426 research outputs found

    Complete supersonic flowfields over blunt bodies in a generalized orthogonal coordinate system

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    A general orthogonal coordinate system is used to describe various axisymmetric and two-dimensional shapes. Close approximations to planetary probe configurations are possible. The full Navier-Stokes equations are discretized in this coordinate system in a manner based on Allen and Cheng's numerical procedure. The blow shock is treated as a discontinuity which floats between grid points. Completely coupled flows over the forebody, base, and near wake were calculated over a cylinder, sphere, and an approximation to the Viking Aeroshell. Some problem areas in determining the base flow for increasing Reynolds number are discussed. In particular, it is found that the mean free path of the fluid near the wall immediately below the corner of the Viking Aeroshell, which experiences a severe expansion, can become greater than the local mesh size required to resolve the boundary layer in the forebody

    Inviscid, nonadiabatic flow fields over blunt, sonic corner bodies for outer planet entry conditions by a method of integral relations

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    An investigation has been made into the ability of a method of integral relations to calculate inviscid zero degree angle of attack, radiative heating distributions over blunt, sonic corner bodies for some representative outer planet entry conditions is investigated. Comparisons have been made with a more detailed numerical method, a time asymptotic technique, using the same equilibrium chemistry and radiation transport subroutines. An effort to produce a second order approximation (two-strip) method of integral relations code to aid in this investigation is also described and a modified two-strip routine is presented. Results indicate that the one-strip method of integral relations cannot be used to obtain accurate estimates of the radiative heating distribution because of its inability to resolve thermal gradients near the wall. The two-strip method can sometimes be used to improve these estimates; however, the two-strip method has only a small range of conditions over which it will yield significant improvement over the one-strip method

    Forebody and afterbody solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for supersonic flow over blunt bodies in a generalized orthogonal coordinate system

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    A coordinate transformation, which can approximate many different two-dimensional and axisymmetric body shapes with an analytic function, is used as a basis for solving the Navier-Stokes equations for the purpose of predicting 0 deg angle of attack supersonic flow fields. The transformation defines a curvilinear, orthogonal coordinate system in which coordinate lines are perpendicular to the body and the body is defined by one coordinate line. This system is mapped in to a rectangular computational domain in which the governing flow field equations are solved numerically. Advantages of this technique are that the specification of boundary conditions are simplified and, most importantly, the entire flow field can be obtained, including flow in the wake. Good agreement has been obtained with experimental data for pressure distributions, density distributions, and heat transfer over spheres and cylinders in supersonic flow. Approximations to the Viking aeroshell and to a candidate Jupiter probe are presented and flow fields over these shapes are calculated

    A generalized orthogonal coordinate system for describing families of axisymmetric and two-dimensional bodies

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    A generalized curvilinear orthogonal coordinate system is presented which can be used for approximating various axisymmetric and two-dimensional body shapes of interest to aerodynamicists. Such body shapes include spheres, ellipses, spherically capped cones, flat-faced cylinders with rounded corners, circular disks, and planetary probe vehicles. A set of transformation equations is also developed whereby a uniform velocity field approaching a body at any angle of attack can be resolved in the transformed coordinate system. The Navier-Stokes equations are written in terms of a generalized orthogonal coordinate system to show the resultant complexity of the governing equations

    A viscous shock-layer flowfield analysis by an explicit-implicit method

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    An implicit analogue of a widely used explicit method to external axisymmetric laminar flows with strong entropy gradients is extended. The details of the "numerics" of the implicit part are provided in a body oriented coordinate system with a moving outer (shock) boundary during the transient part of the solutions. The limiting values of the Courant number are obtained when the shock boundary is treated explicitly. The solution algorithm outlined includes the treatment of the source term associated with the equations in weak conservation form. From the results obtained for two sample problems, it becomes clear that accuracy of predictions is, indeed, very good at higher values of the Courant number. There is a significant saving in overall computing time, depending on the Courant number used and the flow Reynolds number. These properties combined with the simplicity of programming the implicit analog may appeal to researchers for using it in the analysis of 3-D flow problems

