178 research outputs found

    Reappraising the theme of breeding systems in Echinococcus: is outcrossing a rare phenomenon?

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    Selfing has been considered the most common mode of reproduction in Echinococcus flatworms. However, population genetic studies on the asexual larval stage involving nuclear co-dominant markers have not always revealed significant heterozygote deficiencies - the expected outcome of a regularly and highly inbred population. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato populations from Southern Brazil during their adult (sexual) stage using 1 mitochondrial and 1 nuclear marker (cox 1 and mdh, respectively). We show that parasite genetic differentiation is largest among definitive hosts (domestic dogs) from different farms, suggesting that transmission is mostly maintained within a farm. Moreover, we show that heterozygote deficiencies are not significant, and we suggest that outbreeding is the most common mode of reproduction of the parasite in that regio

    Shoulder rhythm in patients with impingement and in controls: Dynamic RSA during active and passive abduction

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    Background and purpose Impingement syndrome is probably the most common cause of shoulder pain. Abnormal abduction and proximal humeral translation are associated with this condition. We evaluated whether the relative distribution between glenohumeral and scapular-trunk motions (the scapulohumeral rhythm) and the speed of motion of the arm differed between patients with impingement and a control group without shoulder symptoms

    Eine neue In-vivo-Technik zur dreidimensionalen Analyse der Translation der Femurkondylen und der Menisken unter dem Einfluß antagonistischer Muskelkräfte

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    The aim of our study was to develop a 3-D MR-based technique for the analysis of meniscal and femoral translations during flexion of the knee, and under the influence of antagonistic muscle forces in healthy subjects. In an open MR system, 5 knees were examined at 30 degrees and 90 degrees flexion using a T1-weighted 3-D gradient echo sequence. A force of 30 Newtons, first in the extending and then in the flexing direction, was applied to the distal lower leg. After three-dimensional reconstruction, the minimal distances between the centre of the tibial plateau and the posterior edge of the menisci and femoral condyles were determined. At 30 degrees flexion, the minimum distance for the meniscus was larger medially than laterally (23.2 +/- 1.8 mm vs. 16.2 +/- 3.3 mm), and this also applied to the condyles (25.1 +/- 1.5 vs. 19.0 +/- 3.0 mm). During flexion to 90 degrees, a posterior translation of 0.5 +/- 0.2 mm was observed for the lateral, and of 3.4 +/- 1.2 mm for the medial, meniscus. The condyles demonstrated a different posterior translation (lateral 2.2 +/- 0.56 mm; medial 1.8 +/- 1.9 mm). No obvious differences were found between extension and flexion muscle activity for the different positions of the knee. In the present study, a new 3-D technique is presented for the analysis of the femoral and meniscal translation at various positions of the knee, and under muscle activity. The results suggest different translation for the menisci and condyles

    SICANE: a Detector Array for the Measurement of Nuclear Recoil Quenching Factors using Monoenergetic Neutron Beam

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    SICANE is a neutron scattering multidetector facility for the determination of the quenching factor (ratio of the response to nuclear recoils and to electrons) of cryogenic detectors used in direct WIMP searches. Well collimated monoenergetic neutron beams are obtained with inverse (p,n) reactions. The facility is described, and results obtained for the quenching factors of scintillation in NaI(Tl) and of heat and ionization in Ge are presented.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 11 figures. Submitted to NIM

    Theoretical Directional and Modulated Rates for Direct SUSY Dark Matter Detection

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    Exotic dark matter together with the vacuum energy (cosmological constant) seem to dominate in the flat Universe. Thus direct dark matter detection is central to particle physics and cosmology. Supersymmetry provides a natural dark matter candidate, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). Furthermore from the knowledge of the density and velocity distribution of the LSP, the quark substructure of the nucleon and the nuclear structure (form factor and/or spin response function), one is able to evaluate the event rate for LSP-nucleus elastic scattering. The thus obtained event rates are, however, very low. So it is imperative to exploit the two signatures of the reaction, namely the modulation effect, i.e. the dependence of the event rate on the Earth's motion, and the directional asymmetry, i.e. the dependence of the rate on the the relative angle between the direction of the recoiling nucleus and the sun's velocity. These two signatures are studied in this paper employing various velocity distributions and a supersymmetric model with universal boundary conditions at large tan(beta).Comment: 11 LATEX pages, 1 table and 4 ps figures included. Paper presented in DARK2002, Fourth Heidelberg International Conference on Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics, Cape Town, South Africa, 4-9 February, 2002, to appear in the proceedings (to be published by Springer Verlag

