688 research outputs found

    Frequency and resistance pattern of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing Escherichia coli in clinical specimen of Alzahra hospital in Isfahan, Iran, 2007

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: اشرشیاکلی تولیـــد کننده بتالاکتامازهای وسیع الطیف (ESBL) به علت مقاومت به آنتی بیوتیک های مختلــف، مشکلات درمانی زیادی را ایجاد کرده است. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین شیوع اشرشیاکلی های تولید کننده ESBL و الگوهای مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی آنها بوده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی – تحلیلی 278 نمونه کلینیکی اشرشیاکلی از بیمارستان الزهرا(س) اصفهان جمع آوری و با کشت در محیط های انتخابی و تست های بیوشیمیایی تایید شد. برای تشخیص ایزوله های ESBL از روش استفاده از دو دیسک آموکسی سیلین به علاوه کلاولانیک اسید و سفوتاکسیم و در آزمون تاییدی (طبق پیشنهادهای NCCLS) حساسیت نمونه ها توسط روش دیسک دیفیوژن به 10 آنتی بیوتیک تعیین گردید. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: از 278 نمونه جدا شده 150 نمونه (9/53) تولید کننده ESBL بودند. همه سوش ها به ایمی پنم و مروپنم حساس بودند. در مقایسه مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی بین سوش های تولید کننده ESBL و سوش هایی که قادر به تولید ESBL نبودند، اختلاف معنی داری در مورد کینولون ها و آمینوگلیکوزیدها مشاهده شد (05/0

    Combining Physical Simulators and Object-Based Networks for Control

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    Physics engines play an important role in robot planning and control; however, many real-world control problems involve complex contact dynamics that cannot be characterized analytically. Most physics engines therefore employ . approximations that lead to a loss in precision. In this paper, we propose a hybrid dynamics model, simulator-augmented interaction networks (SAIN), combining a physics engine with an object-based neural network for dynamics modeling. Compared with existing models that are purely analytical or purely data-driven, our hybrid model captures the dynamics of interacting objects in a more accurate and data-efficient manner.Experiments both in simulation and on a real robot suggest that it also leads to better performance when used in complex control tasks. Finally, we show that our model generalizes to novel environments with varying object shapes and materials.Comment: ICRA 2019; Project page: http://sain.csail.mit.ed

    Statistical properties of a localization-delocalization transition induced by correlated disorder

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    The exact probability distributions of the resistance, the conductance and the transmission are calculated for the one-dimensional Anderson model with long-range correlated off-diagonal disorder at E=0. It is proved that despite of the Anderson transition in 3D, the functional form of the resistance (and its related variables) distribution function does not change when there exists a Metal-Insulator transition induced by correlation between disorders. Furthermore, we derive analytically all statistical moments of the resistance, the transmission and the Lyapunov Exponent. The growth rate of the average and typical resistance decreases when the Hurst exponent HH tends to its critical value (Hcr=1/2H_{cr}=1/2) from the insulating regime. In the metallic regime H1/2H\geq1/2, the distributions become independent of size. Therefore, the resistance and the transmission fluctuations do not diverge with system size in the thermodynamic limit

    Protection of mice by a λ-based therapeutic vaccine against cancer associated with human papillomavirus type 16

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    Objective: Human papillomavirus (HPV) oncoproteins (i.e. E6 and E7) are constitutively expressed in cervical cancer cells. The proteins are ideal targets to be used for developing therapeutic vaccines against existing HPV-associated carcinomas. To date, whole bacteriophage ('phage')-λ particles, rather than purified 'naked' DNA, have been described as highly efficient delivery vehicles for a DNA vaccine. Methods: In this study, a safe and efficient λ-based therapeutic cancer vaccine, recombinant λ-ZAP E7 phage, was developed by inserting a HPV16 E7 gene into the Lambda ZAP® cytomegalovirus vector. λ-ZAP E7 phages were employed to immunize mice against the E7-expressing murine tumor cell line (TC-1), which is used as a tumor model in an H-2b murine system. Results: The tumor-bearing mice indicated a significant inhibition of tumor growth after 3 injections of 2 × 1012 particles of recombinant phages. Released lactate dehydrogenase, interferon-γ and granzyme B from spleen cells and lymphocyte proliferation of spleen cells, which all demonstrate the enhancement of cell-mediated immunity, suggested the phages could be a potent gene delivery system in animal models. Conclusion: Our results suggest the recombinant phages can be used as effective biological tools for inducing E7-specific protective immune responses. Hence, the study introduces a possible therapeutic strategy against cervical cancer and other HPV-related neoplasia. Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Особливості розвитку освітнього потенціалу України в умовах глобалізації

