216 research outputs found

    Purity as a witness for initial system-environment correlations in open-system dynamics

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    We study the dynamics of a two-level atom interacting with a Lorentzian structured reservoir considering initial system-environment correlations. It is shown that under strong system-reservoir coupling the dynamics of purity can determine whether there are initial correlations between system and environment. Moreover, we investigate the interaction of two two-level atoms with the same reservoir. In this case, we show that besides determining if there are initial system-environment correlations, the dynamics of the purity of the atomic system allows the identification of the distinct correlated initial states. In addition, the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations is analyzed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Protection of entanglement from sudden death using continuous dynamical decoupling

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    We show that continuous dynamical decoupling can protect a two-qubit entangled state from sudden death at finite temperature due to uncorrelated dephasing, bit flipping, and dissipation. We consider a situation where an entangled state shared between two non-interacting qubits is initially prepared and left evolve under the environmental perturbations and the protection of external fields. To illustrate the protection of the entanglement, we solve numerically a master equation in the Born approximation, considering independent boson fields at the same temperature coupled to the different error agents of each qubit

    Entanglement versus Quantum Discord in Two Coupled Double Quantum Dots

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    We study the dynamics of quantum correlations of two coupled double quantum dots containing two excess electrons. The dissipation is included through the contact with an oscillator bath. We solve the Redfield master equation in order to determine the dynamics of the quantum discord and the entanglement of formation. Based on our results, we find that the quantum discord is more resistant to dissipation than the entanglement of formation for such a system. We observe that this characteristic is related to whether the oscillator bath is common to both qubits or not and to the form of the interaction Hamiltonian. Moreover, our results show that the quantum discord might be finite even for higher temperatures in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (new version is the final version to appear in NJP

    Emergence of the pointer basis through the dynamics of correlations

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    We use the classical correlation between a quantum system being measured and its measurement apparatus to analyze the amount of information being retrieved in a quantum measurement process. Accounting for decoherence of the apparatus, we show that these correlations may have a sudden transition from a decay regime to a constant level. This transition characterizes a non-asymptotic emergence of the pointer basis, while the system-apparatus can still be quantum correlated. We provide a formalization of the concept of emergence of a pointer basis in an apparatus subject to decoherence. This contrast of the pointer basis emergence to the quantum to classical transition is demonstrated in an experiment with polarization entangled photon pairs.Comment: 4+2 pgs, 3 figures. Title changed. Revised version to appear on PR

    Calculation of quantum discord for qubit-qudit or N qubits

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    Quantum discord, a kind of quantum correlation, is defined as the difference between quantum mutual information and classical correlation in a bipartite system. It has been discussed so far for small systems with only a few independent parameters. We extend here to a much broader class of states when the second party is of arbitrary dimension d, so long as the first, measured, party is a qubit. We present two formulae to calculate quantum discord, the first relating to the original entropic definition and the second to a recently proposed geometric distance measure which leads to an analytical formulation. The tracing over the qubit in the entropic calculation is reduced to a very simple prescription. And, when the d-dimensional system is a so-called X state, the density matrix having non-zero elements only along the diagonal and anti-diagonal so as to appear visually like the letter X, the entropic calculation can be carried out analytically. Such states of the full bipartite qubit-qudit system may be named "extended X states", whose density matrix is built of four block matrices, each visually appearing as an X. The optimization involved in the entropic calculation is generally over two parameters, reducing to one for many cases, and avoided altogether for an overwhelmingly large set of density matrices as our numerical investigations demonstrate. Our results also apply to states of a N-qubit system, where "extended X states" consist of (2^(N+2) - 1) states, larger in number than the (2^(N+1) - 1) of X states of N qubits. While these are still smaller than the total number (2^(2N) - 1) of states of N qubits, the number of parameters involved is nevertheless large. In the case of N = 2, they encompass the entire 15-dimensional parameter space, that is, the extended X states for N = 2 represent the full qubit-qubit system.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
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