121 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Konformitas Dengan Intensi Perilaku Seksual Pada SMP Negeri X

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konformitas dengan intensi perilaku seksual pada siswa SMP Negeri X. Konformitas adalah kesediaan individu untuk mengubah perilakunya yang bersifat negatif sebagai akibat dari tekanan kelompok yang nyata maupun yang dipersepsikan dengan tujuan agar bisa selaras dengan anggota kelompok lainnya.Intensi perilaku seksual adalah keinginan seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan yang didorong oleh hasrat seksual, mulai dari perasaan tertarik sampai perilaku berkencan, bercumbu, dan bersanggama (hubungan seksual) dengan lawan jenisnya. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh siswa kelas 7 dan 8 SMP Negeri X dengan total 597 siswa yang terdiri dari 17 kelas, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 138 siswa yang terdiri dari 4 kelas. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua buah skala psikologi yaitu skala konformitas (21 aitem valid, α = 0,851) dan skala intensi perilaku seksual (42 aitem valid, α = 0,936). Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah korelasi Pearson atau Product Moment Correlation (rxy). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koefisien korelasi rxy= 0,352 dengan p = 0,000 (p < 0,05). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan peneliti diterima, yaitu terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara konformitas dengan intensi perilaku seksual. Semakin tinggi konformitas, maka semakin tinggi intensi perilaku seksual, demikian pula sebaliknya semakin rendah konformitas, maka semakin rendah intensi perilaku seksual

    Analisa Kekerasan Dan Struktur Mikro Pada Baja Aisi 1018 Akibat Proses Pack Carburizing Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Serbuk Cangkang Keong Emas

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    This &nbsp;research to investigate the effect of Pomacea Canalikulata Lamarck powder addition in the process of carburization box to physical (microstructure) and mechanical properties (hardness test) of AISI 1018 after heat treatment. In this research used a material of low carbon steel cylinder (AISI 1018). The process of making the specimen is done with to cut into several pieces, cutting done to ease in placing the specimen in the carburizing box, then wood charcoal powder and shell powder were weighed in accordance with the desired composition by mixing powder of 5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 15 wt%. The specimen was done heat treatment at a temperature of 9500C with the holding time at 2, 4 and 6 hours. Then, the specimen was done the Vickers hardness test, microstructure and composition&nbsp; test. From this research it can be concluded that the highest hardness value was obtained at 15 wt% addition of shell powder it was 262.26 kg/mm2 and the initial material hardness value was 144.08 kg/mm2. From microstructure observation and composition test show that it subjected surface hardening because carbon diffusion into specimen

    Pemberdayaan Petani Dengan Pemanfaatan Lahan Tidur Untuk Pertanian Biofarmaka Di Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus

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    This research aims to determine the government's efforts to empower farmers to utilize unutilized land for farming of medicinal plants as well as the wonted obstacles experienced . In this study researchers used qualitative research methods to the type of primary data and secondary data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation . The results showed that the unutilized land in District Dawe in 2013 mostly used by farmers to grow medicinal plants covering an area of 118 Hectaracre , which became the main commodity of medicinal plants in the Dawe subdistric is a ginger plant , kencur , and Laos . Empowerment Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Kudus District can be quite successful with some obstacles . The government should conduct a review of the empowerment program and increase the number of extension , in order to more evenly in the Dawe subdistric , as well as seek to establish cooperation with the company herbal medicinal plants so that farmers can be helped in terms of marketing

    Motivasi Menonton Tayangan Komedi Opera Van Java pada Mahasiswi Akbid Wira Husada Nusantara Malang Angkatan 2009

