82 research outputs found

    Automatic Detection and Compression for Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the African Forest Elephant

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    In this work, we consider applying machine learning to the analysis and compression of audio signals in the context of monitoring elephants in sub-Saharan Africa. Earth's biodiversity is increasingly under threat by sources of anthropogenic change (e.g. resource extraction, land use change, and climate change) and surveying animal populations is critical for developing conservation strategies. However, manually monitoring tropical forests or deep oceans is intractable. For species that communicate acoustically, researchers have argued for placing audio recorders in the habitats as a cost-effective and non-invasive method, a strategy known as passive acoustic monitoring (PAM). In collaboration with conservation efforts, we construct a large labeled dataset of passive acoustic recordings of the African Forest Elephant via crowdsourcing, compromising thousands of hours of recordings in the wild. Using state-of-the-art techniques in artificial intelligence we improve upon previously proposed methods for passive acoustic monitoring for classification and segmentation. In real-time detection of elephant calls, network bandwidth quickly becomes a bottleneck and efficient ways to compress the data are needed. Most audio compression schemes are aimed at human listeners and are unsuitable for low-frequency elephant calls. To remedy this, we provide a novel end-to-end differentiable method for compression of audio signals that can be adapted to acoustic monitoring of any species and dramatically improves over naive coding strategies

    Agroclimatic zoning for eucalyptus in the state of Paraná and the new scenarios defined by global climate change.

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    Brazil is a country with one the largest areas of forest plantations in the world. The state of Paraná (PR) has the largest area of designated plantations in the country. The main cultivated species belong to the genus Eucalyptus. In this work, the areas of better favorability for planting the main species of commercial value eucalyptus were defined. Additionally, changes may also occur in these zones in the coming decades, due to global climate change. For this purpose, future scenarios were elaborated using a stochastic time series simulation software, to assess the possible changes of the climate and indicate potential consequences regarding the changes of eucalyptus plantation zones. The results show that there will be an increase in areas favorable to the commercial plantations of E. grandis and E. urograndis, species cultivated in the Cfa climate zone (subtropical zones). For E. benthamii, a species cultivated mostly in the Cfb climate zone (temperate zones), there will be a reduction of suitable areas for commercial plantations in Paraná, with displacement to areas located to the south and at higher altitudes, where edaphic limitations may occur

    Monitoramento e distribuição de ocorrência de Thaumastocoris peregrinus no Estado do Paraná.

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    Regiões com potencial para plantio comercial do pinhão-manso no Brasil.

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    Cartas climáticas dos municípios da Bacia do Paraná 3.

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    As cartas climáticas dos municípios da Bacia do Paraná 3, estado do Paraná, trazem a cartografia das variáveis meteorológicas macroclimáticas em escala semidetalhada da região, apresentadas em mapas feitos em sistemas de informações geográficas, na escala 1:25.000. O conhecimento dos padrões espaciais das principais variáveis climáticas é de considerável relevância para o planejamento das atividades agrícolas, florestais e pecuária, auxiliando na escolha das espécies mais bem adaptadas ao tipo de clima dos municípios, em uma região onde a distribuição espacial das variáveis é bastante desigual. Espera-se que, com a disponibilização destas cartas climáticas, seja possível auxiliar a comunidade dos municípios integrantes da Bacia do Paraná 3 no planejamento de suas atividades rurais, trazendo importantes informações sobre o clima da região.bitstream/item/176417/1/Livro-Doc-314-1536-final-corrigido-7mai18.pd

    Zoneamento climático: Pinus taeda no sul do Brasil.

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