43 research outputs found

    Analysis of pre- and post-harvest practices of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Benin

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    Cowpea is an important leguminous crop in Benin. Practices such as farming and storage conditions may influence the production yield and the grain quality. In this study, pre- and post-harvest practices ofcowpea were analysed in relation to the quality of the grains. A survey on cowpea farming activities was conducted in the four agro-ecological zones of Benin. Three localities producing cowpea were selected in eachagro-ecological zone. Information was obtained through individual interview and focus group discussions. Cowpea was mainly cultivated either as a monocrop or intercropped with maize and groundnuts in the fouragro-ecological zones. Cowpea infestation by insects on farm and in storage was a major problem mentioned by farmers. To prevent insects’ infestation in storage, cowpeas were thoroughly sundried at harvest andadequately sorted prior to storage. Such post-harvest practices could limit cowpea grains quality deterioration. Cowpeas were mainly stored in bags for about 3 months. About 23 cowpea based foods were identified. Majorcowpea foods were ata (akara), moin-moin and adowe. Common processing operations included sorting, washing, dehulling of cowpeas, boiling and frying. These processing operations as practiced by processors are generally recognized as a good practice in food preparation

    Relation eau de ruissellement et eau des sources et forages artĂ©siens dans la rĂ©gion Zagnanado-Zogbodomey au BĂ©nin : Approche couplĂ©e (pollution microbiologique – tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection)

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    La rĂ©gion Zagnanado-Zogbodomey constituĂ©e de grandes dĂ©pressions et de vallĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© retenue pour mieux comprendre l’influence des eaux de ruissellement sur la qualitĂ© des eaux souterraines des aquifĂšres continus du Bassin sĂ©dimentaire cĂŽtier. A partir d’analyses microbiologiques portant sur des Ă©chantillons d’eau prĂ©levĂ©s Ă  la fois au niveau des sources et forages artĂ©siens, la signature microbienne de chaque systĂšme hydrique a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie. Les sources et forages artĂ©siens sont plus affectĂ©s pendant la saison pluvieuse que la saison sĂšche, par la prĂ©sence de germes bactĂ©riologiques. La prĂ©sence de coliformes totaux et de coliformes fĂ©caux dans l’eau des Ă©chantillons rĂ©vĂšle que la contamination provient de la surface. Pour caractĂ©riser le seuil topographique qui reprĂ©sente une zone de recharge probable pour les eaux souterraines de la rĂ©gion, une Ă©tude des fractures Ă  partir des linĂ©aments observables sur un ModĂšle NumĂ©rique d’Altitude (MNA) dĂ©taillĂ© de la rĂ©gion a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e. En appui Ă  la bactĂ©riologie, le traitement d’images satellitaires a permis de ressortir le rĂ©seau des fractures de notre zone d’étude situĂ©e sur les formations du Bassin sĂ©dimentaire cĂŽtier. Les fractures étant en contact avec le rĂ©seau hydrographique, celles-ci pourraient jouer un rĂŽle de drain pour les aquifĂšres de la zone d’étude.Mots clĂ©s: LinĂ©aments, infiltration, eau de ruissellement, eau souterraine

    Analyse des besoins en equipements et materiels de post recoltes des filieres des poles de developpement agricole du Benin

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    L’agriculture bĂ©ninoise est caractĂ©risĂ©e par une faible utilisation de matĂ©riels agricoles performants. En vue d’amĂ©liorer la mĂ©canisation des  opĂ©rations agricoles, de rĂ©duire les pertes post rĂ©coltes et d’aider les petits agriculteurs Ă  amĂ©liorer leur valeur ajoutĂ©e, une Ă©tude d’identification  des besoins en matĂ©riels de post rĂ©colte des petits producteurs a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e au BĂ©nin. La collecte des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© faite avec les outils suivants :  l’observation, l’interview semi-structurĂ©e, la classification prĂ©fĂ©rentielle et l’arbre Ă  problĂšmes. Les graphiques et la rĂ©gression logistique sont les  outils d’analyse des donnĂ©es utilisĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une variation significative des rangs attribuĂ©s aux produits de transformations  contribuant Ă  l’alimentation et au revenu, suivant les villages, les spĂ©culations et les pĂŽles de dĂ©veloppement agricole. Le fromage de soja, l’akassa,  le kluiklui et le gari sont les produits de transformation contribuant Ă  la fois au revenu et Ă  l’alimentation des mĂ©nages. Le gari est le premier  produit qui contribue le plus au revenu dans la moitiĂ© des villages d’étude. Les opĂ©rations de post-rĂ©colte constituant des goulots d’étranglement et  donc les besoins en Ă©quipements varient significativement d’une spĂ©culation Ă  l’autre.   English title: Analysis of the post-harvest equipment / materials needs of the Agricultural Development Hubs sectors in Benin Beninese agriculture was characterized by a low use of efficient agricultural equipment. In order to improve the agricultural operations  mechanization, reduce post-harvest losses and help small farmers to improve their added value, a study was carried out in Benin to identify the  small farmers post-harvest equipment needs. Data was collected using the following tools: observation, semi-structured interview, preferential  classification and problem tree. Graphs and logistic regression are the data analysis tools used. The results revealed a significant variation in the  ranks attributed to the processed products contributing to food and income, depending on the villages, crops and agricultural development hubs.  Soy cheese, akassa, kluiklui and gari are the processed products contributing both to household income and food. Gari is the first processed  product that contributes the most to income in half of the study villages. The post-harvest operations constituting bottlenecks and therefore the  requirements for equipment vary significantly from one speculation to another.&nbsp

