700 research outputs found

    Deiningsprediktie aan de Belgische kust

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    Mejora y evaluación de un cuestionario de creencias de matemáticas en función de nacionalidad, edad y sexo

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    Este artículo describe la adaptación al contexto educativo español e inglés del cuestionario de creencias de matemáticas (Mathematics-Related Beliefs Questionnaire MRBQ), desarrollado en la Universidad de Lovaina (Op’t Eynde y De Corte, 2003). El instrumento original, evaluado con estudiantes flamencos, dio como resultado cuatro escalas de las que sólo dos resultaron fiables. En este trabajo mostramos cómo el cuestionario ha sido mejorado, obteniendo cuatro escalas y diez subescalas fiables, con estudiantes de secundaria. Los resultados muestran la eficacia del instrumento ya revisado para evaluar sistemas de creencias entre estudiantes de diferente nacionalidad, edad y sexo

    Numerical simulations of transition due to isolated roughness elements at Mach 6

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    An accurate prediction of transition onset behind an isolated roughness element has not yet been established. This is particularly important in hypersonic flow, where transition is accompanied by increased surface heating. In the present contribution, a number of direct numerical simulations have been performed of a Mach 6 boundary layer over a flat plate with isolated roughness elements. The effects of roughness shape, planform, ramps, and freestream disturbance levels on instability growth and transition onset are investigated. It is found that the frontal shape has a large effect on the transition onset, which is in agreement with previous studies, whereas the roughness element planform has a marginal influence. A new result is that the roughness shape in the streamwise direction (in particular, the aft section) is also an important characteristic, since an element with a ramped-down aft section allows the detached shear layer to spread out and weaken, leading to a lower instability growth rate. Above a critical value, the instability growth rate is found to be correlated with the amplitude of the low-speed streak formed by the roughness element, suggesting that a more physically based transition criterion should take account of the local liftup effect of the particular roughness shape.<br/

    Evolution of marine storminess in the Belgian part of the North Sea

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    Severe storms have affected European coast lines in the past but knowledge on changes in storminess for the last decades is still sparse. Climate change is assumed to be a main driving factor with the potential to induce changes on the intensity, duration and frequency of powerful marine storms, including a long-term influence on peak wind speeds, surges and waves. It is, therefore, important to investigate whether in the last decades changes in the magnitude of storms, their duration and frequency could be observed. Understanding trends in storminess in the last decades will help to better prepare coastal managers for future events, taking into account potential changes on storm occurrence and magnitude to improve planning of mitigation and adaptation strategies. The purpose of this study was to focus on the evolution of extreme wind conditions, wave height and storm surge levels in the North Sea Region, especially in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS). Based on the analysis performed it is concluded that no clear trend can be observed for the occurrence of significant increasing extreme wind speeds over the BPNS. Furthermore, one can conclude that not enough scientific evidence is available to support scenarios with increased wave height or storminess

    Comparing field observations of sorting patterns along tidal sand waves with theoretical predictions

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    We present a site-by-site comparison between field observations and model predictions of grains size variations over tidal sand waves at six sites in the North Sea. To drive the model, at each location, local sediment characteristics are derived from the described field data, while hydrodynamic conditions are determined from a numerical model for tidal wave propagation in the North Sea. It is found that the theoretical model providesreasonable estimates of the occurring tidally generated bed forms. Moreover, at five of the six locations, the modeldescribes a sorting pattern which concurs with the observed sediment grain size variation, indicating that the model provides a fair description of the processes governing the phenomenon

    MYRRHA: A multipurpose nuclear research facility

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    MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) is a multipurpose research facility currently being developed at SCK•CEN. MYRRHA is based on the ADS (Accelerator Driven System) concept where a proton accelerator, a spallation target and a subcritical reactor are coupled. MYRRHA will demonstrate the ADS full concept by coupling these three components at a reasonable power level to allow operation feedback. As a flexible irradiation facility, the MYRRHA research facility will be able to work in both critical as subcritical modes. In this way, MYRRHA will allow fuel developments for innovative reactor systems, material developments for GEN IV and fusion reactors, and radioisotope production for medical and industrial applications. MYRRHA will be cooled by lead-bismuth eutectic and will play an important role in the development of the Pb-alloys technology needed for the LFR (Lead Fast Reactor) GEN IV concept. MYRRHA will also contribute to the study of partitioning and transmutation of high-level waste. Transmutation of minor actinides (MA) can be completed in an efficient way in fast neutron spectrum facilities, so both critical reactors and subcritical ADS are potential candidates as dedicated transmutation systems. However critical reactors heavily loaded with fuel containing large amounts of MA pose reactivity control problems, and thus safety problems. A subcritical ADS operates in a flexible and safe manner, even with a core loading containing a high amount of MA leading to a high transmutation rate. In this paper, the most recent developments in the design of the MYRRHA facility are presented
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