850 research outputs found

    Liver regeneration: a spotlight on the novel role of platelets and serotonin

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    The development of novel approaches in liver surgery in the last decade has saved the lives of a large number of patients via resection of liver tumours previously thought to be non-resectable. Concurrently, living donor liver transplantation has emerged as one of the ways of lowering mortality on the waiting lists. These breakthroughs demanded a rigorous understanding of the mechanisms of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Based on our previous studies on blood platelets and cold ischaemic injury, platelets and serotonin have attracted attention due to their theoretical potential contribution to liver regeneration. Both platelets and serotonin have been proven to be crucially involved in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. This review article provides an overview on the process of liver regeneration, with emphasis on its molecular basis and the coordinate contribution of several cells to restoring the organ's original volume and function. The role of platelets and serotonin is highlighted as novel contributors in this process

    Parastomal hernia incarceration due to migrated intragastric balloon

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    The temporary placement of intragastric balloons is a common method to achieve rapid weight loss before planned metabolic surgery. We report the case of a 48-year-old morbidly obese patient. Ten years ago the patient underwent emergency sigmoidectomy with creation of a double-barreled ileostomy for perforated diverticulitis. Over time he developed a giant parastomal hernia. For preoperative weight reduction before planned restoration of intestinal continuity, an intragastric balloon was inserted 3years ago. The patient was admitted to our emergency department with peritonism and a septic shock. After computed tomography showing small bowel ileus, laparotomy was performed, revealing marked ischemia of incarcerated small and large intestine. Only postoperatively was the intragastric balloon found in the resected small bowel, causing a mechanical ileus with consecutive incarceration of the bowel. We review the literature on complications due to the migration of intragastric balloons. This clinical case gives a fair warning of the possible deleterious outcome of intragastric balloons, especially in hernia patient

    Video-assisted sacral nerve stimulation

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    Background: Sacral nerve simulation (SNS) is an accepted therapy for patients with urinary or bowel dysfunction. However, infection rates are as high as 20% and can result in removal of the expensive device. We present a new video-assisted technique minimizing the risk of infection. Methods: Between April and July 2005, six consecutive women of median age 68 years (range, 60-74), with faecal incontinence (4 patients) and idiopathic constipation (2 patients) underwent video-assisted electrode implantation for SNS. The motor response of the pelvic floor during percutaneous nerve evaluation and implantation of the permanent lead was monitored by a video optic (same as that normally used for laparoscopic or endoscopic procedures) placed between the legs of the patients. The video optic and the perianal area were completely covered with drapes, separating them from the operating field. Results: All but one screening was successful, and no wound infections at the electrode or at the pocket of the stimulator were noted (mean postoperative follow-up, 8 weeks). Conclusions: With the use of a video optic, the anus and the implantation site can be completely separated and contamination during the operation becomes unlikely. Furthermore, the response of the pelvic floor to the stimulation is better visualized. We routinely recommend the use of video equipment for SNS electrode implantatio

    Role of serotonin in the hepato-gastroIntestinal tract: an old molecule for new perspectives

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    Abstract.: Beside its role as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, serotonin appears to be a central physiologic mediator of many gastrointestinal (GI) functions and a mediator of the brain-gut connection. By acting directly and via modulation of the enteric nervous system, serotonin has numerous effects on the GI tract. The main gut disturbances in which serotonin is involved are acute chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, carcinoid syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome. Serotonin also has mitogenic properties. Platelet-derived serotonin is involved in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. In diseased liver, serotonin may play a crucial role in the progression of hepatic fibrosis and the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis. Better understanding of the role of the serotonin receptor subtypes and serotonin mechanisms of action in the liver and gut may open new therapeutic strategies in hepato-gastrointestinal disease

    A challenging hernia: primary venous aneurysm of the proximal saphenous vein

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    Introduction: Primary venous aneurysm is a rare, but essential consideration in the differential diagnosis of an inguinal and femoral hernia. Methods: We report a case of a 43-year-old man who was referred for evaluation and treatment of a femoral hernia. Results: The patient presented with a 3-month history of an asymptomatic tumor on his right upper inner thigh. Physical examination noted a non-tender, non-indurated tumor. Conclusion: Surgical exploration demonstrated a primary venous aneurysm of the proximal saphenous vei

    Was ist "evidence based" in der Adipositaschirurgie?

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    Zusammenfassung: Seit den 1990er Jahren gilt in den USA der Konsens, dass die bariatrische Chirurgie die beste Therapie zur Erzielung eines lang anhaltenden Gewichtsverlustes wie auch zur Behandlung der adipositasassoziierten Komorbiditäten ist. In der Folge kam es zu einem regelrechten Boom in der bariatrischen Chirurgie. Diese Entwicklung wurde zusätzlich beschleunigt durch das Aufkommen der laparoskopischen Techniken, welche die Morbidität des Eingriffes deutlich verkleinerten. Eine einheitliche Vorgehensweise und Verfahrenswahl existiert bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt nicht. Vergleichende Studien zwischen verschiedenen Verfahren sind rar und die wissenschaftliche Evidenz zur Therapie der Fettleibigkeit ist mager. Allgemein wird anerkannt, dass die Abklärung im Vorfeld einer Operation interdisziplinär im Team erfolgt und dass die behandelnden Ärzte eine lebenslange Nachsorge der Patienten sicherstellen müssen. Der bariatrisch-chirurgische Eingriff sollte heute primär laparoskopisch durchgeführt werden, da dadurch die Folgen des offenen Zuganges wie Wundinfekt- und Narbenhernienraten massiv gesenkt werden. Die verschiedenen Verfahren beinhalten restriktive, malabsorptive und kombinierte Wirkmechanismen. Rein restriktive Verfahren wie das Magenbanding sind den kombinierten und malabsorptiven Verfahren in Bezug auf den erzielbaren Gewichtsverlust unterlegen. Ebenfalls werden Komorbiditäten wie der Diabetes mellitus und die arterielle Hypertonie durch letztere Methoden wirkungsvoller behandelt. Diese Erkenntnisse sollten daher die Grundlage zur Verfahrenswahl bei der chirurgischen Behandlung der morbiden Adipositas bilde