    Influence de la fertilisation minĂ©rale sur la qualitĂ© physico-chimique et organoleptique du jus d’ananas transformĂ© de Cayenne lisse au BĂ©nin

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    L’objectif de l’étude est d’analyser l’influence de la fertilisation N, P et K sur les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimique et organoleptique du jus Cayenne lisse produit au BĂ©nin. Un essai en plan factoriel NPK complet a Ă©tĂ© installĂ© Ă  Soyo, un village de la commune d’Allada du DĂ©partement de l’Atlantique en RĂ©publique du BĂ©nin. Les traitements NPK appliquĂ©s en unitĂ©s fertilisantes exprimĂ©es en g/plant et randomisĂ©s dans quatre blocs ont Ă©tĂ© les suivants : T1: 6,7-1,6-9,3 ; T2 : 2,7-2,7-2,7 ; T3: 10,7- 0,5-2,7 ;T5: 10,7- 2,7-16 ; T6: 2,7- 2,7-16 ; T7: 2,7- 2,7-16 ; T8: 10,7-2,7-2,7 ; T9:2,7-0,5-2,7 ;T10: 10,7- 0,5-16. Le degrĂ© Brix du jus a étĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© au rĂ©fractomĂštre et le pH au pH-mĂštre. Une Ă©valuation des caractĂ©ristiques sensorielles telles que le goĂ»t sucrĂ©, le goĂ»t acide et l’arĂŽme du jus d’ananas fabriquĂ© a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e par un panel de dĂ©gustateurs sĂ©lectionnĂ©s et entraĂźnĂ©s. Une analyse en composantes principales, suivie d’une classification numĂ©rique a Ă©té rĂ©alisĂ©e sur les caractĂ©ristiques sensorielles et physico-chimiques des fruits. Les traitements T1, T3, T5 et T6 ont permis d’obtenir des jus de qualitĂ© organoleptique apprĂ©ciable.Mots clĂ©s : Intensification, Rendement, Jus, Evaluation sensorielle, Fumure, Allada

    Assessment of pesticides residues in fish (Tilapia guineensis) in the Couffo River in Djidja (Benin)

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    In Benin, the main cash crop is the cotton of which the level of production is largely insufficient to satisfy the national and International market. The main food crops (corn, cassava, yam, bean, rice, etc.) permit to cover the food needed globally, but remain again extensively on this side of the potentialities offered by the ecological conditions of the country. In the process to increase the agricultural production, the herbicides, insecticides and the fertilizers are used now in higher quantity that in the past. The aim of this work was to assess the level of contamination of fish (Tilapia guineensis) in the Couffo River in Djidja (Benin) by the pesticides. Nine (09) samples of fish (Tilapia guineensis) have been collected in nine (09) points along the Couffo River. The analysis of these fish has been done by gas chromatography after extraction and purification. In fish, the detected concentrations in average ranged between 0.123 ”g/kg and 0.191 ”g/kg for the glyphosate, from 0.095 to 0.128 ”g/kg for the profenofos, between 0.112 and 0.125 ”g/kg for the acetamiprid and 0.127 and 0.139 ”g/kg. To assess the risk to public health, pesticides intake by fish consumption was estimated and compared with Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) values reported by the Codex Alimentarius. This comparison showed that fish consumption does not pose a risk for public health

    Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) tuber processing in Benin: production and evaluation of the quality of yam bean-gari and yam bean-fortified gari

