6,504 research outputs found
Conceptual Frameworks for Multimodal Social Signal Processing
This special issue is about a research area which is developing rapidly. Pentland gave it a name which has become widely used, ‘Social Signal Processing’ (SSP for short), and his phrase provides the title of a European project, SSPnet, which has a brief to consolidate the area. The challenge that Pentland highlighted was understanding the nonlinguistic signals that serve as the basis for “subconscious discussions between humans about relationships, resources, risks, and rewards”. He identified it as an area where computational research had made interesting progress, and could usefully make more
Anderson transition on the Cayley tree as a traveling wave critical point for various probability distributions
For Anderson localization on the Cayley tree, we study the statistics of
various observables as a function of the disorder strength and the number
of generations. We first consider the Landauer transmission . In the
localized phase, its logarithm follows the traveling wave form where (i) the disorder-averaged value moves linearly
and the localization length
diverges as with (ii) the
variable is a fixed random variable with a power-law tail for large with , so that all
integer moments of are governed by rare events. In the delocalized phase,
the transmission remains a finite random variable as , and
we measure near criticality the essential singularity with . We then consider the
statistical properties of normalized eigenstates, in particular the entropy and
the Inverse Participation Ratios (I.P.R.). In the localized phase, the typical
entropy diverges as with , whereas it grows
linearly in in the delocalized phase. Finally for the I.P.R., we explain
how closely related variables propagate as traveling waves in the delocalized
phase. In conclusion, both the localized phase and the delocalized phase are
characterized by the traveling wave propagation of some probability
distributions, and the Anderson localization/delocalization transition then
corresponds to a traveling/non-traveling critical point. Moreover, our results
point towards the existence of several exponents at criticality.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, comments welcom
The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. VII. A low velocity dispersion for the young massive cluster R136
Detailed studies of resolved young massive star clusters are necessary to
determine their dynamical state and evaluate the importance of gas expulsion
and early cluster evolution. In an effort to gain insight into the dynamical
state of the young massive cluster R136 and obtain the first measurement of its
velocity dispersion, we analyse multi-epoch spectroscopic data of the inner
regions of 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) obtained as part of
the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. Following a quantitative assessment of the
variability, we use the radial velocities of non-variable sources to place an
upper limit of 6 km/s on the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of stars within
a projected distance of 5 pc from the centre of the cluster. After accounting
for the contributions of undetected binaries and measurement errors through
Monte Carlo simulations, we conclude that the true velocity dispersion is
likely between 4 and 5 km/s given a range of standard assumptions about the
binary distribution. This result is consistent with what is expected if the
cluster is in virial equilibrium, suggesting that gas expulsion has not altered
its dynamics. We find that the velocity dispersion would be ~25 km/s if
binaries were not identified and rejected, confirming the importance of the
multi-epoch strategy and the risk of interpreting velocity dispersion
measurements of unresolved extragalactic young massive clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&
Living IoT: A Flying Wireless Platform on Live Insects
Sensor networks with devices capable of moving could enable applications
ranging from precision irrigation to environmental sensing. Using mechanical
drones to move sensors, however, severely limits operation time since flight
time is limited by the energy density of current battery technology. We explore
an alternative, biology-based solution: integrate sensing, computing and
communication functionalities onto live flying insects to create a mobile IoT
Such an approach takes advantage of these tiny, highly efficient biological
insects which are ubiquitous in many outdoor ecosystems, to essentially provide
mobility for free. Doing so however requires addressing key technical
challenges of power, size, weight and self-localization in order for the
insects to perform location-dependent sensing operations as they carry our IoT
payload through the environment. We develop and deploy our platform on
bumblebees which includes backscatter communication, low-power
self-localization hardware, sensors, and a power source. We show that our
platform is capable of sensing, backscattering data at 1 kbps when the insects
are back at the hive, and localizing itself up to distances of 80 m from the
