28 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Partitioning System of Myxococcus Plasmid pMF1

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    pMF1 is the only autonomously replicating plasmid that has been recently identified in myxobacteria. This study characterized the partitioning (par) system of this plasmid. The fragment that significantly increased the retaining stability of plasmids in Myxococcus cells in the absence of selective antibiotics contained three open reading frames (ORFs) pMF1.21-pMF1.23 (parCAB). The pMF1.22 ORF (parA) is homologous to members of the parA ATPase family, with the highest similarity (56%) to the Sphingobium japonicum ParA-like protein, while the other two ORFs had no homologs in GenBank. DNase I footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that the pMF1.23 (parB) product is a DNA-binding protein of iteron DNA sequences, while the product of pMF1.21 (parC) has no binding activity but is able to enhance the DNA-binding activity of ParB to iterons. The ParB protein autogenously repressed the expression of the par genes, consistent with the type Ib par pattern, while the ParC protein has less repressive activity. The ParB-binding iteron sequences are distributed not only near the partitioning gene loci but also along pMF1. These results indicate that the pMF1 par system has novel structural and functional characteristics

    Rapid quantification of underivatized amino acids in plasma by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) coupled with tandem mass-spectrometry

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    Background: Amino acidopathies are a class of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) that can be diagnosed by analysis of amino acids (AA) in plasma. Current strategies for AA analysis include cation exchange HPLC with post-column ninhydrin derivatization, GC-MS, and LC-MS/MS-related methods. Major drawbacks of the current methods are time-consuming procedures, derivative problems, problems with retention, and MS-sensitivity. The use of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) columns is an ideal separation mode for hydrophilic compounds like AA. Here we report a HILIC-method for analysis of 36 underivatized AA in plasma to detect defects in AA metabolism that overcomes the major drawbacks of other methods. Methods: A rapid, sensitive, and specific method was developed for the analysis of AA in plasma without derivatization using HILIC coupled with tandem mass-spectrometry (Xevo TQ, Waters). Results: Excellent separation of 36 AA (24 quantitative/12 qualitative) in plasma was achieved on an Acquity BEH Amide column (2.1×100 mm, 1.7 μm) in a single MS run of 18 min. Plasma of patients with a known IEM in AA metabolism was analyzed and all patients were correctly identified. Conclusion: The reported method analyzes 36 AA in plasma within 18 min and provides baseline separation of isomeric AA such as leucine and isoleucine. No separation was obtained for isoleucine and allo-isoleucine. The method is applicable to study defects in AA metabolism in plasma

    d- and l-amino acids in Antarctic lakes: assessment of a very sensitive HPLC-MS method

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    Amino acids represent a fraction of organic matter in marine and freshwater ecosystems, and a source of carbon, nitrogen and energy. l-Amino acids are the most common enantiomers in nature because these chiral forms are used during the biosynthesis of proteins and peptide. To the contrary, the occurrence of d-amino acids is usually linked to the presence of bacteria. We investigated the distribution of l- and d-amino acids in the lacustrine environment of Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica, in order to define their natural composition in this area and to individuate a possible relationship with primary production. A simultaneous chromatographic separation of 40 l- and d-amino acids was performed using a chiral stationary phase based on teicoplainin aglycone (chirobiotic tag). The chromatographic separation was coupled to two different mass spectrometers-an LTQ-Orbitrap XL (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and an API 4000 (ABSciex)-in order to investigate their quantitative performance. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry methods were evaluated through the estimation of their linear ranges, repeatability, accuracy and detection and quantification limits. The high-resolution mass spectrometer LTQ-Orbitrap XL presented detection limits between 0.4 and 7 mu g l (-1), while the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer API 4000 achieved the best detection limits reported in the literature for the quantification of amino acids (between 4 and 200 ng l (-1)). The most sensitive method, HPLC-API 4000, was applied to lake water samples

    Wizualizacja rozkładu wilgotności drewna za pomocą chlorku kobaltu podczas suszenia mikrofalowego

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    Potassium currents in human myogenic cells from healthy and congenital myotonic dystrophy foetuses

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    The whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to record potassium currents in in vitro differentiating myoblasts isolated from healthy and myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) foetuses carrying 2000 CTG repeats. The fusion of the DM1 myoblasts was reduced in comparison to that of the control cells. The dystrophic muscle cells expressed less voltage-activated K(+) (delayed rectifier and non-inactivating delayed rectifier) and inward rectifier channels than the age-matched control cells. However, the resting membrane potential was not significantly different between the control and the DM1 cells. After four days in a differentiation medium, the dystrophic cells expressed the fast-inactivating transient outward K(+) channels, which were not observed in healthy cells. We suggest that the low level of potassium currents measured in differentiated DM1 cells could be related to their impaired fusion

    Global transcriptional regulator KorC coordinates expression of three backbone modules of the broad-host-range RA3 plasmid from IncU incompatibility group.

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    The broad-host-range conjugative RA3 plasmid from IncU incompatibility group has been isolated from the fish pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila. DNA sequencing has revealed a mosaic modular structure of RA3 with the stabilization module showing some similarity to IncP-1 genes and the conjugative transfer module highly similar to that from PromA plasmids. The integrity of the mosaic plasmid genome seems to be specified by its regulatory network. In this paper the transcriptional regulator KorC was analyzed. KorCRA3 (98 amino acids) is encoded in the stabilization region and represses four strong promoters by binding to a conserved palindrome sequence, designated OC on the basis of homology to the KorC operator sequences in IncP-1 plasmids. Two of the KorCRA3-regulated promoters precede the first two cistrons in the stabilization module, one fires towards replication module, remaining one controls a tricistronic operon, whose products are involved in the conjugative transfer process. Despite the similarity between the binding sites in IncU and IncP-1 plasmids, no cross-reactivity between their KorC proteins has been detected. KorC emerges as a global regulator of RA3, coordinating all its backbone functions: replication, stable maintenance and conjugative transfer