    Application of program LAURA to perfect gas shock tube flows: A parametric study

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    The Langley Aerothermodynamic Upwind Relaxation Algorithm (LAURA) was originally developed to solve steady-flow problems. The desire to validate the algorithm with shock tube experimental data motivated the development of a time-accurate version of the LAURA code. The current work presents a test of the Algorithm. Computational results are compared with the exact solution for a simple shock tube case. The parameters examined are Courant number, relaxation sweeps, grid spacing, and the inviscid relaxation factor. The results of the study indicate that LAURA is capable of producing accurate solutions when appropriate values are used for each parameter

    Correlations for determining thermodynamic properties of hydrogen-helium gas mixtures at temperatures from 7,000 to 35,000 K

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    Simple relations for determining the enthalpy and temperature of hydrogen-helium gas mixtures were developed for hydrogen volumetric compositions from 1.0 to 0.7. These relations are expressed as a function of pressure and density and are valid for a range of temperatures from 7,000 to 35,000 K and pressures from 0.10 to 3.14 MPa. The proportionality constant and exponents in the correlation equations were determined for each gas composition by applying a linear least squares curve fit to a large number of thermodynamic calculations obtained from a detailed computer code. Although these simple relations yielded thermodynamic properties suitable for many engineering applications, their accuracy was improved significantly by evaluating the proportionality constants at postshock conditions and correlating these values as a function of the gas composition and the product of freestream velocity and shock angle. The resulting equations for the proportionality constants in terms of velocity and gas composition and the corresponding simple realtions for enthalpy and temperature were incorporated into a flow field computational scheme. Comparison was good between the thermodynamic properties determined from these relations and those obtained by using a detailed computer code to determine the properties. Thus, an appreciable savings in computer time was realized with no significant loss in accuracy

    An implicit semianalytic numerical method for the solution of nonequilibrium chemistry problems

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    The first order differential equation form systems of equations. They are solved by a simple and relatively accurate implicit semianalytic technique which is derived from a quadrature solution of the governing equation. This method is mathematically simpler than most implicit methods and has the exponential nature of the problem embedded in the solution

    Heat-transfer distributions on biconics at incidence in hypersonic-hypervelocity He, N2, air, and CO2 flows

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    Laminar heat transfer rates were measured on spherically blunted, 13 deg/7 deg on axis and bent biconics (fore cone bent 7 deg upward relative to aft cone) at hypersonic hypervelocity flow conditions in the Langley Expansion Tube. Freestream velocities from 4.5 to 6.9 km/sec and Mach numbers from 6 to 9 were generated using helium, nitrogen, air, and carbon dioxide test gases, resulting in normal shock density ratios from 4 to 19. Angle of attack, referenced to the axis of the aft cone, was varied from 0 to 20 deg in 4 deg increments. The effect of nose bend, angle of attack, and real gas phenomena on heating distributions are presented along with comparisons of measurement to prediction from a code which solves the three dimensional parabolized Navier-Stokes equations

    Wake Flow About the Mars Pathfinder Entry Vehicle

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    A computational approach is used to describe the aerothermodynamics of the Mars Pathfinder vehicle entering the Mars atmosphere at the maximum heating and maximum deceleration points in its trajectory. Ablating and nonablating boundary conditions are developed which produce maximum recombination of CO2 on the surface. For the maximum heating trajectory point, an axisymmetric, nonablating calculation predicts a stagnation-point value for the convective heating of 115 W/cm(exp 2). Radiative heating estimates predict an additional 5-12 W/cm(exp 2) at the stagnation point. Peak convective heating on the afterbody occurs on the vehicle's flat stern with a value of 5.9% of the stagnation value. The forebody flow exhibits chemical nonequilibrium behavior, and the flow is frozen in the near wake. Including ablation injection on the forebody lowers the stagnation-point convective heating 18%