183 research outputs found

    DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticle assemblies for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    The programmable assembly of DNA strands is a promising tool for building tailored bottom-up nanostructures. Here, we present a plasmonic nanosystem obtained by the base-pairing mediated aggregation of gold nanoparticles (NPs) which are separately functionalized with two different single-stranded DNA chains. Their controlled assembly is mediated by a complementary DNA “bridge” sequence. We monitor the formation of DNA assembled NP aggregates in solution, and we study their Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) response by comparison with the single NP constituents. We interpret the revealed SERS signatures in terms of the molecular and NP organization at the nanoscale, demonstrating that the action of the DNA bridge molecule yields regular NP aggregates with controlled interparticle distance and reproducible SERS response. In perspective, this demonstrates the potential of the present system as a stable, biocompatible, and recyclable SERS sensor

    New trajectories of the Hungarian regional development: balanced and rush growth of territorial capital

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    The basic assumption of the paper is that numerous similarities exist between the patterns of economic growth and territorial capital growth. The rush economic growth and rush growth of territorial capital are compared empirically at Hungarian micro-regional level from 2004 until 2010. After normalizing the dataset, a very novel spatial econometric method is applied, called a penalty for bottleneck. The results show that the constant rush growth of territorial capital is as harmful as economic recession. On the other hand, the decrease of infrastructural and social capital caused the rush growth of territorial capital in this period. Moreover, the key findings of two case studies suggest that the balanced growth of territorial capital will be created by the falling social inequalities and increasing infrastructural capita

    BS148 Reduces the Aggressiveness of Metastatic Melanoma via Sigma-2 Receptor Targeting

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    : The management of advanced-stage melanoma is clinically challenging, mainly because of its resistance to the currently available therapies. Therefore, it is important to develop alternative therapeutic strategies. The sigma-2 receptor (S2R) is overexpressed in proliferating tumor cells and represents a promising vulnerability to target. Indeed, we have recently identified a potent S2R modulator (BS148) that is effective in melanoma. To elucidate its mechanism of action, we designed and synthesized a BS148 fluorescent probe that enters SK-MEL-2 melanoma cells as assessed using confocal microscopy analysis. We show that S2R knockdown significantly reduces the anti-proliferative effect induced by BS148 administration, indicating the engagement of S2R in BS148-mediated cytotoxicity. Interestingly, BS148 treatment showed similar molecular effects to S2R RNA interference-mediated knockdown. We demonstrate that BS148 administration activates the endoplasmic reticulum stress response through the upregulation of protein kinase R-like ER kinase (PERK), activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) genes, and C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP). Furthermore, we show that BS148 treatment downregulates genes related to the cholesterol pathway and activates the MAPK signaling pathway. Finally, we translate our results into patient-derived xenograft (PDX) cells, proving that BS148 treatment reduces melanoma cell viability and migration. These results demonstrate that BS148 is able to inhibit metastatic melanoma cell proliferation and migration through its interaction with the S2R and confirm its role as a promising target to treat cancer

    Body image, body dissatisfaction and weight status in children from Emilia-Romagna (Italy): comparison between immigrant and native-born.

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    Cross-sectional study among immigrant and native children from Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Aim: The purpose of the present study was to examine the relative contribution of weight status, ethnicity and sex on body dissatisfaction in a sample of children from Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Subjects and methods: Primary school children (226 immigrants and 1206 Italians) aged 6-11 years were measured: immigrant children were divided into Asians, Africans, Latin Americans and East Europeans. Height and weight were measured and Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. Body image perception was assessed using Body Silhouette Charts. A body dissatisfaction score (BDS) was derived by subtracting the "ideal self" from the "self" score. Results: Weight status disorders were higher in immigrants than in native-born males; Italian females had higher prevalence of underweight and overweight and lower prevalence of obesity than immigrants peers. BDS rose with the increase of weight status categories. Conclusions: Awareness of body image size and increasing body dissatisfaction with higher weight status is established in childhood, regardless of ethnicity and gender

    Il ruolo delle caratteristiche antropometriche nella determinazione del punteggio della performance in ginnaste d'elite

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    Scopo della Ricerca. Lo scopo del presente studio \ue8 stato quello di individuare le variabili antropometriche correlate alla performance delle ginnaste italiane d\u2019elite e di delineare un modello di regressione che includesse le variabili antropometriche in grado di predire il punteggio della performance delle ginnaste italiane d\u2019elite. Materiali e Metodi. Disegno sperimentale: sono state utilizzate l\u2019analisi di correlazione e la regressione multipla stepwise. Campione: I soggetti analizzati erano le componenti delle Squadre Nazionali Italiane Juniores e Seniores di Ginnastica Artistica Femminile che nel corso degli anni 2006 e 2007 avevano preso parte ai Campionati Italiani a Squadre di Serie A, Campionato Italiano Assoluto, Tornei Internazionali, Campionati Europei e Campionati del Mondo. Sono state considerate un totale 16 competizioni per ogni ginnasta. Tra le ginnaste analizzate vi erano le componenti della Squadra Campione d\u2019Europa (Volos 2006) e la Campionessa Mondiale (Arhus, 2006) Assoluta. E\u2019 stato analizzato tutto il campione rappresentativo della popolazione di riferimento per un totale di 19 Ginnaste studiate. Per ciascuna ginnasta sono stati rilevati sia i punteggi totali che i punteggi parziali per ogni singola specialit\ue0 ottenuti nelle 16 competizioni. Misure: E\u2019 stato attuato un protocollo di misurazione antropometrica consistente nella rilevazione di 21 dimensioni corporee per ogni soggetto. E\u2019 stato determinato il Somatotipo. I punteggi medi ottenuti nelle 16 competizioni in ogni singola specialit\ue0 (Volteggio, Parallele Asimmetriche, Trave e Corpo Libero) e nell\u2019All around (somma dei punteggi parziali nelle 4 specialit\ue0) per ciascuna ginnasta erano le variabili dipendenti. Risultati. Le correlazioni pi\uf9 significative (p<0.01) tra caratteristiche antropometriche e punteggio della performance, si sono riscontrate per l\u2019ectomorfia, e per la lunghezza dell\u2019Arto superiore. Il coefficiente di correlazione variava tra -0.30 (ectomorfia e Trave) a -0.64 (ectomorfia e volteggio). Viceversa, la correlazione tra Lunghezza dell\u2019Arto Superiore e il punteggio era positiva e variava da +0.30 (L.Arto Superiore e Parallele) a +0.55 (L.Arto Superiore e trave). Questa correlazione suggerisce che le ginnaste con valori ectomorfici inferiori e lunghezze degli arti superiori maggiori hanno un punteggio di performance pi\uf9 elevato. Dal 32% al 75% della varianza nel punteggio della performance ginnica pu\uf2 essere spiegata dalle dimensioni antropometriche o da variabili da esse derivate, ma l\u2019ectomorfia e la plica tricipitale risultano essere dei predittori molto importanti. Conclusioni. Nel campione di ginnaste esaminato esiste sicuramente una forte relazione tra diverse variabili antropometriche e punteggio della performance ginnica
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