266 research outputs found

    Tendências genéticas para peso aos 240 e 420 dias de idade de bovinos da raça Nelore.

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    Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar as tendências genéticas dos efeitos diretos para o peso aos 240 (P240) e 420 (P420) dias de idade de animais da raça Nelore criados na região de Goiás

    Pecuária de corte no Pantanal brasileiro: realidade e perspectivas futuras de melhoramento.

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    Apesar da pecuária de corte estar presente no Pantanal à mais de duzentos anos, até o momento, não foi estabelecido um programa de melhoramento genético animal para a região que contemplasse as diferentes condições de manejo e de ambiente no processo seletivo dos bovinos de corte. Um programa desta natureza envolveria, melhorias no manejo geral do rebanho, maior cuidado com as práticas de sanidade animal e gestão mais eficiente da atividade como um todo.bitstream/CPAP/56028/1/DOC93.pdfFormato Eletrônic

    Friction and wear behaviour of Mo − W doped carbon-based coating during boundary lubricated sliding

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    A molybdenum and tungsten doped carbon-based coating (Mo−W−C) was developed in order to provide low friction in boundary lubricated sliding condition at ambient and at high temperature. The Mo−W−C coating showed the lowest friction coefficient among a number of commercially available state-of-the-art DLC coatings at ambient temperature. At elevated temperature (200°C), Mo−W−C coating showed a significant reduction in friction coefficient with sliding distance in contrast to DLC coatings. Raman spectroscopy revealed the importance of combined Mo and W doping for achieving low friction at both ambient and high temperature. The significant decrease in friction and wear rate was attributed to the presence of graphitic carbon debris (from coating) and 'in-situ' formed metal sulphides (WS2 and MoS2, where metals were supplied from coating and sulphur from engine oil) in the transfer layer

    Genomic evaluation for novel stayability traits in Nellore cattle.

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    Cow stayability plays a major role on the overall profitability of the beef cattle industry, as it is directly related to reproductive efficiency and cow's longevity. Stayability (STAY63) is usually defined as the ability of the cow to calve at least three times until 76 months of age. This is a late-measured and lowly heritable trait, which consequently constrains genetic progress per time unit. Thus, the use of genomic information associated with novel stayability traits measured earlier in life will likely result in higher prediction accuracy and faster genetic progress for cow longevity. In this study, we aimed to compare pedigree-based and single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP) methods as well as to estimate genetic correlations between the proposed stayability traits: STAY42, STAY53 and S TAY64, which are measured at 52, 64 and 76 months of cow's age, considering at least 2, 3 and 4 calving, respectively. ssGBLUP yielded the highest prediction accuracy for all traits. The heritability estimates for STAY42, STAY53, STAY63 and STAY64 were 0.090, 0.151, 0.152 and 0.143, respectively. The genetic correlations between traits ranged from 0.899 (STAY42 and STAY53) to 0.985 (STAY53 and STAY63). The high genetic correlation between STAY42 and STAY53 suggests that besides being related to cow longevity, STAY53 is also associated with the early-stage reproductive efficiency. Thus, STAY53 is recommended as a suitable selection criterion for reproductive efficiency due to its higher heritability, favourable genetic correlation with other traits, and measured earlier in life, compared with the conventional stayability trait, that is STAY63

    Tétano: situação imunitária de uma população infantil urbana de São Paulo (SP), Brasil

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    A verificação do teor de anticorpos antitetânicos provenientes de 126 crianças de 5 a 7 anos de idade, do município de São Paulo (Brasil), revelou 41 e 21% de indivíduos susceptíveis na faixa etária de 5 a 6 anos, respectivamente. Todas as crianças de 7 anos de idade apresentaram proteção contra o tétano, revelando teor de antitoxina circulante em níveis superiores a 0,01 UI/ml. Pela análise dos resultados foi constatado que a susceptibilidade varia na razão inversa da idade. O teor médio de antitoxina tetânica encontrada variou de 0,0289 a 0,1143 UI/ml de soro, na população examinada.Ascertainment of the antitetanic immune state in a group of 126 children, 5 to 7 years old, from the infant population of S. Paulo city (Brazil), disclosed 41% and 21% of 5 and 6-year-old individuals respectively, susceptible to tetanus. All the 7-year-old children showed protection against tetanus, revealing a circulating antitoxin content at levels superior to 0.01 IU/ml. By analysis of the results it became clear that susceptibility varies in inverse ratio to age. The mean content of tetanus antitoxin oscillated between 0.0289 and 0.1143 IU/ml of serum