994 research outputs found

    Организационно-правовые формы и отличия административно-правового статуса территориальных органов федеральных органов исполнительной власти Российской Федерации

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    The subject of the study is the norms of administrative legislation regulating the territorial features of public administration in Russia. The chosen topic receives a certain update against the background of the formation of the definition of "system of public authority", which is not fully covered at the doctrinal level. The purpose of the study is to assess the current state of legal regulation of the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies. In the context of the functioning of the power vertical, there is a need to unify their administrative and legal status, since the unity of the public authority system is the achieved result of the constitutional reform of 2020. Methodology and research methods. As the basis of the research methodology, the author chose the formal legal method, based on the established principles of dialectical cognition. With its help, the non-transparency of the organization of territorial bodies exercising the fullness of state administration in the subjects of the federation was revealed. The main scientific results of the study are built around the hypothesis of excessive institutionalization of the territorial and central divisions of the executive authorities with the priority of subordinate legal regulation. It has been proved that in this case, both the efficiency of public administration and the trust in public law institutions on the part of civil society may decrease. Conclusions. Based on the legal nature of the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities, it can be concluded that they are in hierarchical subordination, but at the same time they are endowed with the full implementation of the powers attributed by law to their jurisdiction. In the absence of a single normative act that would detail the constitutional foundations for the exercise of public authority, most of them are established in the manner prescribed by the normative act issued by the entity that manages the activities of the relevant federal executive authority. This practice has hidden defects that reduce the effectiveness of public administration. The best way to create a transparent mechanism of public administration is to abandon the practice of legal regulation of the administrative and legal status of the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities by by-laws. By-laws may have a certain potential in terms of the distribution of powers within the structure of the territorial body of the federal executive authority, however, “status” norms should be present in the provisions of a separate federal law regulating the procedure for the establishment, transformation and liquidation of the territorial bodies of the federal executive authority.Исследуются нормы действующего административного законодательства, на основании которых в перспективе возможно совершенствование организационно-правовых форм деятельности территориальных органов федеральных органов исполнительной власти. Предметом анализа избран дисбаланс в правовом регулировании их административно-правового статуса, вследствие которого управленческая деятельность становится нетранспарентной. Обосновано, что модернизация деятельности органов публичной власти требует формирования унифицированной структуры территориальных подразделений федеральных органов исполнительной власти, определенной законом, а не подзаконными актами. Приводятся рекомендации по оптимизации структуры вертикали исполнительной власти, адекватные современной социально-экономической ситуации

    DELPHES 3, A modular framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment

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    The version 3.0 of the DELPHES fast-simulation is presented. The goal of DELPHES is to allow the simulation of a multipurpose detector for phenomenological studies. The simulation includes a track propagation system embedded in a magnetic field, electromagnetic and hadron calorimeters, and a muon identification system. Physics objects that can be used for data analysis are then reconstructed from the simulated detector response. These include tracks and calorimeter deposits and high level objects such as isolated electrons, jets, taus, and missing energy. The new modular approach allows for greater flexibility in the design of the simulation and reconstruction sequence. New features such as the particle-flow reconstruction approach, crucial in the first years of the LHC, and pile-up simulation and mitigation, which is needed for the simulation of the LHC detectors in the near future, have also been implemented. The DELPHES framework is not meant to be used for advanced detector studies, for which more accurate tools are needed. Although some aspects of DELPHES are hadron collider specific, it is flexible enough to be adapted to the needs of electron-positron collider experiments.Comment: JHEP 1402 (2014

    Towards portable muography with small-area, gas-tight glass Resistive Plate Chambers

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    Imaging techniques that use atmospheric muons, collectively named under the neologism "muography", have seen a tremendous growth in recent times, mainly due to their diverse range of applications. The most well-known ones include but are not limited to: volcanology, archaeology, civil engineering, nuclear reactor monitoring, nuclear waste characterization, underground mapping, etc. These methods are based on the attenuation or deviation of muons to image large and/or dense objects where conventional techniques cannot work or their use becomes challenging. In this context, we have constructed a muography telescope based on "mini glass-RPC planes" following a design similar to the glass-RPC detectors developed by the CALICE Collaboration and used by the TOMUVOL experiment in the context of volcano radiography, but with smaller active area (16 ×\times 16 cm2^{2}). The compact size makes it an attractive choice with respect to other detectors previously employed for imaging on similar scales. An important innovation in this design is that the detectors are sealed. This makes the detector more portable and solves the usual safety and logistic issues for gas detectors operated underground and/or inside small rooms. This paper provides an overview on our guiding principles, the detector development and our operational experiences. Drawing on the lessons learnt from the first prototype, we also discuss our future direction for an improved second prototype, focusing primarily on a recently adopted serigraphy technique for the resistive coating of the glass plates.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, XV Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2020

    Классификация основных видов юридической ответственности в избирательном процессе

