1,208 research outputs found

    Missoula Case Study: Direct Impact of Visitor Spending on a Local Economy

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    Examines the direct impact of visitor spending on Missoula County, Montana. The methodology explores the application of the Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts (TTSA\u27s) to county level economic information in an attempt to develop a simplified method of estimating visitor spending at the local level. For this study, visitor spending reflects both Montana residents who reside outside of Missoula County as well as nonresident visitors to Montana


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    Internet use, in general, and online social networking sites, in particular, are ex- periencing tremendous growth with hundreds of millions of active users. As a result, there is a tremendous amount of privacy information and content online. Protect- ing this information is a challenge. Access control policy composition is complex, laborious and tedious for the average user. Usable access control frameworks have lagged. Acceptance / use of available frameworks is low. As a result, policies are only partially configured and maintained. Or, they may be all together ignored. This leads to privacy information and content not being properly protected and potentially unknowingly made available to unintended recipients. We overcome these limitations by introducing User Centric Policy Management – a new paradigm of semi-automated tools that aid users in building, recommending and maintaining their online access control policies. We introduce six user centric policy management assistance tools: Policy Manager is a supervised learning based mech- anism that leverages user provided example policy settings to build classifiers that are the basis for auto-generated policies. Assisted Friend Grouping leverages proven clustering techniques to assist users in grouping their friends for policy management purposes. Same-As Subject Management leverages a user’s memory and opinion of their friends to set policies for other similar friends. Example Friend Selection pro- vides different techniques for aiding users in selecting friends used in the development of access control policies. Same-As Object Management leverages a user’s memory and perception of their objects for setting policies for other similar objects. iLayer is a least privilege based access control model for web and social networking sites that builds, recommends and enforces access control policies for third party developed applications. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these policy management assistance tools, we implemented a suite of prototype applications, conducted numerous experiments and completed a number of extensive user studies. The results show that User Centric Pol- icy Management is a more usable access control framework that is effective, efficient and satisfying to the user, which ultimately improves online security and privacy

    Global Forces of Change: Implications for Forest-poverty Dynamics

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    This article examines global trends likely to influence forests and tree-based systems and considers the poverty implications of these interactions. The trends, identified through a series of expert discussions and review of the literature, include: (i) climatic impacts mediated through changes in forests, (ii) growth in commodity markets, (iii) shifts in private and public forest sector financing, (iv) technological advances and rising interconnectivity, (v) global socio-political movements, and (vi) emerging infectious diseases. These trends bring opportunities and risks to the forest-reliant poor. A review of available evidence suggests that in a business-as-usual scenario, the cumulative risks posed by these global forces, in conjunction with limited rights, resources, and skills required to prosper from global changes, are likely to place poor and transient poor households under additional stress. The article concludes with an assessment of how interventions for enhancing forest management, combined with supportive policy and institutional conditions, can contribute to a different and more prosperous future for forests and people

    Prevalence of asthma and asthma action plans in South Australia: population surveys from 1990 to 2001

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.OBJECTIVES: To assess trends in the prevalence of self-reported doctor-diagnosed asthma, associated asthma related morbidity, and the uptake of written asthma action plans in South Australia, 1990–2001. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Surveys by telephone interview of the South Australian population between 1990 and 2001, and interview of participants in their own homes by trained health interviewers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Asthma prevalence, percentage of patients with written action plans, and asthma associated morbidity. RESULTS: The reported prevalence of doctor-diagnosed asthma has increased from 8% (95% CI, 6.4%–9.6%) in 1990 to 12.8% (95% CI, 11.4%–14.2%) in 2001. Morbidity, as measured by wakening at night (daily or weekly) and days lost from normal activities because of asthma, has remained constant over the decade. The percentage of patients with written asthma action plans increased to a peak of 42.3% (95% CI, 40.3%–44.3%) in 1995, but then declined to 22.2% (95% CI, 20.7%–23.7%) in 2001. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of asthma has increased while morbidity has remained constant, indicating that the burden of asthma has increased. The associated decline in the percentage of patients with asthma action plans in recent years is cause for concern.David H Wilson, Robert J Adams, Sarah L Appleton, Graeme Hugo, David Wilkinson, Janet Hiller, Philip Ryan, Julianne Cheek and Richard E Ruffi