    Beyond ruminants: discussing opportunities for alternative pasture uses in New Zealand

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    peer-reviewedThe New Zealand government has set ambitious goals for primary sector growth and of zero net carbon emissions by 2050. This presents an opportunity and obligation to develop new ideas for grassland production systems to increase export value and generate new job opportunities, while reducing environmental impacts. The aim of this paper is to draw on recent research in Europe to investigate some of the alternative and complementary uses for pasture as a feedstock for a green biorefinery. A biorefinery is a facility, or a series of processes, that convert biomass into a spectrum of value-added products. For example, protein can be extracted mechanically from green biomass once harvested. The residual fibre fraction could be used as a low-nitrogen feed for ruminants to reduce urinary nitrogen, while the liquid protein fraction could be processed to make it suitable for mono-gastric or human consumption. Enzymes can promote protein extraction and controlled conversion of insoluble plant fibres and oligosaccharides to foster gut-health promoting prebiotic food ingredients. Anaerobic digestion of residues can then be used to create energy and soilimproving products. Research and demonstration of these approaches in practice, along with the results of feasibility studies, will be required to see which of these opportunities is a good fit for New Zealand pasture systems

    Study protocol subacromial impingement syndrome: the identification of pathophysiologic mechanisms (SISTIM)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SIS) is the most common diagnosed disorder of the shoulder in primary health care, but its aetiology is unclear. Conservative treatment regimes focus at reduction of subacromial inflammatory reactions or pathologic scapulohumeral motion patterns (<it>intrinsic </it>aetiology). Long-lasting symptoms are often treated with surgery, which is focused at enlarging the subacromial space by resection of the anterior part of the acromion (based on <it>extrinsic </it>aetiology). Despite that acromionplasty is in the top-10 of orthopaedic surgical procedures, there is no consensus on its indications and reported results are variable (successful in 48-90%). We hypothesize that the aetiology of SIS, i.e. an increase in subacromial pressure or decrease of subacromial space, is multi-factorial. SIS can be the consequence of pathologic scapulohumeral motion patterns leading to humerus cranialisation, anatomical variations of the scapula and the humerus (e.g. hooked acromion), a subacromial inflammatory reaction (e.g. due to overuse or micro-trauma), or adjoining pathology (e.g. osteoarthritis in the acromion-clavicular-joint with subacromial osteophytes).</p> <p>We believe patients should be treated according to their predominant etiological mechanism(s). Therefore, the objective of our study is to identify and discriminate etiological mechanisms occurring in SIS patients, in order to develop tailored diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this cross-sectional descriptive study, applied clinical and experimental methods to identify intrinsic and extrinsic etiologic mechanisms comprise: MRI-arthrography (eligibility criteria, cuff status, 3D-segmented bony contours); 3D-motion tracking (scapulohumeral rhythm, arm range of motion, dynamic subacromial volume assessment by combining the 3D bony contours and 3D-kinematics); EMG (adductor co-activation) and dynamometry instrumented shoulder radiographs during arm tasks (force and muscle activation controlled acromiohumeral translation assessments); Clinical phenotyping (Constant Score, DASH, WORC, and SF-36 scores).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>By relating anatomic properties, kinematics and muscle dynamics to subacromial volume, we expect to identify one or more predominant pathophysiological mechanisms in every SIS patient. These differences in underlying mechanisms are a reflection of the variations in symptoms, clinical scores and outcomes reported in literature. More insight in these mechanisms is necessary in order to optimize future diagnostic and treatment strategies for patients with SIS symptoms.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Dutch Trial Registry (Nederlands Trial Register) <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2283">NTR2283</a>.</p

