131 research outputs found

    Varkenshouderij in niet-concentratiegebieden : op weg naar duurzaamheid

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    In opdracht van de vakgroepen varkenshouderij van de N LTO en WLTO is onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de voorwaarden om een duurzame varkenshouderij in de niet-concentratiegebieden mogelijk te maken. Met behulp van gegevens uit de CBS-Landbouwtelling, een analyse van de inhoud van Streek- en Bestemmingsplannen en de resultaten van een enquête onder varkenshouders is nagegaan op welke wijze gekomen kan worden tot: 1) een verantwoorde en duurzame afzet van de geproduceerde mest; 2) een optimale afstemming tussen opfokzeugen, zeugen en vleesvarkens in het gebied; 3) ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden voor individuele bedrijven. Hiervoor zijn oplossingsrichtingen aangegeven en worden beleidsaanbevelingen gedaa

    Innovative in silico approaches to address avian flu using grid technology

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    The recent years have seen the emergence of diseases which have spread very quickly all around the world either through human travels like SARS or animal migration like avian flu. Among the biggest challenges raised by infectious emerging diseases, one is related to the constant mutation of the viruses which turns them into continuously moving targets for drug and vaccine discovery. Another challenge is related to the early detection and surveillance of the diseases as new cases can appear just anywhere due to the globalization of exchanges and the circulation of people and animals around the earth, as recently demonstrated by the avian flu epidemics. For 3 years now, a collaboration of teams in Europe and Asia has been exploring some innovative in silico approaches to better tackle avian flu taking advantage of the very large computing resources available on international grid infrastructures. Grids were used to study the impact of mutations on the effectiveness of existing drugs against H5N1 and to find potentially new leads active on mutated strains. Grids allow also the integration of distributed data in a completely secured way. The paper presents how we are currently exploring how to integrate the existing data sources towards a global surveillance network for molecular epidemiology.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Infectious Disorders - Drug Target

    The similarity question for biologicals and non-biological complex drugs

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    AbstractFor small – low molecular weight – molecule medicines a robust regulatory system has evolved over the years. This system guarantees high and constant quality of our (generic) medicines. Pharmaceutical equivalence and bioequivalence assessment are the pillars under that system. But there are complex medicines where the question of equivalence is more challenging to answer. For biologicals the paradigm of similarity rather than equality (the emergence of ‘biosimilars’) was developed in the past decade. This has been a program where an evolutionary, science based approach has been chosen by the frontrunner regulatory body, the EMA, with a ‘learn and confirm’ character.In addition, there is another group of complex drugs, the non-biological complex drugs, NBCDs, where the generic paradigm can be challenged as well. The NBCDs are defined as: 1. consisting of a complex multitude of closely related structures; 2. the entire multitude is the active pharmaceutical ingredient; 3. the properties cannot be fully characterized by physicochemical analysis and 4. the consistent, tightly controlled manufacturing process is fundamental to reproduce the product. NBCDs encompass product families such as the glatiramoids, liposomes, iron–carbohydrate colloids and many candidates of the group of the upcoming nanoparticulate systems. Following the main principles of regulatory pathways for biologicals (with appropriate product-by-product adjustments), instead of that for small molecules, would be the more logical strategy for these NBCDs.The status and outstanding regulatory issues for biosimilars and NBCD-similars/follow on versions were discussed at a conference in Budapest, Hungary (October 2014) and this commentary touches upon the issues brought up in the presentations, deliberations and conclusions

    On-line electrochemistry–bioaffinity screening with parallel HR-LC-MS for the generation and characterization of modified p38α kinase inhibitors

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    In this study, an integrated approach is developed for the formation, identification and biological characterization of electrochemical conversion products of p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors. This work demonstrates the hyphenation of an electrochemical reaction cell with a continuous-flow bioaffinity assay and parallel LC-HR-MS. Competition of the formed products with a tracer (SKF-86002) that shows fluorescence enhancement in the orthosteric binding site of the p38α kinase is the readout for bioaffinity. Parallel HR-MSn experiments provided information on the identity of binders and non-binders. Finally, the data produced with this on-line system were compared to electrochemical conversion products generated off-line. The electrochemical conversion of 1-{6-chloro-5-[(2R,5S)-4-(4-fluorobenzyl)-2,5-dimethylpiperazine-1-carbonyl]-3aH-indol-3-yl}-2-morpholinoethane-1,2-dione resulted in eight products, three of which showed bioaffinity in the continuous-flow p38α bioaffinity assay used. Electrochemical conversion of BIRB796 resulted, amongst others, in the formation of the reactive quinoneimine structure and its corresponding hydroquinone. Both products were detected in the p38α bioaffinity assay, which indicates binding to the p38α kinase

    Development of an online p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase binding assay and integration of LC–HR-MS