    Radiotherapy optimAl Design: An Academic Radiotherapy Treatment Design System

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    Optimally designing radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments to increase the likelihood of a successful recovery from cancer is an important application of operations research. Researchers have been hindered by the lack of academic software that supports head-to-head comparisons of different techniques, and this article addresses the inherent difficulties of designing and implementing an academic treatment planning system. In particular, this article details the algorithms and the software design of Radiotherapy optimAl Design (RAD)

    Control of breathing and respiratory gas exchange in high-altitude ducks native to the Andes

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    We examined the control of breathing and respiratory gas exchange in six species of high-altitude duck that independently colonized the high Andes. We compared ducks from high-altitude populations in Peru (Lake Titicaca at ∼3800 m above sea level; Chancay River at ∼3000–4100 m) with closely related populations or species from low altitude. Hypoxic ventilatory responses were measured shortly after capture at the native altitude. In general, ducks responded to acute hypoxia with robust increases in total ventilation and pulmonary O2 extraction. O2 consumption rates were maintained or increased slightly in acute hypoxia, despite ∼1–2°C reductions in body temperature in most species. Two high-altitude taxa – yellow-billed pintail and torrent duck – exhibited higher total ventilation than their low-altitude counterparts, and yellow-billed pintail exhibited greater increases in pulmonary O2 extraction in severe hypoxia. In contrast, three other high-altitude taxa – Andean ruddy duck, Andean cinnamon teal and speckled teal – had similar or slightly reduced total ventilation and pulmonary O2 extraction compared with low-altitude relatives. Arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) was elevated in yellow-billed pintails at moderate levels of hypoxia, but there were no differences in SaO2 in other high-altitude taxa compared with their close relatives. This finding suggests that improvements in SaO2 in hypoxia can require increases in both breathing and haemoglobin–O2 affinity, because the yellow-billed pintail was the only high-altitude duck with concurrent increases in both traits compared with its low-altitude relative. Overall, our results suggest that distinct physiological strategies for coping with hypoxia can exist across different high-altitude lineages, even among those inhabiting very similar high-altitude habitats

    A knowledge based framework to support active aging at home based environments

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    Information and Communication Technologies can support Active Aging strategies in a scenario like the Smart Home. This paper details a person centered distributed framework, called TALISMAN+, whose aim is to promote personal autonomy by taking advantage of knowledge based technologies, sensors networks, mobile devices and internet. The proposed solution can support an elderly person to keep living alone at his house without being obliged to move to a residential center. The framework is composed by five subsystems: a reasoning module that is able to take local decisions at home in order to support active aging, a biomedical variables telemonitorisation platform running on a mobile device, a hybrid reasoning middleware aimed to assess cardiovascular risk in a remote way, a private vision based sensor subsystem, and a secure telematics solution that guarantees confidentiality for personal information. TALISMAN+ framework deployment is being evaluated at a real environment like the Accessible Digital Home

    Antihypertensive treatment decreases arterial stiffness at night but not during the day. Results from the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial

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    The main Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET) demonstrated a very marked reduction in cardiovascular events by treating hypertensive participants 80 years or older with a low dose, sustained release prescription of indapamide (indapamide SR, 1.5 mg) to which was added a low dose of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor in two-thirds of cases (perindopril 2–4 mg). This report from the ambulatory blood pressure sub-study investigates whether changes in arterial stiffness and ambulatory blood pressure (BP) could both explain the benefits observed in the main trial. A total of 139 participants were randomized to placebo [67] and to active treatment [72] and had both day and night observations of BP and arterial stiffness as determined from the Q wave Korotkoff diastolic (QKD) interval. The QKD interval was 5.6 ms longer (p = 0.017) in the actively treated group at night than in the placebo group. This was not true for the more numerous daytime readings so that 24-h results were similar in the two groups. The QKD interval remained longer at night in the actively treated group even when adjusted for systolic pressure, heart rate and height. The reduced arterial stiffness at night may partly explain the marked benefits observed in the main trial