692 research outputs found


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    Parayanasutta. (Poem.)

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    A Buddhist in Jewry.

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    European Cyber Security System

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    Nowadays computer networks are widely spread in all spheres of human life. That is why the problem of cyber security of mankind is of great importance. Today, the European Union makes efforts to guarantee network safety in Europe by means of increase its member states in power and international cooperation in cyber security, including non-member countries, to prevent cyber crimes. Striving to join the European Union, Ukraine is involved in the process of providing cyber security. This paper examines the main strategies of EU standards in cyber security to be followed by Ukraine as one of European countries

    Triangle percolation in mean field random graphs -- with PDE

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    We apply a PDE-based method to deduce the critical time and the size of the giant component of the ``triangle percolation'' on the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph process investigated by Palla, Der\'enyi and VicsekComment: Summary of the changes made: We have changed a remark about k-clique percolation in the first paragraph. Two new paragraphs are inserted after equation (4.4) with two applications of the equation. We have changed the names of some variables in our formula

    The stochastic limit in the analysis of the open BCS model

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    In this paper we show how the perturbative procedure known as {\em stochastic limit} may be useful in the analysis of the Open BCS model discussed by Buffet and Martin as a spin system interacting with a fermionic reservoir. In particular we show how the same values of the critical temperature and of the order parameters can be found with a significantly simpler approach

    Безработица и пути ее решения в России

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    В статье автор затронул тему безработицы в России. Ссылаясь на статистические данные, автор показывает ситуацию с безработицей в настоящее время и сравнивает ее с прошлыми годами. В статье также перечислены типы безработицы и методы борьбы с ней

    Study of a high spatial resolution 10B-based thermal neutron detector for application in neutron reflectometry: the Multi-Blade prototype

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    Although for large area detectors it is crucial to find an alternative to detect thermal neutrons because of the 3He shortage, this is not the case for small area detectors. Neutron scattering science is still growing its instruments' power and the neutron flux a detector must tolerate is increasing. For small area detectors the main effort is to expand the detectors' performances. At Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) we developed the Multi-Blade detector which wants to increase the spatial resolution of 3He-based detectors for high flux applications. We developed a high spatial resolution prototype suitable for neutron reflectometry instruments. It exploits solid 10B-films employed in a proportional gas chamber. Two prototypes have been constructed at ILL and the results obtained on our monochromatic test beam line are presented here

    Equivalence of Bose-Einstein condensation and symmetry breaking

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    Based on a classic paper by Ginibre [Commun. Math. Phys. {\bf 8} 26 (1968)] it is shown that whenever Bogoliubov's approximation, that is, the replacement of a_0 and a_0^* by complex numbers in the Hamiltonian, asymptotically yields the right pressure, it also implies the asymptotic equality of ||^2/V and /V in symmetry breaking fields, irrespective of the existence or absence of Bose-Einstein condensation. Because the former was proved by Ginibre to hold for absolutely integrable superstable pair interactions, the latter is equally valid in this case. Apart from Ginibre's work, our proof uses only a simple convexity inequality due to Griffiths.Comment: An error in my summary of previous results (the definition of F') is corrected. The correction is to be done also in the PR

    The Immune Landscape of Papillary Thyroid Cancer in the Context of Autoimmune Thyroiditis

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    Simple Summary The association between papillary thyroid cancer and Hashimoto's thyroiditis went through a long-standing human debate recently elucidated by the establishment of a novel mouse model. Papillary thyroid carcinoma is an excellent model for studying the tumor immune microenvironment because it is naturally accompanied by immune cells, making it a good candidate for the treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) often co-occurs with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an association that has long been reported in clinical studies, remaining controversial. Experimental evidence has recently shown that pre-existing thyroiditis has a beneficial effect on PTC growth and progression by a distinctive expansion of effector memory CD8 T cells. Although the link between inflammation and PTC might involve different components of the immune system, a deep characterization of them which includes T cells, B cells and tertiary lymphoid structures, Mye-loid cells, Neutrophils, NK cells and dendritic cells will be desirable. The present review article considers the role of the adaptive and innate immune response surrounding PTC in the context of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This review will focus on the current knowledge by in vivo and in vitro studies specifically performed on animals' models; thyroid cancer cells and human samples including (i) the dual role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes; (ii) the emerging role of B cells and tertiary lymphoid structures; (iii) the role of myeloid cells, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells; (iv) the current knowledge of the molecular biomarkers implicated in the complex link between thyroiditis and PTC and the potential implication of cancer immunotherapy in PTC patients in the context of thyroiditis