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    Si: Televisi sebagai media massa memiliki fungsi sebagai penyampaian informasi. Program televisi seperti news, entertainment, bahkan acara komedi mampu memberikan informasi yang sekiranya diperlukan oleh khalayak. Fungsi lain dari televisi adalah sebagai hiburan. Kehadiran program-program televisi yang menghibur sangat diperlukan untuk melepas stres dan kejenuhan sejenak setelah seharian beraktivitas. Penyajian tayangan hiburan dalam media televisi selalu menarik untuk ditonton terutama tayangan hiburan berupa kesenian tradisional yang dikemas dalam versi modern memiliki daya tarik tersendiri seperti Opera Van Java. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi mahasiswi AKBID Wira Husada Nusantara Malang angkatan 2009 menonton tayangan komedi Opera Van Java. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik sampel yang digunakan yaitu porposive sampling, langkah-langkah pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner, analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif yang meliputi penyajian data, analisis dan interpretasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori Uses and Gratifications. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, diperoleh suatu kesimpulah bahwa motivasi mahasiswi AKBID Wira Husada Nusantara Malang angkatan 2009 menonton tayangan komedi Opera Van Java adalah untuk mencari hiburan . Hiburan yang disajikan dalam Opera Van Java dapat menghilangkan kejenuhan mereka setelah seharian melaksanakan proses perkuliahan yang sangat menguras energi. Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Opera Van Java Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Opera Van Java Abstract: Television as mass media has a function as the delivery of information. Television programs such as news, entertainment, comedy shows and even be able to provide the information if requested by the audience. Another function of television as entertainment. The presence of television programs that entertain very necessary to relieve stress and boredom for a while after a day of activities. Presentation of the medium of television entertainment shows are always interesting to watch, especially the traditional art form of entertainment shows are packed in a modern version has its own charm as Opera Van Java. Abstract: Television as mass media has a function as the delivery of information. Television programs such as news, entertainment, comedy shows and even be able to provide the information if requested by the audience. Another function of television as entertainment. The presence of television programs that entertain very necessary to relieve stress and boredom for a while after a day of activities. Presentation of the medium of television entertainment shows are always interesting to watch, especially the traditional art form of entertainment shows are packed in a modern version has its own charm as Opera Van Java. This study aims to determine student motivation AKBID Wira Husada Malang archipelago of 2009 watch comedy shows Opera Van Java. Type of research conducted in this research is descriptive research with quantitative sampling techniques used are porposive sampling, data collection measures through questionnaires, data analysis using descriptive statistics that include data presentation, analysis and interpretation of data and drawing conclusions. While the theory is the theory used Uses and Gratification. From the research conducted, obtained a kesimpulah that student motivation AKBID Wira Husada Malang archipelago of 2009 watch comedy shows Opera Van Java is to seek entertainment. Entertainment presented in Opera Van Java can eliminate their boredom after a day of carrying out the lecture is very draining. This study aims to determine student motivation AKBID Wira Husada Malang archipelago of 2009 watch comedy shows Opera Van Java. Type of research conducted in this research is descriptive research with quantitative sampling techniques used are porposive sampling, data collection measures through questionnaires, data analysis using descriptive statistics that include data presentation, analysis and interpretation of data and drawing conclusions. While the theory is the theory used Uses and Gratification. From the research conducted, obtained a kesimpulah that student motivation AKBID Wira Husada Malang archipelago of 2009 watch comedy shows Opera Van Java is to seek entertainment. Entertainment presented in Opera Van Java can eliminate their boredom after a day of carrying out the lecture is very draining. Keywords: Motivation, Opera Van Java Keywords: Motivation, Opera Van Jav

    Optimasi Formula Matriks Patch Ketoprofen Transdermal Menggunakan Kombinasi Asam Oleat Dan Minyak Atsiri Bunga Cempaka Putih (Michelia Alba) Sebagai Permeation Enhancer

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    Ketoprofen merupakan obat antiinflamasi non-steroid. Obat golongan ini dapat menimbulkan efek samping pada saluran pencernaan, sehingga diperlukan alternatif lain pemberian ketoprofen yaitu dengan patch transdermal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat 8 formula dengan perbandingan kombinasi asam oleat dan minyak atsiri bunga cempaka putih sebesar 1:0; 1:0; 0:1; 0:1; 0,5:0,5; 0,5:0,5; 0,75:0,25 dan 0,25:0,75. Pengujian karakter fisik matriks patch meliputi uji bobot, ketebalan, persentase susut pengeringan dan ketahanan lipatan. Data hasil uji karakter fisik dalam pemilihan formula optimal ditentukan oleh software Design Expert versi 7 menggunakan simplex lattice design. Uji T-test dari single simple test pada software OpenStat digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi data dari formula optimal yang dihasilkan oleh simplex lattice design dengan data hasil observasi. Penentuan mekanisme dan kecepatan pelepasan (fluks) ketoprofen dianalisis menggunakan Solver. Dari hasil analisis, diketahui komposisi asam oleat dan minyak atsiri bunga cempaka putih (Michelia alba) dengan perbandingan 0,549:0,451 menghasilkan karakter fisik matriks patch yang optimal dari hasil prediksi simplex lattice design pada software Design Expert versi 7. Matriks patch formula optimal menghasilkan profil pelepasan ketoprofen dengan total ketoprofen terlepas sebanyak 0,81 mg pada menit ke-300 dan nilai disolusi efisiensi sebesar 18,96% selama 300 menit. Kecepatan pelepasan (fluks) ketoprofen sebesar 0,478 mg/jam.cm2 dengan mekanisme pelepasan ketoprofen mengikuti persamaan Korsmeyer Peppas dengan difusi Fickian, yaitu laju difusi lebih kecil dari relaksasi

