251 research outputs found

    High Fiber Diet Decreases the Level of Interleukin 1

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    Diet containing high fat and fructose causes hyperlipidemia which is characterized by hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Hyperlipidemia produces free fatty acids that induce the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines such as Interleukin IĪ² (IL-IĪ²). Secretion of IL-IĪ² induced by NF-KĪ² can be suppressed by short chain fatty acids (SCFA). This study aimed to determine the effects of high fiber diet on the level of IL 1Ī² hyperlipidemia model of rats. Male Wistar rats (n=25) of eight weeks old were divided into five groups: control (K), hyperlipidemia (H), hyperlipidemia with high fiber diet in a doses of 2.6 g/rat/day (P1), 5.2 g/rat/day (P2), and 7.8 g/rat/day (P3). Serum levels of IL-1Ī² were measured in a pre- and posttest manner. The pretest was taken at 7 weeks of treatment, while the posttest was measured at the final 13 weeks of this protocol.Pretest and posttest of serum levels of IL-1Ī² were measured with ELISA. The resulting pre- and posttest serum levels of IL-1Ī² were analyzed with paired t-test by using SPSS 23.0 software. Serum levels of IL-1Ī² in rats which received high fiber diet of doses of 2.6, 5.2 and 7.8 g/rat/day were significantly lower compared to the hyperlipidemia rats (p<0.05). We conclude that high fiber diet could reduce the level of IL-1Ī² in rats

    Analisis Bisnis Model Kanvas dan Kelayakan Keuangan (Studi Kasus pada Teri Sambal Terateri)

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    Tujuan penelitian ā€“ to observe whether or not feasible if done online and offline sales ā€œsambal teriā€ merk Tera Teri and how Business model canvas at its business model elements 9.Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan ā€“ The data that we get for this research, namely secondary data obtained at the library, trade organizarrions, the Central Bureau of statistics ā€œsambal teriā€ merk Tera Teri business is a business that generates side dishes prepared with typical consumption of Indonesia. Temuan - Financial feasibility calculation results, value NPV TeraTeri > 0, amounting to Rp 1.159.716.330 for which it can be concluded that the business is eligible to run. Payback period that is required is for 1 year 5 months 4 days.Keterbatasan penelitian - The intended customer segment by TeraTeri is anyone interested in the chili sauce and ā€œikan teriā€ in the region of DKI Jakarta and focused customer segments, namely employees who do not have much time to cook and can\u27t cook so choose food ready consumptionOriginality/value ā€“ Customer Relationship Tera Teri activity, using social media like Instagram and Line with all customer

    Choosing Best Alternative Using Decision Analysis to Maximize Revenue in Company X

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    As a company that moves in retail business specialized in selling daily needs, company X has developed their brand to become top of customers\u27 mindwith 12% rate of sales growth. However, the Board of Directors (BOD) of company X targeting the rate of sales growth should be 20%, therefore they decide to make an expansion to gain the sales rate, also follow the increasing demand, as well as maintain the customer satisfaction.This research focuses on determining the best alternative that can generate the highest revenue for company X, using decision analysis tools (i.e. smart choice), decision tree and sensitivity analysis. This analysis will be presented in step-by-step in order to be able to generate the best alternatives by understanding the consequences, tradeoff, and uncertainties of the alternative

    Pemeringkatan Software Aplikasi Berdasarkan Properti Kualitas Disain Dan Metrics for Object Oriented Software Menggunakan Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Sebuah metode untuk mengukur kualitas desain berdasarkan hasil implementasinya dalam Java source codes diusulkan dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang diusulkan menggabungkan Metrics for Object-Oriented Software Engineering (MOOSE), properti kualitas desain software dan konsep Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Sebagai studi kasus, metode ini diterapkan pada sejumlah aplikasi ERP yang bersifat open source yaitu Adempiere, OpenBravo, Plazma, FreedomERP, dan JAllInOne. Pengukuran MOOSE dilakukan dengan bantuan tool CKJM 1.8. Hasil ukur MOOSE dikelompokkan dalam properti kualitas yaitu efficiency, understandability, reusability, testability dan maintainability. Kombinasi MOOSE dan AHP yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi alat bantu dalam menentukan peringkat kualitas software dari aspek orientasi objek. A method for measuring the quality of the design is based on the results of its implementation in the Java source codes proposed in this study. The proposed method combines Metrics for Object-Oriented Software Engineering (MOOSE), property and the concept of software design quality Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). As a case study, this method is applied to a number of applications that are open source ERP is Adempiere, Openbravo, Plazma, FreedomERP, and JAllInOne. MOOSE measurements done with the aid tool CKJM 1.8. MOOSE measuring results are grouped in quality properties that are efficiency, understandability, reusability, testability and maintainability. MOOSE and AHP combination that have been produced can be a useful tool in determining the quality ratings of aspects of object oriented software

    Analisis Struktural-Fungsional Model-model Kelembagaan Penyaluran Bantuan Pembangunan Internasional dari Emerging Economies Anggota G20

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis perbandingan struktur dan fungsi tiga model penyaluran bantuan pembangunan yang diadopsi oleh negara-negara ā€˜emerging economies' anggota G20. Ketiga model tersebut adalah Model Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Model Arab dan Model Selatan-Selatan. Sebagai negara yang tergolong sebagai emerging economies, Indonesia memiliki kewajiban moral untuk membantu pembangunan di negara-negara berkembang, khususnya ā€˜low income countries' (LICs). Kewajiban moral ini menjadi sangat penting terutama setelah Forum G20 menyepakati masuknya agenda pembangunan sebagai komitmen penting bagi anggota-anggota G20. Dibanding dengan ā€˜emerging economies' lain, Indonesia dipandang relative belum siap menjadi ā€˜emerging donor'. Analisis ini akan membantu pemerintah untuk melihat model kelembagaan seperti apakah yang dipandang dapat diadopsi oleh pemerintah untuk merealisasikan komitmennya dalam G20. Penelitian ini sangat penting untuk membantu pemerintah Indonesia dalam mempersiapkan pembentukan Indonesian Aid (suatu agensi khusus untuk penyaluran bantuan pembangunan ke mitra-mitra Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga sangat penting dalam dunia akademik untuk mengembangkan konsepsi peran emerging economies dalam proses tata kelola ekonomi global. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan memakai pendekatan struktural fungsional. Masing-masing model akan dilihat dan dibandingkan berdasarkan karakteristik struktur, fungsi dan kewenangannya; prinsip-prinsip dan pendekatan yang diadopsi; dan dilakukan assessment atas tingkat efektivitas pemanfaatannya
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