6 research outputs found

    Review on etiopathogenesis and role of lifestyle modification in the management of Khalitya (hairfall)

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    Now a days, the world is full of glamour and glory. The concept of beauty is gaining more and more attention globally, which is defined on some factors, amongst them hair is an important one. Hair is a mirror of healthy or unhealthy state of the body. Ayurvedic approach, falling of hair is coined as Khalitya. In Ayurvedic texts management of Khalitya has been described in the form of Nasya, Shiroabhyanga, Shirolepa and Rasayana therapy. The main aim of this paper is to explain the Nidana of Khalitya in present era and treat the disease too

    Influence of Parent’s Lifestyle in Children Behaviour – An Ayurveda Perspective

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    Role of parents is very crucial as children adopt the behavior and lifestyle which are followed by their parents in pediatrics population. In pediatric age group the world of children is only their parents, so if parents have no time for them, they feel lonely and anxious. Also parents over expectation, careless nature towards their child are the causes of psychological disorders in pediatric age group. Aim - To establish the relationship between parent’s behaviour and children psychology. Material and Methods - Literature review of psychology of children from classics by considering its different aspects, scholarly articles and information on internet has been referred thoroughly. Discussion and Conclusion - Overburden of parents expectation, loneliness, parents unhealthy relationship are responsible for increasing stress which leads to persistence of disease of pediatric age. Whatever the etiological factors including the genetic predisposition and course of disease pathology, the physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of the parents, proper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and after birth of child and practice of a wholesome regimen, play a prime role in achieving a healthy offspring. All the protocol mentioned in classics are very cost effective and easy to administer even in today’s life style, and therefore have very crucial role to prevent the psychological diseases in pediatric age group


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    Psoriasis is one of the commonest skin disorders seen in routine clinical scenario, in entire world around 80 million people suffering from psoriasis. Psoriasis is differentiated by patches of abnormal skin. These skin patches are typically red, itchy, and scaly. Psoriasis varies in severity from small, localized patches to complete body coverage. It typically presents as red patches with white scales on top. Areas of the body most commonly affected are the back of the forearms, chin, navel area, and scalp. Diagnosis is typically based on the signs and symptoms. Men and women are affected with equal frequency. The disease may begin at any age, but typically starts in adulthood. Psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of psoriatic arthritis, lymphomas, cardiovascular disease and depression. Psoriatic arthritis affects up to 30 percent of individuals with Psoriasis. It is noted that around 2% of population are touching with Psoriasis. In present study review on Herbs frequently used in treating psoriasis were compiled. The Herbs Nimba, Stri Kutaja, Guduchi, Daruharidra, Bhallataka Haritaki, Aragvadha, Amalaki, Karveera, Saptaparna, Khadira, Vasa, Guggulu, Chitraka & Katuki are reviewed to be having Vata or Kapha balancing properties. The pharmacological studies showing that Nimbidin of Neem having anti psoriatic property, The Methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Stri Kutaja and Guduchi are having anti oxidant and anti psychotic properties which are helpful in reducing the symptoms of psoriasis.

    Comparative Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Three Market Samples of Kharjura (Phoenix Dactylifera Linn.)

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    Kharjura(Phoenix dactylifera Linn.) fruits (Kharjura) are widely used by the traditional medical practitioners for the treatment of various diseases in their daily practices. According to Ayurvedic principles, the kharjura fruit Phoenix dactylifera Linn.is sweet (Madhura Rasa) in taste and increase moistness of tissues and balance Pitta and Vata Dosha (humours of body).Its fruits are used in various diseases like Kshaya (Malnutrition), Daha (Burning Sensation), Raktapitta (blood disorders), Murchha (Syncope), Trishna (Thirst), Shrama(exhaustion), Jwara (fever), Swasa (respiratory disorders), Kasa (cough), Madatyaya (Alcoholism) etc. Present study highlights pharmacognostical difference between varieties of two fresh fruits of Kharjura and one variety of Dry Kharjura. The results revealed that the fresh Kharjura variety contains presence of groups of stone cell, lignified stone cells layer, mesocarp cells, cells of parenchyma with starch grains, and dry Kharjura variety contain saccharine contents while silica deposition, starch grains, vascular bundle after stain with xylem

    A review of Kesha as diagnostic and prognostic tool in Ayurveda

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    Hair is one of the essential characteristic features which not only adds beauty to the person but also helps maintain normal physiological functions, especially by excreting sweat through the  Lomakupa, which is considered one of the roots of  Swedavaha Strotas. It also helps in thermoregulation, protection etc. It is  Pitruja Bhava  and is the  Mala  of  Asthidhatu. Depending upon the Hair conditions, one can assess some of the underlying pathological status of the body. Aims & Objectives: Review the literature concerned with  Prakruta  and  Vikruta Lakshnas  of hairs in Ayurvedic classical texts for diagnosis and prognosis of the disease. Material and Methods: Material related to Hair has been collected from Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Astanga Samgraha, and Ashtanga Hridaya  along with respective commentaries available and data associated with a topic general at different journals and books. Observations: As  Kesha  is one of the factors which build up a person's personality, Ayurvedic classics state the advantages of hair maintenance. In the present era, changes in lifestyle, food habits, excess use of shampoos, and hair dyes, lack of oil massage to Hair, pollution, stress and strain etc., may be the cause of different types of hair problems like  Khalitya  (Alopecia totalis),  Palitya  (premature greying of Hair) etc. Therefore a proper understanding of  Prakruta Lakshanas  of  Kesha  will help in understanding the  Vaikrutha Avastha  which will thus ease the line of treatment.  Results: Thus,  Kesha  and  Loma  play an essential role in diagnosing the   Prakruta   and   Vaikrutha   Lakshana  and help in the prognosis of the disease.

    Appraisal on Ayurvedic Herbs in the Management of Sthaulya (Obesity)

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    Sthaulya (Obesity) is a lifestyle and metabolic disorder. Ayurveda treated Sthaulya as a Santarpanottha Vikara (diseases due to excessive nutrition) which has been identified as one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide in both developed and developing countries. Medodushti (disorders of fat metabolism) serves as one of the important etiological factor. In Ayurveda herbal drugs are being used to lower the levels of serum cholesterol for the treatment and prevention of this disorder. In this regard, an attempt has been made to review the drugs useful in Sthaulya specifically mentioned in Ganas (group of drugs) of Ayurvedic classical texts which are useful in prevention and management of conditions like Dyslipidemia and its complications.Â