4 research outputs found
Primary Malignant Musculosqueletal Tumors of Members in Adult in Togo
Abstract Purpose: Primary malignant musculosqueletal tumors in adult are rare affections group and its treatment is still a real challenge today. The aim of this work was to describe the epidemiologic and treatment aspects of these tumors in the national reference center of our country. Materiel and Methods: It was a retrospective review of primary malignant musculosqueletal tumors treated in orthopedics and trauma unit of Sylvanus Olympio teaching hospital of Lomé, Togo from January 2000 to December 2014. Results: During the study period, 28 cases were selected and reviewed. There were 17 men (60.71%) and 11 women (39.29%). The average age was 32.7 years. There were 20 cases (71%) of primary malignant bone tumors (PMBT) and 8 cases (29%) of primary malignant soft tissues tumors (PMSTT). There were 6 (30%) of osteosarcoma. The tumor was located in the bones of the forearm and wrist/hand in 2 (10%) patients for each anatomical site; for the lower limb, around knee in 7 (35%) patients. Eight patients had PMSTT (28, 57%). There were three cases of rhabdomyosarcoma, 2 cases of fibrosarcoma. Tumors were located around knee in 4 cases and around ankle/foot in 3 cases. In the two groups of tumor, tumor resection was performed in 5 patients (17.86%) and limb amputation indicated in 23 patients (82.14%), was performed in 15 (53.57%) and 8 patients (37.78%), rejected it and left hospital against medical advice. Conclusion: Malignant musculoskeletal tumors are relatively rare in Togo. Their treatment is based on radical surgery which is often not supervised by adjuvant therapies. Ignorance, poverty of the population and embryonic state of diagnostic and treatment infrastructures are the obstacles to their care. Education and awareness must be integrated to care and fight against this group of diseases
Qualite des soins du site operatoire en chirurgie orthopedique et traumatologique au chu Sylvanus Olympio (so)
Objectif : cette Ă©tude avait pour objectif de dĂ©crire les diffĂ©rentes pratiques en matiĂšre de soins du site opĂ©ratoire dans le service de traumatologie-orthopĂ©die afin dâen amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ©.Patients et mĂ©thodes : CâĂ©tait une Ă©tude transversale descriptive ayant portĂ©e sur des patients opĂ©rĂ©s dans le service de chirurgie traumatologique et orthopĂ©dique du CHU SO du 1er janvier au 30 juin 2013. Les variables analysĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© celles relatives aux donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, aux antĂ©cĂ©dents des patients et aux paramĂštres liĂ©s aux soins prĂ©, per et postopĂ©ratoires.RĂ©sultats : LâĂ©tude a concernĂ© 37 patients dont 27 Ă©taient de sexe masculin soit une sexratio M/F de 2,7. Avant lâadmission des patients en salle dâopĂ©ration, le site Ă opĂ©rernâest pas prĂ©parĂ© la veille. Au bloc opĂ©ratoire, les ostĂ©osynthĂšses de fĂ©mur avec 24,3% et du tibia, 13,5% ont Ă©tĂ© les interventions les plus frĂ©quemment rĂ©alisĂ©es et ont majoritairement durĂ© au moins une heure trente minutes ; la ceftriaxone Ă raison de 2g, a étĂ© utilisĂ©e en prophylaxie ; le drainage et le lavage de la plaie opĂ©ratoire en fin dâintervention nâont pas Ă©tĂ© systĂ©matiques mais variaient selon les opĂ©rateurs et le type de chirurgie pratiquĂ© ; les compresses majoritairement utilisĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© de petit format (40 cm x 40 cm). En salle dâhospitalisation, seuls les soins mĂ©dicamenteux ont Ă©tĂ© plus ou moins systĂ©matisĂ©s ; le reste des pratiques Ă©tait variable selon les consignes donnĂ©es par chaque opĂ©rateur.Conclusion : La pratique des soins du site opĂ©ratoire dans le service de traumatologie orthopĂ©die du CHU Sylvanus Olympio nâest pas systĂ©matisĂ©e. Cependant, les patients sâen sortent avec des suites opĂ©ratoires simples. Toutefois, la petite taille de lâĂ©chantillon et la courte durĂ©e de lâĂ©tude, ne permettant pas dâanalyser avec objectivitĂ©Â lâissue des gestes chirurgicaux effectuĂ©s. Il est nĂ©cessaire que la pratique des soins sâamĂ©liore par la mise sur pied et le respect des protocoles uniformes et la formation continue du personnel.Mots clĂ©s : soins, site opĂ©ratoire, Togo.ABSTRACTObjective: The aim of this study was to describe the different practices about the surgical site care in orthopaedics department to improve quality.Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study focused on patients having surgery in Trauma and Orthopaedic department of SO teaching hospital from 1st January to 30th June 2013. The variables analyzed were those related to demographics, patientâs histories and parameters related to the period before, during and after operation.Results: The study included 37 patients of which 27 were male with a sex ratio M / F of 2.7. Before the admission of patients in the operating room, the site for operation was not prepared the day before. In the operating room, the femur osteosynthesis with 24.3% and tibia, 13.5% were the most frequently performed operations and mostly lasted at least one hour thirty minutes; ceftriaxone at a rate of 2g was used in prophylaxis; drainage and