    Optimal sampling of MRI slices for the assessment of knee cartilage volume for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies

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    BACKGROUND: MRI slices of 1.5 mm thickness have been used in both cross sectional and longitudinal studies of osteoarthritis, but is difficult to apply to large studies as most techniques used in measuring knee cartilage volumes require substantial post-image processing. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal sampling of 1.5 mm thick slices of MRI scans to estimate knee cartilage volume in males and females for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. METHODS: A total of 150 subjects had a sagittal T1-weighted fat-suppressed MRI scan of the right knee at a partition thickness of 1.5 mm to determine their cartilage volume. Fifty subjects had both baseline and 2-year follow up MRI scans. Lateral, medial tibial and patellar cartilage volumes were calculated with different samples from 1.5 mm thick slices by extracting one in two, one in three, and one in four to compare to cartilage volume and its rate of change. Agreement was assessed by means of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland & Altman plots. RESULTS: Compared to the whole sample of 1.5 mm thick slices, measuring every second to fourth slice led to very little under or over estimation in cartilage volume and its annual change. At all sites and subgroups, measuring every second slice had less than 1% mean difference in cartilage volume and its annual rate of change with all ICCs ≥ 0.98. CONCLUSION: Sampling alternate 1.5 mm thick MRI slices is sufficient for knee cartilage volume measurement in cross-sectional and longitudinal epidemiological studies with little increase in measurement error. This approach will lead to a substantial decrease in post-scan processing time

    Co-occurrence of outlet impingement syndrome of the shoulder and restricted range of motion in the thoracic spine - a prospective study with ultrasound-based motion analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shoulder complaints, and especially the outlet-impingement syndrome, are a common condition. Among other things, poor posture has been discussed as a cause. A correlation between impingement syndrome and restricted mobility of the thoracic spine (T) has been described earlier, but there has been no motion analysis of the thoracic spine to show these correlations. In the present prospective study, we intended to find out whether there is a significant difference in the thoracic sagittal range of motion (ROM) between patients with a shoulder outlet impingement syndrome and a group of patients who had no shoulder pathology. Secondly, we wanted to clarify whether Ott's sign correlates with ultrasound topometric measurements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two sex- and age-matched groups (2 Ă— n = 39) underwent a clinical and an ultrasound topometric examination. The postures examined were sitting up straight, sitting in maximal flexion and sitting in maximal extension. The disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) score (obtained by means of a self-assessment questionnaire) and the Constant score were calculated. Lengthening and shortening of the dorsal projections of the spine in functional positions was measured by tape with Ott's sign.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On examination of the thoracic kyphosis in the erect seated posture there were no significant differences between the two groups (p = 0.66). With ultrasound topometric measurement it was possible to show a significantly restricted segmental mobility of the thoracic spine in the study group compared with the control group (p = 0.01). An in-depth look at the mobility of the subsegments T1-4, T5-8 and T9-12 revealed that differences between the groups in the mobility in the lower two sections of the thoracic spine were significant (T5-8: p = 0.03; T9-12: p = 0.02). The study group had an average Constant score of 35.1 points and the control group, 85.5 (p < 0.001). On the DASH score the patient group reached 34.2 points and the control group, 1.4 (p < 0.001). The results of Ott's sign differed significantly between the two collectives (p = 0.0018), but showed a weak correlation with the ultrasound topometric measurements (study group flexion/extension: r = 0.36/0.43, control group flexion/extension: r = 0.29/0.26).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The mobility of the thoracic spine should receive more attention in the diagnosis and therapy of patients with shoulder outlet impingement syndrome.</p

    Nuclear localization and function of polypeptide ligands and their receptors: a new paradigm for hormone specificity within the mammary gland?

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    The specific effects triggered by polypeptide hormone/growth factor stimulation of mammary cells were considered mediated solely by receptor-associated signaling networks. A compelling body of new data, however, clearly indicates that polypeptide ligands and/or their receptors are transported into the nucleus, where they function directly to regulate the expression of specific transcription factors and gene loci. The intranuclear function of these complexes may contribute to the explicit functions associated with a given ligand, and may serve as new targets for pharmacologic intervention
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