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    BACKGROUND: Recommended screening to identify children at risk for diabetes and its precursors impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and insulin resistance (IR) is fasted plasma glucose (FPG). This study evaluates the added value of fasted plasma insulin (FPI). METHODS: This study analyzed routinely collected data of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) of 311 obese children (age 10.8 ± 3.2 years). Diabetes and IGT were defined according to the American Diabetes Association criteria, IR as homeostasis model assessment (HOMA)-IR ≥3.4. RESULTS: Cases diagnosed with an OGTT if FPG ≥5.6 mmol/L, compared with an OGTT performed if FPG ≥5.6 mmol/L or HOMA-IR ≥3.4, were, respectively, 4 (80%) versus 5 (100%) with diabetes, 7 (28%) versus 16 (64%) with IGT, and 0 (0%) versus 93 (100%) with IR. CONCLUSIONS: Screening with FPG and FPI has equal burden compared with screening with FPG alone, identifies all patients with diabetes, and identifies more patients with precursors of diabetes

    The battle of the sexes starts in the oviduct: modulation of oviductal transcriptome by X and Y-bearing spermatozoa

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    BACKGROUND:Sex allocation of offspring in mammals is usually considered as a matter of chance, being dependent on whether an X- or a Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoon reaches the oocyte first. Here we investigated the alternative possibility, namely that the oviducts can recognise X- and Y- spermatozoa, and may thus be able to bias the offspring sex ratio. RESULTS:By introducing X- or Y-sperm populations into the two separate oviducts of single female pigs using bilateral laparoscopic insemination we found that the spermatozoa did indeed elicit sex-specific transcriptomic responses. Microarray analysis revealed that 501 were consistently altered (P-value <0.05) in the oviduct in the presence of Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa compared to the presence of X-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa. From these 501 transcripts, 271 transcripts (54.1%) were down-regulated and 230 transcripts (45.9%) were up-regulated when the Y- chromosome-bearing spermatozoa was present in the oviduct. Our data showed that local immune responses specific to each sperm type were elicited within the oviduct. In addition, either type of spermatozoa elicits sex-specific signal transduction signalling by oviductal cells. CONCLUSIONS:Our data suggest that the oviduct functions as a biological sensor that screens the spermatozoon, and then responds by modifying the oviductal environment. We hypothesize that there might exist a gender biasing mechanism controlled by the female

    Cancer - Cell survival guide

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62618/1/431035a.pd

    Diversity of actin architecture in human osteoclasts: Network of curved and branched actin supporting cell shape and intercellular micrometer level tubes

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    Osteoclasts are multinucleated bone-resorbing cells with a dynamic actin cytoskeleton. Osteoclasts are derived from circulating mononuclear precursors. Confocal and stimulated emission depletion (STED) super-resolution microscopy was used to investigate peripheral blood-derived human osteoclasts cultured on glass surfaces. STED and confocal microscopy demonstrated that the actin was curved and branched, for instance, in the vicinity of membrane ruffles. The overall architecture of the curved actin network extended from the podosomes to the top of the cell. The other novel finding was that a micrometer-level tube containing actin bridged the osteoclasts well above the level of the culture glass. The actin filaments of the tubes originated from the network of curved actin often surrounding a group of nuclei. Furthermore, nuclei were occasionally located inside the tubes. Our findings demonstrated the accumulation of c-Src, cortactin, cofilin, and actin around nuclei suggesting their role in nuclear processes such as the locomotion of nuclei. ARP2/3 labeling was abundant at the substratum level of osteoclasts and in the branched actin network, where it localized to the branching points. We speculate that the actin-containing tubes of osteoclasts may provide a means of transportation of nuclei, e.g., during the fusion of osteoclasts. These novel findings can pave the way for future studies aiming at the elucidation of the differentiation of multinucleated osteoclasts.</p

    In vitro model of bone to facilitate measurement of adhesion forces and super-resolution imaging of osteoclasts

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    To elucidate processes in the osteoclastic bone resorption, visualise resorption and related actin reorganisation, a combination of imaging technologies and an applicable in vitro model is needed. Nanosized bone powder from matching species is deposited on any biocompatible surface in order to form a thin, translucent, smooth and elastic representation of injured bone. Osteoclasts cultured on the layer expressed matching morphology to ones cultured on sawed cortical bone slices. Resorption pits were easily identified by reflectance microscopy. The coating allowed actin structures on the bone interface to be visualised with super-resolution microscopy along with a detailed interlinked actin networks and actin branching in conjunction with V-ATPase, dynamin and Arp2/3 at actin patches. Furthermore, we measured the timescale of an adaptive osteoclast adhesion to bone by force spectroscopy experiments on live osteoclasts with bone-coated AFM cantilevers. Utilising the in vitro model and the advanced imaging technologies we localised immunofluorescence signals in respect to bone with high precision and detected resorption at its early stages. Put together, our data supports a cyclic model for resorption in human osteoclasts.</p