320 research outputs found

    Stem cell differentiation increases membrane-actin adhesion regulating cell blebability, migration and mechanics

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    The dynamic mechanical properties of cellularised aggregates.

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    Cellularised materials are composed of cells interfaced through specialised intercellular junctions that link the cytoskeleton of one cell to that of its neighbours allowing for transmission of forces. Cellularised materials are common in early development and adult tissues where they can be found in the form of cell sheets, cysts, or amorphous aggregates and in pathophysiological conditions such as cancerous tumours. Given the growing realisation that forces can regulate cell physiology and developmental processes, understanding how cellularised materials deform under mechanical stress or dissipate stress appear as key biological questions. In this review, we will discuss the dynamic mechanical properties of cellularised materials devoid of extracellular matrix

    Tug-of-war between stretching and bending in living cell sheets

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    The balance between stretching and bending deformations characterizes shape transitions of thin elastic sheets. While stretching dominates the mechanical response in tension, bending dominates in compression after an abrupt buckling transition. Recently, experimental results in suspended living epithelial monolayers have shown that, due to the asymmetry in surface stresses generated by molecular motors across the thickness e of the epithelium, the free edges of such tissues spontaneously curl out-of-plane, stretching the sheet in-plane as a result. This suggests that a competition between bending and stretching sets the morphology of the tissue margin. In this paper, we use the framework of non-Euclidean plates to incorporate active pre-strain and spontaneous curvature to the theory of thin elastic shells. We show that, when the spontaneous curvature of the sheet scales like 1 / e , stretching and bending energies have the same scaling in the limit of a vanishingly small thickness and therefore both compete, in a way that is continuously altered by an external tension, to define the three-dimensional shape of the tissue

    Stress relaxation in epithelial monolayers is controlled by the actomyosin cortex

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    Epithelial monolayers are one-cell thick tissue sheets that separate internal and external environments. As part of their function, they have to withstand extrinsic mechanical stresses applied at high strain rates. However, little is known about how monolayers respond to mechanical deformations. Here, by subjecting suspended epithelial monolayers to stretch, we find that they dissipate stresses on a minute time-scale in a process that involves an increase in monolayer length, pointing to active remodelling of cell architecture during relaxation. Strikingly, monolayers consisting of tens of thousands of cells relax stress with similar dynamics to single rounded cells and both respond similarly to perturbations of actomyosin. By contrast, cell-cell junctional complexes and intermediate filaments do not relax tissue stress, but form stable connections between cells, allowing monolayers to behave rheologically as single cells. Taken together our data show that actomyosin dynamics governs the rheological properties of epithelial monolayers, dissipating applied stresses, and enabling changes in monolayer length.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Actomyosin controls planarity and folding of epithelia in response to compression.

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    Throughout embryonic development and adult life, epithelia are subjected to compressive deformations. While these have been shown to trigger mechanosensitive responses such as cell extrusion and differentiation, which span tens of minutes, little is known about how epithelia adapt to compression over shorter timescales. Here, using suspended epithelia, we uncover the immediate response of epithelial tissues to the application of in-plane compressive strains (5-80%). We show that fast compression induces tissue buckling followed by actomyosin-dependent tissue flattening that erases the buckle within tens of seconds, in both mono- and multi-layered epithelia. Strikingly, we identify a well-defined limit to this response, so that stable folds form in the tissue when compressive strains exceed a 'buckling threshold' of ~35%. A combination of experiment and modelling shows that this behaviour is orchestrated by adaptation of the actomyosin cytoskeleton as it re-establishes tissue tension following compression. Thus, tissue pre-tension allows epithelia to both buffer against deformation and sets their ability to form and retain folds during morphogenesis.T.P.J.W. and N.K. were part of the EPSRC funded doctoral training programme CoMPLEX. J.F. and P.R. were funded by BBSRC grants (nos. BB/M003280 and BB/M002578) to G.T.C. and A.J.K. N.K. was funded by the Rosetrees Trust and the UCL Graduate School through a UCL Overseas Research Scholarship. A.L. was supported by an EMBO long-term post-doctoral fellowship. B.B. was supported by UCL, a BBSRC project grant (no. BB/K009001/1) and a CRUK programme grant (no. 17343). T.P.J.W., J.F., N.K., A.L. and G.T.C. were supported by a consolidator grant from the European Research Council to G.T.C. (MolCellTissMech, agreement no. 647186)