wound washing at the end of the procedure were not systematic but varied among operators and the type of surgery performed; the compresses used predominantly were a small size (40 cm x 40 cm). In hospitalization room, only medication treatment was more or less systematized; the remaining practices were variable according to instructions given by each operator.Conclusion: The practice of surgical site care in orthopaedic trauma unit of SO teaching hospital is not systematic. However, patients will come away with an uneventful postoperative course. However, the small sample size and short duration of the study didnât allowed objective analysis of the outcome of surgical procedures performed; it is necessary to improve care practice by the establishment and respect uniform protocols and continuing program of staff education.Keywords: care, surgical site, Togo
La tachycardie ventriculaire : aspects epidemiologiques, cliniques, paracliniques, etiologiques, therapeutiques et evolutifs au chu Yalgado Ouedraogo au Burkina Faso
Introduction-Objectifs : La prĂ©sence dâune tachycardie ventriculaire (TV) doit nĂ©cessiter une prise en charge rapide. Lâobjectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait dâĂ©tudier les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques, paracliniques, Ă©tiologiques, thĂ©rapeutiques et Ă©volutifs de la TV en hospitalisation de cardiologie au CHU-YO.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : il sâest agi dâune Ă©tude rĂ©trospective descriptive allant du 1er Janvier 2012 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2014.Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus les patients ĂągĂ©s de plus de 18 ans, hospitalisĂ©s dans le service de cardiologie du CHU Yalgado OuĂ©draogo, ayant prĂ©sentĂ© une TV soutenue ou non soutenue Ă lâECG de surface douze dĂ©rivations ou Ă lâenregistrement continu Holter ECG.RĂ©sultats : Trente-six (36) cas de TV ont Ă©tĂ© retenus. La prĂ©valence hospitaliĂšre de la TV Ă©tait de 2,34 %. LâĂąge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 61,44 ± 14,55 ans (extrĂȘmes 34-85 ans). Le sex-ratio Ă©tait de 2,6. Un antĂ©cĂ©dent dâhypertension artĂ©rielle Ă©tait retrouvĂ© dans 47,22 %. A lâadmission un syndrome dâinsuffisance cardiaque Ă©tait prĂ©sent dans 88,88 %. Le collapsus, lâĂ©tat de choc et les palpitations ont Ă©tĂ© les manifestations cliniques les plus retrouvĂ©es au moment de la TV. La TV Ă©tait soutenue dans 36,11% et non soutenue dans 63,88 %. Les principales Ă©tiologies Ă©taient reprĂ©sentĂ©es par les cardiopathies hypertensives (30,30%) et les cardiopathies ischĂ©miques (30,30%). La rĂ©duction de la TV soutenue a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e par choc Ă©lectrique externe dans 77 %. Lâamiodarone a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e dans 87% en cas de TVNS. La rĂ©duction et le maintien en rythme sinusal a Ă©tĂ© obtenu globalement dans 63,88 % des cas. La durĂ©e moyenne dâhospitalisation Ă©tait de 14,30 ± 9,99 jours (extrĂȘmes 2-36 jours). La mortalitĂ© globale Ă©tait de 44,44 %.Conclusion : Le pronostic de la TV suggĂšre une surveillance rigoureuse des patients prĂ©sentant des cardiopathies sous-jacentes Ă risque.Mots clĂ©s : tachycardie ventriculaire, trouble du rythme, cardiopathi
Relationship between strength and functional indexes (Rowe and Walch-Duplay scores) after shoulder surgical stabilization by the Latarjet technique.
AbstractIntroductionThe rotator cuff muscles help stabilize the glenohumeral joint. Postoperative recovery of rotator cuff muscle strength appears to be an important factor for optimal joint stabilization and the resumption of professional and/or sports activities.ObjectiveTo study the relationship between internal rotator (IR) and external rotator (ER) muscle strength, shoulder function and the resumption of sports activities (as typically evaluated with functional scores) following surgical stabilization with the Bristow-Latarjet procedure in cases of chronic shoulder instability.Patients and methodsTwenty patients with anterior, post-traumatic, chronic shoulder instability were included prospectively in a cohort study. The Rowe and Walch-Duplay functional scores were rated for the operated shoulder and the isokinetic IR and ER peak torque values were evaluated with a Con-TrexŸ dynamometer before surgery and then 3, 6 and 21months afterwards. The isokinetic evaluation was performed (at 180°/s, 120°/s and 60°/s) in the seated position, with the arms in 45° of abduction and 30° of antepulsion in the plane of the scapula.ResultsThere were no significant postoperative correlations between shoulder function (as judged by the Rowe and Walch-Duplay scores) and IR or ER muscle strength.ConclusionThis study did not provide evidence for a correlation between IR and ER muscle strength and functional scores after surgical stabilization of the shoulder. However, it is necessary to objectively measure the rotator cuff strength recovery to adequate the strengthening of rotator muscle prior to the resumption of sports activities. Isokinetic strength assessment may thus be a valuable decision support tool for the resumption of sports activities and would complement the functional scores studied here