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    Yam bean (Pachyrhyzus erosus) tubers were processed singly and mixed with cassava into different types of gari (100% yam bean gari, 75% yam bean gari, 50% yam bean gari and 25% yam bean gari) following the traditional gari processing method. Conventional gari from cassava was processed following the same approach and used as control. Physical characteristics, proximate composition and sensory quality of the garis obtained were assessed. Results showed that low and medium (25% and 50%) yam bean fortified gari processing yielded better than 75% and 100% yam bean gari processing. Low and medium yam bean gari were the closest to conventional gari regarding the brown index (18.0 and 18.3 respectively), had good swelling capacity (≄ 3) and had higher relative bulk density (0.57 and 0.53 respectively). The proteins content of the processed yam bean garis increased with increasing incorporation rate of yam bean but, similarly, the crude fibres content increased going beyond the recommended level of 2% maximum. The processed garis were used to cook Ăšba which were submitted to panellists’ appreciation. Panellists scored better low and medium yam bean fortified garis and the resulting Ăšba. Combining the results, the highest suggested incorporation rate was 50% yam bean tubers. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Legume tuber-root crop, quality, physical characteristics, chemical composition, sensory evaluation

    Temporal variations in air pollution at two roundabouts in the city of Cotonou, Benin

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    Background: Air pollution has caused health and environmental problems around the world. In this study we analysed the temporal evolution of air pollution in Cotonou regarding the standards of Benin and of World Health Organization (WHO). Methods: Solar-powered electrochemical sensors (CO: carbon monoxide, SO2: sulphur dioxide, and O3/NO2: ozone/nitrogen dioxide) and photoionization detectors (for NMVOC: nonmethane volatile organic compounds) were permanently installed and monitored from June 2019 to March 2020 at Akpakpa PK3 (A) and VĂšdokĂŽ Cica-Toyota (B) roundabouts. Results: CO and SO2 concentrations at both roundabouts were significantly higher on weekends than on weekdays. The concentrations of NMVOC and O3 / NO2 on Sunday differed considerably from the other days of the week at A and B, respectively. There was a positive linear correlation between the concentrations of CO and SO2, O3 / NO2 and SO2, and CO O3 / NO2 to B, and only between CO and O3 / NO2, in A. At the two sites, the average of SO2 concentrations (in ÎŒg/m3) were higher than the WHO standard (500) for an exposure of 10 minutes (2258 A and 2143 B) and the Benin standard (1300) for 1 hour exposure (2181 in A and 2092 in B). Conclusion: Air pollution varies in hours and days in Cotonou. Standards are respected, except for SO2. Particular attention should be paid to the concentrations and the possible sources of gas. More sophisticated monitoring system should be put in place

    Valuation of rice postharvest losses in Sub-Saharan Africa and its mitigation strategies

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    Data on rice harvest and postharvest loss in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) is scanty making it difficult for stakeholders to appreciate the loss and set priority areas for loss reduction along the value chain. To address this problem, a protocol was developed and validated for postharvest loss (PHL) quantification in SSA. Quantitative losses at each segment were determined by field measurements. Interactive effect of origin of rice (domestic versus imported) and type of processing (white versus parboiled milled) on rice price in 33 markets in Africa was used to estimate qualitative loss for both white and parboiled milled rice. Total PHL for rice in SSA in 2018 is estimated at about US$ 10.24 billion, representing 47.63% of the expected total production. The highest loss recorded was quantitative loss before and during harvesting, followed by qualitative loss along the entire value chain, quantitative loss during milling, parboiling, threshing in that order, with the lowest being quantitative loss during drying. Priority areas to be targeted for PHL reduction in SSA and some loss mitigation tools and technologies piloted or suitable for SSA are proposed

    Effect of water yam (Dioscorea alata) flour fortified with distillers spent grain on nutritional, chemical, and functional properties

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    It was envisaged that the inclusion of treated distiller ’ s spent grain ( DSG ) to yam fl our might increase its nutritional value, with the aim of reducing nutritional diseases in communities consuming yam as a staple. Hence, yam fl our was fortifi ed with DSG at 5–35%. The effects of this fortifi cation on the nutritional, chemical, and functional properties of yam fl our were investigated. The result showed a signifi cant increase ( P 0.001) in fat, ash, protein, total amino acids, total dietary fi ber, and insoluble dietary fi ber contents of the blends as DSG increased except for starch and soluble dietary fi ber contents, which decreased. The functional properties showed a signifi cant ( P 0.001) reduction with DSG inclusion. The inclusion of DSG increased both the tryptophan and methionine contents of the blends. Therefore, the DSG fortifi ed yam fl our could contribute to quality protein intake in populations consuming yam as a staple, due to its indispensible amino acid content