    Actin cortex architecture regulates cell surface tension

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    Animal cell shape is largely determined by the cortex, a thin actin network underlying the plasma membrane in which myosin-driven stresses generate contractile tension. Tension gradients result in local contractions and drive cell deformations. Previous cortical tension regulation studies have focused on myosin motors. Here, we show that cortical actin network architecture is equally important. First, we observe that actin cortex thickness and tension are inversely correlated during cell-cycle progression. We then show that the actin filament length regulators CFL1, CAPZB and DIAPH1 regulate mitotic cortex thickness and find that both increasing and decreasing thickness decreases tension in mitosis. This suggests that the mitotic cortex is poised close to a tension maximum. Finally, using a computational model, we identify a physical mechanism by which maximum tension is achieved at intermediate actin filament lengths. Our results indicate that actin network architecture, alongside myosin activity, is key to cell surface tension regulation

    WASp-dependent actin cytoskeleton stability at the dendritic cell immunological synapse is required for extensive, functional T cell contacts

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    The immunological synapse is a highly structured and molecularly dynamic interface between communicating immune cells. Although the immunological synapse promotes T cell activation by dendritic cells, the specific organization of the immunological synapse on the dendritic cell side in response to T cell engagement is largely unknown. In this study, confocal and electron microscopy techniques were used to investigate the role of dendritic cell actin regulation in immunological synapse formation, stabilization, and function. In the dendritic cell-restricted absence of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, an important regulator of the actin cytoskeleton in hematopoietic cells, the immunological synapse contact with T cells occupied a significantly reduced surface area. At a molecular level, the actin network localized to the immunological synapse exhibited reduced stability, in particular, of the actin-related protein-2/3-dependent, short-filament network. This was associated with decreased polarization of dendritic cell-associated ICAM-1 and MHC class II, which was partially dependent on Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein phosphorylation. With the use of supported planar lipid bilayers incorporating anti-ICAM-1 and anti-MHC class II antibodies, the dendritic cell actin cytoskeleton organized into recognizable synaptic structures but interestingly, formed Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein-dependent podosomes within this area. These findings demonstrate that intrinsic dendritic cell cytoskeletal remodeling is a key regulatory component of normal immunological synapse formation, likely through consolidation of adhesive interaction and modulation of immunological synapse stability

    F-Actin Interactome Reveals Vimentin as a Key Regulator of Actin Organization and Cell Mechanics in Mitosis.

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    Most metazoan cells entering mitosis undergo characteristic rounding, which is important for accurate spindle positioning and chromosome separation. Rounding is driven by contractile tension generated by myosin motors in the sub-membranous actin cortex. Recent studies highlight that alongside myosin activity, cortical actin organization is a key regulator of cortex tension. Yet, how mitotic actin organization is controlled remains poorly understood. To address this, we characterized the F-actin interactome in spread interphase and round mitotic cells. Using super-resolution microscopy, we then screened for regulators of cortex architecture and identified the intermediate filament vimentin and the actin-vimentin linker plectin as unexpected candidates. We found that vimentin is recruited to the mitotic cortex in a plectin-dependent manner. We then showed that cortical vimentin controls actin network organization and mechanics in mitosis and is required for successful cell division in confinement. Together, our study highlights crucial interactions between cytoskeletal networks during cell division

    PP1-mediated moesin dephosphorylation couples polar relaxation to mitotic exit.

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    Animal cells undergo dramatic actin-dependent changes in shape as they progress through mitosis; they round up upon mitotic entry and elongate during chromosome segregation before dividing into two [1-3]. Moesin, the sole Drosophila ERM-family protein [4], plays a critical role in this process, through the construction of a stiff, rounded metaphase cortex [5-7]. At mitotic exit, this rigid cortex must be dismantled to allow for anaphase elongation and cytokinesis through the loss of the active pool of phospho-Thr559moesin from cell poles. Here, in an RNA interference (RNAi) screen for phosphatases involved in the temporal and spatial control of moesin, we identify PP1-87B RNAi as having elevated p-moesin levels and reduced cortical compliance. In mitosis, RNAi-induced depletion of PP1-87B or depletion of a conserved noncatalytic PP1 phosphatase subunit Sds22 leads to defects in p-moesin clearance from cell poles at anaphase, a delay in anaphase elongation, together with defects in bipolar anaphase relaxation and cytokinesis. Importantly, similar cortical defects are seen at anaphase following the expression of a constitutively active, phosphomimetic version of moesin. These data reveal a new role for the PP1-87B/Sds22 phosphatase, an important regulator of the metaphase-anaphase transition, in coupling moesin-dependent cell shape changes to mitotic exit