    Upaya Pemerintah Desa dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan pada Masyarakat

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    Abstraction This Base On Reality That which Indicate Still There are many Deficient in And Mistrust hello world In The government The village,Then Study Concerning The effort BecomeVery Relevant To Raised. The implication of The application Service The area also Sue The village DoVarious Multiform Renewal InInternally AsWas prosecuted By Services.The renewal of this Just possible Done Manakalah The government The village Already Capable of being Empowering Her.To depart From thinking The thenViewed Need Do Study hello word The government hello word To Good Service On People.Formulating The problem In Research It is How Conditions The The villagers Lismanggu Viewed from Conditions Three Or actor Acolonnade Government Existing.And what is the Berdayaan of The The government Villages District Prafi A county Manokwari And post-conflict -upaya what Should Done in The implementation of the village.An inference It is obtainable In order to Upayan government Divided into the three concepts Governments and government The village, a body of s consultative The village, civil society Village and sub-district prafi while.The effort That is over This Made to empower Or improve Capacity The government has yet to Optimal and have not shown The act of one who Sistematiik( still half-hearted and partial )And Concentrated On the fields A particular.Our suggest ions The ask is The village was, okay Who muflak to Done.An effort made By integrating Various needs,Every actor And the approach A systemic.The Government Regency expected more focus attention Organization of theT he village Government efforts throughthe granting of the aid in the form of the allocation offunds for implementation of the Government's efforts of village Lismanggu district prafi district of Manokwari

    Pengaruh Orientasi Dan Fraksi Volume Serat Daun Nanas (Ananas Comosus) Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Polyester Tak Jenuh (Up)

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    Composite manufacturing is done by hand lay-up method with a fiber volume fraction 10%, 20%,30%, and 40% with unidirectional and random short fiber orientation of pineapple leaves. Specimentesting is performed with a standard tensile strength test ASTM D3039. As a results is known that thetensile strength of composites increased with increasing fiber volume fraction for unidirectional fiberorientation, but rather to the random orientation of short fibers. Meanwhile, the composite tensile strainincreases with increasing fiber volume fraction for both the orientation of the fibers of pineapple leaves

    Design of Low Flow Undershot Type Water Turbine

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    Many water sources around us which have kinetic energy to run waterwheels are not optimally utilized. This energy can be converted into an energy source that can produce electricity. Therefore this study produced a design of a waterwheel that could be used in low-flow rivers to produce electricity by adding generators. Waterwheel modeling using Ansys is calculated based on flow assumptions. Modeling using this system provides advantages in the form of computational power efficiency, the stability of numerical calculations and the accuracy of the resulting solutions. Numerical analysis of the waterwheel is assumed that the waterwheel is half floating on the surface of the water. As stated in the limitation of the problem that the incoming water flowing at a speed of 5 m/s from the flow moves the wheel. The flow rate of water that hit the blade on the waterwheel causes the waterwheel to rotate which is pressured by the flow of water with a number of 12 blades. With a relatively simple design, the waterwheel produces a wheel rotation I of 91 Rpm and II of 78 Rpm, with a torque of 39.2 N by using some analysis of this design can be applied to river flow with low flow velocity. The relatively simple design makes it easy to be produced and maintenance. River flow used is in the Malang District with a flow velocity of 1 m/s gets a power of 1128 W on waterwheel I while on waterwheel II gets a power of 967 W
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