33 research outputs found

    Differences in telomere length between sporadic and familial cutaneous melanoma

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    BACKGROUND: Several pieces of evidence indicate that a complex relationship exists between constitutional telomere length (TL) and the risk of cutaneous melanoma. Although the general perception is that longer telomeres increase melanoma risk, some studies do not support this association. We hypothesise that discordant data are due to the characteristics of the studied populations. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association of telomere length with familial and sporadic melanoma. METHODS: TL was measured by multiplex quantitative PCR in leukocytes from 310 melanoma patients according to familial/sporadic and single/multiple cancers and 216 age-matched controls. RESULTS: Patients with sporadic melanoma were found to have shorter telomeres as compared to those with familial melanoma. In addition, shorter telomeres, while tending to reduce the risk of familial melanoma regardless of single or multiple tumors, nearly trebled the risk of single sporadic melanoma. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first time that TL has been correlated to opposite effects on melanoma risk according to the presence or absence of familial predisposition. Individual susceptibility to melanoma should be taken into account when assessing the role of TL as a risk factor. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Consorzi e società consortili

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    Un manuale operativo su tutti gli aspetti civilistici, fiscali e contabili del mondo dei consorzi e delle società consortili, che guida il lettore grazie a continui riferimenti legislativi e di prassi e ad una numerosa serie di esempi e tabelle esplicative.\u2028La trattazione, chiara ed esaustiva, è frequentemente intervallata da riquadri di “nota bene” che hanno l’intento di far soffermare l’attenzione su questioni di una certa peculiarità. L’analisi di ciascun tipo societario è accompagnata da formule di statuti e contratti, riportate anche sull’allegato Cd-Rom per consentirne la compilazione e la stampa. Sempre su Cd-Rom, è inoltre presente un’utile rassegna di normativa e prassi, suddivisa per argomento, al fine di facilitarne la ricerca. Questa terza edizione – che riporta una più approfondita e corposa trattazione circa la disciplina delle Reti d’impresa – è aggiornata con i più significativi documenti emanati dall’Agenzia delle Entrate per il 2011 relativamente al settore dei consorzi, fra cui si segnalano la Risoluzione n. 2/E (Ritenuta di imposta su interventi di recupero del patrimonio edilizio e di riqualificazione energetica), la Circolare n. 4/E (Reti d’impresa) e la Circolare n. 5/E (Regime di esenzione IVA per le prestazioni rese ai propri consorziati o soci)

    Estimation of cutting and friction coefficients in dry and cryogenic milling through experiments and simulations

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    Cryogenic milling with internal delivery of liquid nitrogen is an effective way for improving the cutting performance and the environmental impact in machining of titanium. Physical experiments of down-milling of aerospace titanium have been conducted and a numerical model of the process has been developed, in order to model and predict the cutting forces. Combining the results of the numerical model and of a mechanistic cutting force model, it can be concluded that internal cryogenic cooling significantly changes the mechanics of the machining process, with respect to the dry conditions

    Raw material procurement at Boila Rockshelter, Epirus, as an indicator of hunter-gatherer mobility in Greece during the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic

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    Mobility represents one of the most important behavioural strategies of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic, allowing groups to organise their use of landscapes by positioning themselves close to resources, as well as to regulate group size and social networks. One way of measuring the scale of this mobility is through the transport of lithic raw materials in the form of cores and finished artefacts. This paper aims to investigate settlement and mobility in Greece during the Late Upper Palaeolithic to Early Mesolithic transition, by using chipped stone technology and raw material transport as an index for wider subsistence and settlement changes associated with the Early Holocene. We take as a case study the Boila Rockshelter, located in the Voidomatis Basin in the rugged uplands of the Tymphi Massif, part of the Pindus Mountains in northwestern Greece. Typological analysis of almost two-thirds of the Boila chipped stone assemblage was carried out, along with geochemical trace element analysis on chert samples from the site, as well as limestone exposures in the local area and further afield. The geochemical analysis was focused on rare earth and other elements, with the results from Boila and the geological samples then compared. These confirmed that the majority of the chert used at Boila was originally derived from outcrops within the Vikos Gorge and Voidomatis River Valley, with the best pieces from approximately 10 km to the southeast of the site. Abrasion on the surfaces of these indicates that the majority of pieces used at Boila were collected from secondary fluvial deposits, such as those immediately below the site. In contrast, the geochemical results suggested that the reddish-brown varieties which were recovered at low frequency at Boila were probably collected from deposits located further towards the south. Synthesis of the results from the chipped stone and geochemical analyses suggested that during the Early Holocene at Boila, there was a change in the composition of the retouched tool assemblage. Backed bladelets continued to be made, but they were added to by increasing numbers of backed points and geometrics, along with a significant increase in the frequency of microburins. In parallel, the use of local black chert increased, albeit from a high level to begin with, while the poorer quality local greyish-white varieties declined, along with reddish-brown. The decline in greyish-white chert probably points to deliberate choice, favouring the better quality local black variety. The decline in reddish-brown chert, likely to have been collected further towards the south, suggests increasingly localised use of the landscape, possibly in response to improving conditions leading to increasing abundance, thus reducing the scale of mobility systems or the need for as frequent site relocation. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Prehistoric Exploitation of Grevena Highland Zones: Hunters and herders along the Pindus Chain of Western Macedonia (Greece)

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    The surveys and excavations carried out in the highland zone of the Grevena Pindus Mountains have revealed that the watershed that separates western Macedonia from Epirus was (seasonally) inhabited in different prehistoric times, from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age. The highest concentration of 'sites' is known from the surroundings of the modern village of Samarina, which is rich in good-quality chert raw material outcrops. This territory is still nowadays heavily exploited by Vlach shepherds who seasonally carry out pastoral activities, moving their flocks from the eastern lowlands up to the high-altitude pastures. The excavations carried out at three different sites, all lying on a flysch substratum, revealed the presence of a redeposited lower sediment, characterized bya polygonal soil caused by ground freezing that was later effected by erosion canals produced by human interference in the landscape. The results so far obtained from a few charcoal radiocarbon dates indicate that this fact took place in at least three different periods from the middle Bronze Age to the seventh century AD