1,427 research outputs found

    New Technologies, Workplace Organisation and the Age Structure of the Workforce: Firm-Level Evidence

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    This paper investigates the relationships between new technologies, innovative workplace practices and the age structure of the workforce in a sample of French manufacturing firms. We find evidence that the wage bill share of older workers is lower in innovative firms and that the opposite holds for younger workers. This age bias is also evidenced within occupational groups, thus suggesting that skills do not completely protect workers against the labour market consequences of ageing. More detailed analysis of employment inflows and outflows shows that new technologies essentially affect older workers through reduced hiring opportunities, whereas organisational innovations mainly increase their probability of exit. This suggests that some skill obsolescence may be at work in our sample.new work practices, technology, older workers, labour demand

    Time-dependent quantum transport: an exact formulation based on TDDFT

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    An exact theoretical framework based on Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) is proposed in order to deal with the time-dependent quantum transport in fully interacting systems. We use a \textit{partition-free} approach by Cini in which the whole system is in equilibrium before an external electric field is switched on. Our theory includes the interactions between the leads and between the leads and the device. It is well suited for calculating measurable transient phenomena as well as a.c. and other time-dependent responses. We show that the steady-state current results from a \textit{dephasing mechanism} provided the leads are macroscopic and the device is finite. In the d.c. case, we obtain a Landauer-like formula when the effective potential of TDDFT is uniform deep inside the electrodes.Comment: final version, 7 pages, 1 figur

    Driven activation versus thermal activation

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    Activated dynamics in a glassy system undergoing steady shear deformation is studied by numerical simulations. Our results show that the external driving force has a strong influence on the barrier crossing rate, even though the reaction coordinate is only weakly coupled to the nonequilibrium system. This "driven activation" can be quantified by introducing in the Arrhenius expression an effective temperature, which is close to the one determined from the fluctuation-dissipation relation. This conclusion is supported by analytical results for a simplified model system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Stability of critical bubble in stretched fluid of square-gradient density-functional model with triple-parabolic free energy

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    The square-gradient density-functional model with triple-parabolic free energy, that was used previously to study the homogeneous bubble nucleation [J. Chem. Phys. 129, 104508 (2008)], is used to study the stability of the critical bubble nucleated within the bulk under-saturated stretched fluid. The stability of the bubble is studied by solving the Schr\"odinger equation for the fluctuation. The negative eigenvalue corresponds to the unstable growing mode of the fluctuation. Our results show that there is only one negative eigenvalue whose eigenfunction represents the fluctuation that corresponds to the isotropically growing or shrinking nucleus. In particular, this negative eigenvalue survives up to the spinodal point. Therefore the critical bubble is not fractal or ramified near the spinodal.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Journal of Chemical Physics accepted for publicatio

    Compton telescope with coded aperture mask: Imaging with the INTEGRAL/IBIS Compton mode

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    Compton telescopes provide a good sensitivity over a wide field of view in the difficult energy range running from a few hundred keV to several MeV. Their angular resolution is, however, poor and strongly energy dependent. We present a novel experimental design associating a coded mask and a Compton detection unit to overcome these pitfalls. It maintains the Compton performance while improving the angular resolution by at least an order of magnitude in the field of view subtended by the mask. This improvement is obtained only at the expense of the efficiency that is reduced by a factor of two. In addition, the background corrections benefit from the coded mask technique, i.e. a simultaneous measurement of the source and background. This design is implemented and tested using the IBIS telescope on board the INTEGRAL satellite to construct images with a 12' resolution over a 29 degrees x 29 degrees field of view in the energy range from 200 keV to a few MeV. The details of the analysis method and the resulting telescope performance, particularly in terms of sensitivity, are presented

    Derivation of the transverse force on a moving vortex in a superfluid

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    We describe an exact derivation of the total nondissipative transverse force acting on a quantized vortex moving in a uniform background. The derivation is valid for neutral boson or fermion superfluids, provided the order parameter is a complex scalar quantity. The force is determined by the one-particle density matrix far away from the vortex core, and is found to be the Magnus force proportional to the superfluid density.Comment: Latex, 6 page

    Moving boundary approximation for curved streamer ionization fronts: Solvability analysis

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    The minimal density model for negative streamer ionization fronts is investigated. An earlier moving boundary approximation for this model consisted of a "kinetic undercooling" type boundary condition in a Laplacian growth problem of Hele-Shaw type. Here we derive a curvature correction to the moving boundary approximation that resembles surface tension. The calculation is based on solvability analysis with unconventional features, namely, there are three relevant zero modes of the adjoint operator, one of them diverging; furthermore, the inner/outer matching ahead of the front has to be performed on a line rather than on an extended region; and the whole calculation can be performed analytically. The analysis reveals a relation between the fields ahead and behind a slowly evolving curved front, the curvature and the generated conductivity. This relation forces us to give up the ideal conductivity approximation, and we suggest to replace it by a constant conductivity approximation. This implies that the electric potential in the streamer interior is no longer constant but solves a Laplace equation; this leads to a Muskat-type problem.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Conserving approximations in time-dependent quantum transport: Initial correlations and memory effects

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    We study time-dependent quantum transport in a correlated model system by means of time-propagation of the Kadanoff-Baym equations for the nonequilibrium many-body Green function. We consider an initially contacted equilibrium system of a correlated central region coupled to tight-binding leads. Subsequently a time-dependent bias is switched on after which we follow in detail the time-evolution of the system. Important features of the Kadanoff-Baym approach are 1) the possibility of studying the ultrafast dynamics of transients and other time-dependent regimes and 2) the inclusion of exchange and correlation effects in a conserving approximation scheme. We find that initial correlation and memory terms due to many-body interactions have a large effect on the transient currents. Furthermore the value of the steady state current is found to be strongly dependent on the approximation used to treat the electronic interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    On apparent breaking the second law of thermodynamics in quantum transport studies

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    We consider a model for stationary electronic transport through a one-dimensional chain of two leads attached to a perturbed central region (quantum dot) in the regime where the theory proposed recently by Capek for a similar model of phonon transport predicts the striking phenomenon of a permanent current between the leads. This result based on a rigorous but asymptotic Davies theory is at variance with the zero current yielded by direct transport calculations which can be carried out in the present model. We find the permanent current to be within the error of the asymptotic expansion for finite couplings, and identify cancelling terms of the same order.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent manipulation of charge qubits in double quantum dots

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    The coherent time evolution of electrons in double quantum dots induced by fast bias-voltage switches is studied theoretically. As it was shown experimentally, such driven double quantum dots are potential devices for controlled manipulation of charge qubits. By numerically solving a quantum master equation we obtain the energy- and time-resolved electron transfer through the device which resembles the measured data. The observed oscillations are found to depend on the level offset of the two dots during the manipulation and, most surprisingly, also the on initialization stage. By means of an analytical expression, obtained from a large-bias model, we can understand the prominent features of these oscillations seen in both the experimental data and the numerical results. These findings strengthen the common interpretation in terms of a coherent transfer of electrons between the dots.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
