668 research outputs found

    Les choix résidentiels des couples : motivations, arbitrages et logiques de genre parmi les classes moyennes supérieures urbaines

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    Après s'être longtemps focalisée sur l'individu, la littérature consacrée à la mobilité résidentielle a mis en exergue l'importance de prendre en compte les ménages comme unité d'analyse. En s'intéressant à des couples appartenant aux classes moyennes supérieures et s'étant installés en zone urbaine centrale, cet article aborde la construction du choix résidentiel entre conjoints et leurs motivations. Différents arbitrages relatifs à la localisation sont identifiés selon qu'ils portent sur des problèmes de mobilité (réels ou anticipés), la conciliation entre carrière professionnelle et vie familiale, l'attachement territorial, l'appartenance linguistique (la ville étudiée étant bilingue) et la bi-résidentialité (ou non-cohabitation). Des logiques de genre sont identifiées. Bien que plus marquées parmi les couples âgés, elles représentent une variable importante pour expliquer l'organisation conjugale et se répercute sur le choix résidentiel de différentes manières

    New centrality and causality metrics assessing air traffic network interactions

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    In ATM systems, the massive number of interacting entities makes it difficult to identify critical elements and paths of disturbance propagation, as well as to predict the system-wide effects that innovations might have. To this end, suitable metrics are required to assess the role of the interconnections between the elements and complex network science provides several network metrics to evaluate the network functioning. Here we focus on centrality and causality metrics measuring, respectively, the importance of a node and the propagation of disturbances along links. By investigating a dataset of US flights, we show that existing centrality and causality metrics are not suited to characterise the effect of delays in the system. We then propose generalisations of such metrics that we prove suited to ATM applications. Specifically, the new centrality is able to account for the temporal and multi-layer structure of ATM network, while the new causality metric focuses on the propagation of extreme events along the system

    Domino D5.3 Final tool and model description, and case studies results

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    This deliverable presents the final results obtained from the Domino project. It presents the corresponding metrics, the model, and a detailed analysis of two case studies. The main modifications to the model with respect to the previous version are highlighted, including curfew management. The calibration of the model is presented, which is similar to the previous version, with more in-depth analyses and further effort dedicated to the calibration process. Two case studies are defined in this deliverable, using previous definitions of the three base mechanisms: 4D trajectory adjustments, flight prioritisation, and flight arrival coordination. The case studies are defined to have a focused insight into the efficiency of the mechanisms in specific environments. The two case studies are run by the model and analysed using metrics previously defined, including centrality and causality metrics. The results show different levels of efficiency for the three mechanisms, highlight the degree of robustness to the propagation of negative effects (such as delay) in the system, demonstrate various trade-offs between the indicators, and support a discussion of the limit of the mechanisms

    DATASET2050 D5.1 - Mobility assessment

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    This document provides documentation on the mobility assessment metrics and methods for use within DATASET2050. On the one hand it describes what the key performance areas, attributes, indicators and metrics such as seamlessness, cost, duration, punctuality, comfort, resilience, etc. incorporated into the model are. On the other, it gives details about mobility metric computation, modelling methodology, visualisations used etc

    Le choix de vivre en ville-centre : interactions entre mobilité quotidienne et mobilité résidentielle

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    Cet article s'insère dans un double débat : celui de l'influence des formes urbaines sur les pratiques modales et celui relatif au regain d'attractivité des villes pour les classes moyennes supérieures. Il aborde les interactions entre mobilité quotidienne et mobilité résidentielle dans un nouveau quartier d'une ville de taille moyenne. Les choix résidentiels étudiés se basent en grande partie sur la valorisation de la proximité. Toutefois, plusieurs styles de mobilité coexistent au sein de ce même contexte territorial en fonction notamment des parts modales des transports publics et de l'automobile

    Domino D3.3 - Adaptive case studies description

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    This deliverable presents the improvement planned to be performed until the end of the project regarding the model (implementation changes, recalibration and the simulation outputs), plus the metrics and scenarios that will be re-run with the model. These changes are based on the insights gathered through the analysis activities performed in the scope of investigative case studies (see D3.2 Investigative case studies description and D5.2 Investigative case studies results) and the feedback obtained from experts and stakeholders on the different workshops activities performed (see D6.3 Workshop results summary). These insights highlighted missing features of the model and potential improvements, as well as some gaps and shortcomings. The scenarios for this analysis have been chosen highly selectively in order to prioritise the depth of the analysis and methodology development over a large number of scenarios, as these have already been analysed in the scope of the investigative case studies

    DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 4.2, is to describe the future supply profile of EU mobility in the context of air transport. This includes, but is not restricted to, the evolution of the different travel services detailed in earlier DATASET2050 tasks and their corresponding trade-offs. This deliverable and associated tasks feed the model quantitatively and qualitatively via WP5, representing a key milestone for the DATASET2050 model