access points, all within a total weight budget of 102 mg.Comment: Co-primary authors: Vikram Iyer, Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, Anran Wang,
In Proceedings of Mobicom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages, 201
Update of the LHC Arc Cryostat Systems Layouts and Integration
Since the LHC Conceptual Design report's publication in October 1995 [1], and subsequent evolutions [2], the LHC Arc Cryostat System has undergone recently a number of significant changes, dictated by the natural evolution of the project. Most noteworthy are the recent decisions to route the large number of auxiliary circuits feeding the arc corrector magnets in a separate tube placed inside the cryostat with connections to the magnets every half-cell. Further decisions concern simplification of the baseline vacuum and cryogenic sectorization, the finalization of the design of the arc cryogenic modules and the layout of the arc electrical distribution feedboxes. The most recent features of the highly intricate cryogenics, magnetic, vacuum and electrical distribution systems of the LHC are presente
VLT/UVES Observations of Interstellar Molecules and Diffuse Bands in the Magellanic Clouds
We discuss the abundances of interstellar CH, CH+, and CN in the Magellanic
Clouds (MC), derived from spectra of 7 SMC and 13 LMC stars obtained (mostly)
with the VLT/UVES. CH and/or CH+ are detected toward 3 SMC and 9 LMC stars; CN
is detected toward 2 stars. In the MC, the CH/H2 ratio is comparable to that
found for diffuse Galactic molecular clouds in some sight lines, but is lower
by factors up to 10-15 in others. The abundance of CH in the MC thus appears to
depend on local physical conditions -- and not just on metallicity. The
observed relationships between the column density of CH and those of CN, CH+,
Na I, and K I in the MC are generally consistent with the trends observed in
our Galaxy. Using existing data for the rotational populations of H2, we
estimate temperatures, radiation field strengths, and local hydrogen densities
for the diffuse molecular gas. Densities estimated from N(CH), assuming that CH
is produced via steady-state gas-phase reactions, are considerably higher; much
better agreement is found by assuming that the CH is made via the (still
undetermined) process(es) responsible for the observed CH+. The UVES spectra
also reveal absorption from the diffuse interstellar bands at 5780, 5797, and
6284 A in the MC. On average, the three DIBs are weaker by factors of 7-9 (LMC)
and about 20 (SMC), compared to those observed in Galactic sight lines with
similar N(H I), and by factors of order 2-6, relative to E(B-V), N(Na I), and
N(K I). The detection of several of the ``C2 DIBs'', with strengths similar to
those in comparable Galactic sight lines, however, indicates that no single,
uniform scaling factor (e.g., one related to metallicity) applies to all DIBs
(or all sight lines) in the MC. (abstract abridged)Comment: 59 pages, 15 figures, 10 tables; aastex; accepted to ApJ
The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey XIX. B-type Supergiants - Atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances to investigate the role of binarity and the width of the main sequence
TLUSTY non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to determine
atmospheric parameters and nitrogen (N) abundances for 34 single and 18 binary
B-type supergiants (BSGs). The effects of flux contribution from an unseen
secondary were considered for the binary sample. We present the first
systematic study of the incidence of binarity for a sample of BSGs across the
theoretical terminal age main sequence (TAMS). To account for the distribution
of effective temperatures of the BSGs it may be necessary to extend the TAMS to
lower temperatures. This is consistent with the derived distribution of mass
discrepancies, projected rotational velocities (vsini) and N abundances,
provided that stars cooler than this temperature are post RSG objects. For the
BSGs in the Tarantula and previous FLAMES surveys, most have small vsini. About
10% have larger vsini (>100 km/s) but surprisingly these show little or no N
enhancement. All the cooler BSGs have low vsini of <70km/s and high N abundance
estimates, implying that either bi-stability braking or evolution on a blue
loop may be important. A lack of cool binaries, possibly reflects the small
sample size. Single star evolutionary models, which include rotation, can
account for the N enhancement in both the single and binary samples. The
detailed distribution of N abundances in the single and binary samples may be
different, possibly reflecting differences in their evolutionary history. The
first comparative study of single and binary BSGs has revealed that the main
sequence may be significantly wider than previously assumed, extending to
Teff=20000K. Some marginal differences in single and binary atmospheric
parameters and abundances have been identified, possibly implying non-standard
evolution for some of the sample. This sample as a whole has implications for
several aspects of our understanding of the evolution of BSGs. Full abstract in
paperComment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 11 table
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