specific survival curves and instead determines pairwise concordant time-dependent risks, where longer event times are assigned lower risks. Furthermore, SSPN is able to directly optimize an approximation to the C-discrimination index, rather than relying on well-known metrics which are unable to capture the unique requirements of survival analysis with competing risks

    A prospective cohort study of surgical treatment for back pain with degenerated discs; study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of discogenic back pain often leads to spinal fusion surgery and may partly explain the recent rapid increase in lumbar fusion operations in the United States. Little is known about how patients undergoing lumbar fusion compare in preoperative physical and psychological function to patients who have degenerative discs, but receive only non-surgical care. METHODS: Our group is implementing a multi-center prospective cohort study to compare patients with presumed discogenic pain who undergo lumbar fusion with those who have non-surgical care. We identify patients with predominant low back pain lasting at least six months, one or two-level disc degeneration confirmed by imaging, and a normal neurological exam. Patients are classified as surgical or non-surgical based on the treatment they receive during the six months following study enrollment. RESULTS: Three hundred patients discogenic low back pain will be followed in a prospective cohort study for two years. The primary outcome measure is the Modified Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire at 24-months. We also evaluate several other dimensions of outcome, including pain, functional status, psychological distress, general well-being, and role disability. CONCLUSION: The primary aim of this prospective cohort study is to better define the outcomes of lumbar fusion for discogenic back pain as it is practiced in the United States. We additionally aim to identify characteristics that result in better patient selection for surgery. Potential predictors include demographics, work and disability compensation status, initial symptom severity and duration, imaging results, functional status, and psychological distress
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