    Pathogenesis of Cholesterol Gallstones

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    Cholesterol gallstone disease is extremely common. Three major stages are recognized for stone formation, namely bile that becomes supersaturated with cholesterol, cholesterol nucleation leading to crystal formation and finally retention of the crystals in the gallbladder resulting in stone formation. Supersaturation is common but nucleation into crystals probably requires protein nucleating factors. Impaired motility of the gallbladder causes crystal retention and is probably very important in stone formation

    Laparoscopy for small bowel obstruction: the reason for conversion matters

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    Background: Although laparoscopy is associated with reduced hospital stay, early recovery, and decreased morbidity compared with open surgery, it is not well established for the treatment of small bowel obstruction (SBO). Methods: This study analyzed a prospective nationwide database of the Swiss Association of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery. Results: From 1995 to 2006, 537 patients underwent laparoscopy for SBO. Matted adhesions were the main cause of obstruction (62.6%). Intraoperative complications occurred for 9.5% of the patients. Postoperative morbidity was 14% and mortality 0.6%. Within 30days, 13 patients (2.4%) were readmitted because of early recurrence or complications. The conversion rate was 32.4%. The conversions resulted from inability to visualize the site of obstruction or matted adhesions (53.4%), intraoperative complications (21.3%), and small target incisions for resection (25.3%). Emergency operations were associated with higher conversion rates (43.6% vs 19.8%; p<0.001) but not with significantly more postoperative complications (15.2% vs 11.9%; p=0.17). Intraoperative complications and conversion were associated with significantly increased postoperative morbidity (39.2% vs 11.3%; p<0.001 and 24.7% vs 8.3%; p<0.001, respectively). Reactive conversion due to intraoperative complications was associated with the highest postoperative complication rate (48.6%). Morbidity for preemptive conversion due to impaired visualization/matted adhesions or a small-target incision was significantly lower (20% and 26.1%; p=0.02 and p<0.001, respectively). American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) scores higher than 2 also were associated with postoperative morbidity (p<0.001). However, multivariate regression analysis showed that reactive conversion was the only independent risk factor for postoperative morbidity (p<0.001; odds ratio, 3.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.83-8.64). Conclusions: Laparoscopic management of SBO is feasible with acceptable morbidity and low mortality but with a considerable conversion rate. Early conversion is recommended to reduce postoperative morbidit

    Long-term follow-up after combined fissurectomy and Botox injection for chronic anal fissures

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    Background and aims: Chronic anal fissures are difficult to treat. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the outcome of combined fissurectomy and injection of botulinum toxin Type A (BT). Materials and methods: Between January 2001 and August 2004, 40 patients (21 women), median age 37years (range 18 to 57), underwent fissurectomy and BT injection. Fissurectomy was performed followed by injection of 10U of BT into the internal anal sphincter on both sides of the fissure. All patients were clinically checked 6weeks after the operation. At 1year, patients were sent a detailed questionnaire regarding symptoms, recurrence and further treatment for evaluation of long-term results. Results/findings: At 6weeks, 38 patients (95%) were free of symptoms. No adverse effects were detected. The response rate of questionnaires was 93%; the median follow-up was 1year (range 0.9 to 1.6). In the long-term, a recurrence was found in four patients. These patients were treated successfully with repeated fissurectomy and BT injections and salvage procedures, respectively. Overall, the success rate of combined fissurectomy and BT injection was 79%. Interpretation/conclusion: Combined fissurectomy and Botox injection for chronic anal fissure is an excellent and safe procedure with low morbidity and a high healing rat

    A prospective randomized comparison of two instruments for dissection and vessel sealing in laparoscopic colorectal surgery

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    Background: A newly available, laparoscopic 5-mm bipolar vessel sealing device promises substantial advantages over the 10-mm instrument. This study compared the safety as well as the technical and surgical aspects of these different tools. Methods: For this study, 30 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic left-sided colectomy were prospectively randomized for the 5-mm LigaSure or The 10-mm LigaSure. The patients' demographics were analyzed together with their intraoperative and postoperative parameters, and the instruments were assessed by the surgeons with a standardized questionnaire. Results: The two groups were comparable and demonstrated similar mean operation times, blood losses, and hospital stays. The 5-mm LigaSure was applied in more operation steps and resulted in fewer bleeding episodes and less lens cleaning. Monopolar scissors were used less frequently in the 5-mm group, thus minimizing cauteric lesions and their complications (0 in the 5-mm group vs 2 in the 10-mm group). Overall satisfaction with the 5-mm LigaSure was significantly higher (8.4±0.18 vs 6.9±0.41 out of 10; p=0.002), with significant advantages in terms of dissection capacity, visibility, and handling. Conclusion: The 5-mm LigaSure is as secure and fast as the larger 10-mm device and compares favorably in terms of finer dissection as well as trocar flexibility and handling. Therefore, it can be used safely in laparoscopic colorectal surger
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