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    The subject. The legal institution of legal responsibility in electoral process in general as well as its basic subtypes: constitutional, criminal and administrative responsibility.The purpose of the article is to identify the main kinds of legal responsibility in the electoral process.Methodology. The author uses such general theoretical and specific scientific methods as comparative analysis, generalization, interpretation and classification as well as systemic analysis and formal logical methods.The main results of the research. The author takes into account the opinions of academic lawyers and analyzes the legal institution of legal responsibility in electoral process in general. The author considers and examines the classification of constitutional, criminal and administrative responsibility in the electoral process, reveals and analyzes the essence of such fundamental concepts as legal responsibility, kinds of legal responsibility, electoral rights of citizens. The article describes the special and distinguishing characteristics of different kinds of legal responsibility. The author also gives reasons for the necessity of a special set of state coercive measures in order to make the electoral process transparent. As far as the Russian Federation law “On elections and referenda” does not contain any specific measures of legal responsibility and has references to other laws, the author sees it important to fill this gap for future codification of electoral legislation. Constitutional legal responsibility is peculiar in electoral process. It means that responsibility is realized in procedural form, which is enshrined not only in Federal laws, but in subordinate laws, such as instructions of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.Conclusions. Legal liability in the electoral process has the following characteristics: it is expressed in the obligation to undergo measures of state enforcement; its basis is the violation of material and procedural norms of the electoral law; it is associated with various kinds of unavoidable negative consequences; the guilty person will be subjected to restriction of personal and other property rights; the offender is charged with the obligation to restore the violated right or compensation for damage.Анализируются научные подходы к систематизации знаний об основных видах юридической ответственности в избирательном процессе. Раскрывается сущность юридической ответственности, ее виды и особенности в избирательном процессе. Делается вывод о необходимости дальнейшего развития института конституционно-правовой ответственности, имеющего превентивный характер

    Трансформация водно- и землепользования в орошаемом земледелии регионов Сибири (1990–2020 гг.)

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    The transformation issue of water and land use in irrigated agriculture in Siberian regions remains insufficiently studied. The study of this issue, especially over a long period, is very relevant. From 1990 to 2020 the area of irrigated land in Siberia decreased from 526 thousand hectares to 334 thousand hectares. In some subjects of the federation, the irrigation area decreased by 2-2.5 times in the Republic of Khakassia, and in the Novosibirsk region, it decreased slightly. In 1990, 15.9 thousand hectares of irrigated land (i.e., 3% of all irrigated land) were not used in agricultural production largely due to soil salinization and waterlogging. In 2020, there were 6.8 thousand hectares of such land. It is necessary to increase the share of fodder crops in irrigated crop rotations to improve soil fertility as well as to increase the production of fodder and livestock products. Due to the write-off of the worst lands in some regions (Republic of Tyva, Tomsk region), there is an increase in the share of lands with a good reclamation condition and a decrease in the share of lands with an unsatisfactory condition. In general, the share of lands with the good ameliorative condition in the Siberian District has noticeably decreased, especially from 2010 to 2020. Lands equipped with a collector-drainage network are available only in the Altai Territory and the Omsk Region. The area requiring capital work to improve the technical level of irrigation systems has sharply increased (from 10–25% in 1990 to 80–90% in some regions in 2020). The authors found that the area of actually irrigated lands in Siberia progressively decreased from 461 000 hectares in 1990 to 64 000 hectares in 2020. The number of sprinkling machines and installations decreased by 17 times, and the volume of water consumption – by ten times. In recent years state support for entities engaged in mining on reclaimed lands has been strengthened.Вопрос трансформации водо- и землепользования в орошаемом земледелии регионов Сибири остается недостаточно изученным. Его исследование, особенно за длительный период времени, является весьма актуальным. С 1990 по 2020 г. площадь орошаемых земель в Сибири сократилась с 526 до 334 тыс. га. В некоторых субъектах федерации площадь орошения сократилась в 2–2,5 раза, в Республике Хакасия и Новосибирской области снизилась незначительно. В 1990 г. не использовалось в сельскохозяйственном производстве 15,9 тыс. га орошаемых земель (3%), в значительной степени из-за засоления и заболачивания почв, в 2020 г. – 6,8 тыс. га. Требуется наращивать долю кормовых культур в орошаемых севооборотах для повышения плодородия почвы, увеличения производства кормов и продукции животноводства. За счет списания худших земель в некоторых регионах (Республика Тыва, Томская область) отмечается рост доли земель с хорошим мелиоративным состоянием и снижение доли земель с неудовлетворительным состоянием. В целом же по Сибирскому округу доля земель с хорошим мелиоративным состоянием заметно снизилась, особенно за 2010–2020 гг. Земли, оборудованные коллекторно-дренажной сетью, имеются только в Алтайском крае и Омской области. Резко возросла площадь, на которой требуется проведение капитальных работ для повышения технического уровня оросительных систем (с 10–25% в 1990 г. до 80 –90% в некоторых регионах в 2020 г.). Показано, что площадь фактически политых орошаемых земель в Сибири поступательно снижалась: с 461 тыс. га в 1990 г. до 64 тыс. га в 2020 г. Количество дождевальных машин и установок сократилось в 17 раз, а объем водопотребления – в 10 раз. В последние годы растет государственная поддержка субъектов, осуществляющих производство на мелиорированных землях

    The CARMA1-Bcl10 Signaling Complex Selectively Regulates JNK2 Kinase in the T Cell Receptor-Signaling Pathway

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    SummaryMembers of the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) family play crucial roles in cell activation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Although many studies have indicated that JNK1 and JNK2 have functional differences and redundancy, the upstream signaling pathway that selectively activates JNK1 or JNK2 remains unknown. In this study, we have revealed a selective mechanism of JNK activation, in which JNK2, but not JNK1, was regulated by CARMA1, a scaffold molecule, after stimulation of the T cell receptor (TCR). This CARMA1-dependent regulation of JNK2 worked through the scaffold molecule Bcl10, which was inducibly associated with JNK2 and served as a JNK-interacting protein (JIP)-like scaffold to assemble the kinases JNK2, MKK7, and TAK1. Finally, we showed that CARMA1- and Bcl10-mediated JNK2 activation had a critical role in regulating the amount of c-Jun protein. Together, our studies provide genetic evidence that JNK1 and JNK2 are differentially regulated in the TCR-signaling pathway and play different functions

    XPS studies of PMIDA adsorbed on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles surfaces

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” Ural Federal University was used. The work was financially supported by the Integrated Program of the Ural Branch of the RAS (no. 18-3-3-20)