350 research outputs found

    Expressiveness and complexity of graph logic

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    We investigate the complexity and expressive power of the spatial logic for querying graphs introduced by Cardelli, Gardner and Ghelli (ICALP 2002).We show that the model-checking complexity of versions of this logic with and without recursion is PSPACE-complete. In terms of expressive power, the version without recursion is a fragment of the monadic second-order logic of graphs and we show that it can express complete problems at every level of the polynomial hierarchy. We also show that it can define all regular languages, when interpretation is restricted to strings. The expressive power of the logic with recursion is much greater as it can express properties that are PSPACE-complete and therefore unlikely to be definable in second-order logic

    The Complexity of Admissibility in Omega-Regular Games

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    Iterated admissibility is a well-known and important concept in classical game theory, e.g. to determine rational behaviors in multi-player matrix games. As recently shown by Berwanger, this concept can be soundly extended to infinite games played on graphs with omega-regular objectives. In this paper, we study the algorithmic properties of this concept for such games. We settle the exact complexity of natural decision problems on the set of strategies that survive iterated elimination of dominated strategies. As a byproduct of our construction, we obtain automata which recognize all the possible outcomes of such strategies

    Towards the specification and verification of modal properties for structured systems

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    System specification formalisms should come with suitable property specification languages and effective verification tools. We sketch a framework for the verification of quantified temporal properties of systems with dynamically evolving structure. We consider visual specification formalisms like graph transformation systems (GTS) where program states are modelled as graphs, and the program behavior is specified by graph transformation rules. The state space of a GTS can be represented as a graph transition system (GTrS), i.e. a transition system with states and transitions labelled, respectively, with a graph, and with a partial morphism representing the evolution of state components. Unfortunately, GTrSs are prohibitively large or infinite even for simple systems, making verification intractable and hence calling for appropriate abstraction techniques

    Definability of semidefinite programming and lasserre lower bounds for CSPs

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    We show that the ellipsoid method for solving semidefinite programs (SDPs) can be expressed in fixed-point logic with counting (FPC). This generalizes an earlier result that the optimal value of a linear program can be expressed in this logic. As an application, we establish lower bounds on the number of levels of the Lasserre hierarchy required to solve many optimization problems, namely those that can be expressed as finite-valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSPs). In particular, we establish a dichotomy on the number of levels of the Lasserre hierarchy that are required to solve the problem exactly. We show that if a finite-valued constraint problem is not solved exactly by its basic linear programming relaxation, it is also not solved exactly by any sub-linear number of levels of the Lasserre hierarchy. The lower bounds are established through logical undefinability results. We show that the SDP corresponding to any fixed level of the Lasserre hierarchy is interpretable in a VCSP instance by means of FPC formulas. Our definability result of the ellipsoid method then implies that the solution of this SDP can be expressed in this logic. Together, these results give a way of translating lower bounds on the number of variables required in counting logic to express a VCSP into lower bounds on the number of levels required in the Lasserre hierarchy to eliminate the integrality gap. As a special case, we obtain the same dichotomy for the class of MAXCSP problems, generalizing earlier Lasserre lower bound results by Schoenebeck [17]. Recently, and independently of the work reported here, a similar linear lower bound in the Lasserre hierarchy for general-valued CSPs has also been announced by Thapper and Zivny [20], using different techniques

    Proof-theoretic Analysis of Rationality for Strategic Games with Arbitrary Strategy Sets

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    In the context of strategic games, we provide an axiomatic proof of the statement Common knowledge of rationality implies that the players will choose only strategies that survive the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Rationality here means playing only strategies one believes to be best responses. This involves looking at two formal languages. One is first-order, and is used to formalise optimality conditions, like avoiding strictly dominated strategies, or playing a best response. The other is a modal fixpoint language with expressions for optimality, rationality and belief. Fixpoints are used to form expressions for common belief and for iterated elimination of non-optimal strategies.Comment: 16 pages, Proc. 11th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XI). To appea

    Reconfiguration on sparse graphs

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    A vertex-subset graph problem Q defines which subsets of the vertices of an input graph are feasible solutions. A reconfiguration variant of a vertex-subset problem asks, given two feasible solutions S and T of size k, whether it is possible to transform S into T by a sequence of vertex additions and deletions such that each intermediate set is also a feasible solution of size bounded by k. We study reconfiguration variants of two classical vertex-subset problems, namely Independent Set and Dominating Set. We denote the former by ISR and the latter by DSR. Both ISR and DSR are PSPACE-complete on graphs of bounded bandwidth and W[1]-hard parameterized by k on general graphs. We show that ISR is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by k when the input graph is of bounded degeneracy or nowhere-dense. As a corollary, we answer positively an open question concerning the parameterized complexity of the problem on graphs of bounded treewidth. Moreover, our techniques generalize recent results showing that ISR is fixed-parameter tractable on planar graphs and graphs of bounded degree. For DSR, we show the problem fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by k when the input graph does not contain large bicliques, a class of graphs which includes graphs of bounded degeneracy and nowhere-dense graphs

    The pebbling comonad in finite model theory

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    Pebble games are a powerful tool in the study of finite model theory, constraint satisfaction and database theory. Monads and comonads are basic notions of category theory which are widely used in semantics of computation and in modern functional programming. We show that existential k-pebble games have a natural comonadic formulation. Winning strategies for Duplicator in the k-pebble game for structures A and B are equivalent to morphisms from A to B in the coKleisli category for this comonad. This leads on to comonadic characterisations of a number of central concepts in Finite Model Theory: - Isomorphism in the co-Kleisli category characterises elementary equivalence in the k-variable logic with counting quantifiers. - Symmetric games corresponding to equivalence in full k-variable logic are also characterized. - The treewidth of a structure A is characterised in terms of its coalgebra number: the least k for which there is a coalgebra structure on A for the k-pebbling comonad. - Co-Kleisli morphisms are used to characterize strong consistency, and to give an account of a Cai-F\"urer-Immerman construction. - The k-pebbling comonad is also used to give semantics to a novel modal operator. These results lay the basis for some new and promising connections between two areas within logic in computer science which have largely been disjoint: (1) finite and algorithmic model theory, and (2) semantics and categorical structures of computation

    Compact Labelings For Efficient First-Order Model-Checking

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    We consider graph properties that can be checked from labels, i.e., bit sequences, of logarithmic length attached to vertices. We prove that there exists such a labeling for checking a first-order formula with free set variables in the graphs of every class that is \emph{nicely locally cwd-decomposable}. This notion generalizes that of a \emph{nicely locally tree-decomposable} class. The graphs of such classes can be covered by graphs of bounded \emph{clique-width} with limited overlaps. We also consider such labelings for \emph{bounded} first-order formulas on graph classes of \emph{bounded expansion}. Some of these results are extended to counting queries

    On Second-Order Monadic Monoidal and Groupoidal Quantifiers

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    We study logics defined in terms of second-order monadic monoidal and groupoidal quantifiers. These are generalized quantifiers defined by monoid and groupoid word-problems, equivalently, by regular and context-free languages. We give a computational classification of the expressive power of these logics over strings with varying built-in predicates. In particular, we show that ATIME(n) can be logically characterized in terms of second-order monadic monoidal quantifiers