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    A high-resolution screening method was developed for the p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase to detect and identify small-molecule binders. Its central role in inflammatory diseases makes this enzyme a very important drug target. The setup integrates separation by high-performance liquid chromatography with two parallel detection techniques. High-resolution mass spectrometry gives structural information to identify small molecules while an online enzyme binding detection method provides data on p38α binding. The separation step allows the individual assessment of compounds in a mixture and links affinity and structure information via the retention time. Enzyme binding detection was achieved with a competitive binding assay based on fluorescence enhancement which has a simple principle, is inexpensive, and is easy to interpret. The concentrations of p38α and the fluorescence tracer SK&F86002 were optimized as well as incubation temperature, formic acid content of the LC eluents, and the material of the incubation tubing. The latter notably improved the screening of highly lipophilic compounds. For optimization and validation purposes, the known kinase inhibitors BIRB796, TAK715, and MAPKI1 were used among others. The result is a high-quality assay with Z′ factors around 0.8, which is suitable for semi-quantitative affinity measurements and applicable to various binding modes. Furthermore, the integrated approach gives affinity data on individual compounds instead of averaged ones for mixtures

    Marginal Eyespots on Butterfly Wings Deflect Bird Attacks Under Low Light Intensities with UV Wavelengths

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    Predators preferentially attack vital body parts to avoid prey escape. Consequently, prey adaptations that make predators attack less crucial body parts are expected to evolve. Marginal eyespots on butterfly wings have long been thought to have this deflective, but hitherto undemonstrated function.Here we report that a butterfly, Lopinga achine, with broad-spectrum reflective white scales in its marginal eyespot pupils deceives a generalist avian predator, the blue tit, to attack the marginal eyespots, but only under particular conditions-in our experiments, low light intensities with a prominent UV component. Under high light intensity conditions with a similar UV component, and at low light intensities without UV, blue tits directed attacks towards the butterfly head.In nature, birds typically forage intensively at early dawn, when the light environment shifts to shorter wavelengths, and the contrast between the eyespot pupils and the background increases. Among butterflies, deflecting attacks is likely to be particularly important at dawn when low ambient temperatures make escape by flight impossible, and when insectivorous birds typically initiate another day's search for food. Our finding that the deflective function of eyespots is highly dependent on the ambient light environment helps explain why previous attempts have provided little support for the deflective role of marginal eyespots, and we hypothesize that the mechanism that we have discovered in our experiments in a laboratory setting may function also in nature when birds forage on resting butterflies under low light intensities

    Advances in mass spectrometry-based post-column bioaffinity profiling of mixtures

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    In the screening of complex mixtures, for example combinatorial libraries, natural extracts, and metabolic incubations, different approaches are used for integrated bioaffinity screening. Four major strategies can be used for screening of bioactive mixtures for protein targets—pre-column and post-column off-line, at-line, and on-line strategies. The focus of this review is on recent developments in post-column on-line screening, and the role of mass spectrometry (MS) in these systems. On-line screening systems integrate separation sciences, mass spectrometry, and biochemical methodology, enabling screening for active compounds in complex mixtures. There are three main variants of on-line MS based bioassays: the mass spectrometer is used for ligand identification only; the mass spectrometer is used for both ligand identification and bioassay readout; or MS detection is conducted in parallel with at-line microfractionation with off-line bioaffinity analysis. On the basis of the different fields of application of on-line screening, the principles are explained and their usefulness in the different fields of drug research is critically evaluated. Furthermore, off-line screening is discussed briefly with the on-line and at-line approaches

    Advances in structure elucidation of small molecules using mass spectrometry

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    The structural elucidation of small molecules using mass spectrometry plays an important role in modern life sciences and bioanalytical approaches. This review covers different soft and hard ionization techniques and figures of merit for modern mass spectrometers, such as mass resolving power, mass accuracy, isotopic abundance accuracy, accurate mass multiple-stage MS(n) capability, as well as hybrid mass spectrometric and orthogonal chromatographic approaches. The latter part discusses mass spectral data handling strategies, which includes background and noise subtraction, adduct formation and detection, charge state determination, accurate mass measurements, elemental composition determinations, and complex data-dependent setups with ion maps and ion trees. The importance of mass spectral library search algorithms for tandem mass spectra and multiple-stage MS(n) mass spectra as well as mass spectral tree libraries that combine multiple-stage mass spectra are outlined. The successive chapter discusses mass spectral fragmentation pathways, biotransformation reactions and drug metabolism studies, the mass spectral simulation and generation of in silico mass spectra, expert systems for mass spectral interpretation, and the use of computational chemistry to explain gas-phase phenomena. A single chapter discusses data handling for hyphenated approaches including mass spectral deconvolution for clean mass spectra, cheminformatics approaches and structure retention relationships, and retention index predictions for gas and liquid chromatography. The last section reviews the current state of electronic data sharing of mass spectra and discusses the importance of software development for the advancement of structure elucidation of small molecules