2,926 research outputs found

    Generating Converging Bounds to the (Complex) Discrete States of the P2+iX3+iαXP^2 + iX^3 + i\alpha X Hamiltonian

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    The Eigenvalue Moment Method (EMM), Handy (2001), Handy and Wang (2001)) is applied to the HαP2+iX3+iαXH_\alpha \equiv P^2 + iX^3 + i\alpha X Hamiltonian, enabling the algebraic/numerical generation of converging bounds to the complex energies of the L2L^2 states, as argued (through asymptotic methods) by Delabaere and Trinh (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 33} 8771 (2000)).Comment: Submitted to J. Phys.

    Benchmark full configuration-interaction calculations on HF and NH2

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    Full configuration-interaction (FCI) calculations are performed at selected geometries for the 1-sigma(+) state of HF and the 2-B(1) and 2-A(1) states of NH2 using both DZ and DZP gaussian basis sets. Higher excitations become more important when the bonds are stretched and the self-consistent field (SCF) reference becomes a poorer zeroth-order description of the wave function. The complete active space SCF - multireference configuration-interaction (CASSCF-MRCI) procedure gives excellent agreement with the FCI potentials, especially when corrected with a multi-reference analog of the Davidson correction

    Eigenvalues of PT-symmetric oscillators with polynomial potentials

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    We study the eigenvalue problem u(z)[(iz)m+Pm1(iz)]u(z)=λu(z)-u^{\prime\prime}(z)-[(iz)^m+P_{m-1}(iz)]u(z)=\lambda u(z) with the boundary conditions that u(z)u(z) decays to zero as zz tends to infinity along the rays argz=π2±2πm+2\arg z=-\frac{\pi}{2}\pm \frac{2\pi}{m+2}, where Pm1(z)=a1zm1+a2zm2+...+am1zP_{m-1}(z)=a_1 z^{m-1}+a_2 z^{m-2}+...+a_{m-1} z is a polynomial and integers m3m\geq 3. We provide an asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalues λn\lambda_n as n+n\to+\infty, and prove that for each {\it real} polynomial Pm1P_{m-1}, the eigenvalues are all real and positive, with only finitely many exceptions.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. v2: equation (14) as well as a few subsequent equations has been changed. v3: typos correcte

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Komputer pada Program Studi D-iii Pmik Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang

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    Information Technology is inevitably beneficial for companies, institutions, or organizations to help them in completing the tasks effectively. It also could facilitate them in making a decision. Recently, Computer Laboratory Administration of PMIK State Health Polytechnic of Malang has been done manually. As a result, it has a lesser effectiveness and optimization in assisting and facilitating practical training in Computer Laboratory PMIK. To enhance the performance in terms of students\u27 services, it requires a computerized system to resolve the existing problems related to the services within the Computer Laboratory. The development of this system used a Waterfall method and supported by Power designer6 software and PHP Admin MySql 5.3.2 database. This information system will handle several processes, including students and lecturer\u27s registration, laboratory\u27s activity report; practical training score generating, and lecturers\u27 activity in the laboratory report. This system aim ate enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of services to elevate the quality of services for the students and improve the performance of the lecturers. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sangat berguna bagi Perusahaan, instansi maupun organisasi dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya secara efektif dan efisien serta mempermudah dalam pengambilan keputusan. Saat ini pelayanan administrasi laboratorium komputer PMIK Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga kurang efektif dan kurang optimal dalam melayani kegiatan pratikum di laboratorium komputer PMIK. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja dalam hal pelayanan terhadap mahasiswa di laboratorium komputer PMIK membutuhkan sebuah sistem berbasis komputerisasi guna mengatasi masalah-masalah yang ada. Metode yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem ini adalah metode Waterfall dan didukung dengan software Power designer 6 dan database PHP Admin MySql 5.3.2. Sistem informasi ini akan menanggani beberapa proses, seperti registrasi dosen dan mahasiswa, pencatatan kegiatan laboratorium, pembuatan nilai pratikum, dan pembuatan laporan kegiatan dosen di laboratorium secara efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu pelayanan terhadap mahasiswa dan meningkatkan kinerja dosen

    Sistem SCADA Berbasis Internet untuk Model Otomasi Bangunan

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, sistem otomasi saat ini juga dapat diaplikasikan pada bangunan yang dirancang serba otomatis (Building Automation System). PLC saat ini juga dapat melakukan komunikasi baik dengan PC maupun sesama PLC melalui jaringan internet (Industrial Ethernet). Dengan menggunakan jaringan internet, melakukan konfigurasi, pemrograman ulang dan mendiagnosa kesalahan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah, cepat dan praktis. Selain itu, pemantauan dan pengontrolan PLC melalui sistem SCADA menggunakan jaringan internet juga dapat dilakukan. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah mendesain dan mengkonfigurasi PLC Siemens S7-200 beserta modul CP 243-1 agar dapat diintegrasikan dan diaplikasikan untuk otomasi pada model bangunan yang dapat mengontrol suhu ruangan, penerangan/lampu, dan keamanan model bangunan. Pengujian komunikasi antara PC dengan PLC, PLC dengan PLC serta pengiriman pesan informasi e-mail melalui jaringan internet juga dilakukan. Sebagai hasilnya, PLC Siemens S7-200 beserta modul CP 243-1 dapat digunakan untuk sistem otomasi pada model bangunan, dapat melakukan komunikasi antara PC dengan PLC, PLC dengan PLC dalam waktu kurang dari 1 detik baik untuk jaringan lokal maupun antar jaringan. Sistem tersebut juga dapat melakukan pengiriman pesan informasi melalui e-mail

    Readers\u27 Speakout

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    Dear Editors: The article in the Summer 1980 Women\u27s Studies Newsletter (vol. 8, no. 3), Building Coalitions between Women\u27s Studies and Black Studies: What Are the Realities?, by Ann Cathey Carver, is to my mind excellent. The understanding by this professor of the very real social realities that make for problems between Women\u27s Studies and Black Studies—and between Black and white women—reflects a tremendous sensitivity which has obviously grown out of extended acquaintance with the Black experience. As a Black woman, concerned with both racism and sexism in the society, I think such perceptive analysis is invaluable. I hope that this piece will be read and understood by many, many others. On such a basis, it is possible to develop strong coalitions, stronger interrelationships and trust, and more intimate one-to-one relationships between faculty and students of both programs and between Black and white women