326 research outputs found

    Planning and scheduling for the Large Hadron Collider Project

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    This report gives the procedure which must be used for the Planning and Scheduling activities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Project, including the software tools, and which applies to all phases of the Project, from prototyping to commissioning. The contents of this report has been approved by the LHC Project Leader and is published in the form of a Project Report in order to allow immediate implementation. It will be incorporated later in the Quality Assurance Plan of the LHC Project which is under preparation

    Identificação e avaliação de estratégias de desenvolvimento territorial em áreas de cafeicultura familiar do sul de Minas Gerais.

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    Este texto se refere a uma pesquisa (?Identificação e avaliação de estratégias de desenvolvimento rural sustentável para a cafeicultura do Sul de Minas?, subprojeto componente do projeto ?Estratégias, modelos e geotecnologias para a caracterização e monitoramento de agroecossistemas cafeeiros de Minas Gerais?, coordenado pela Embrapa Café) em andamento que analisa as relações sócio-ambientais do espaço rural, mais especificamente as que tratam do processo de desenvolvimento rural sustentável das famílias produtoras de café dos de Machado, Campestre e Poço Fundo, Sul de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa optou por uma combinação de métodos científicos que foca o uso eficaz dos recursos naturais e valoriza o conhecimento e cultura locais. De maneira abrangente, três preocupações estruturam o subprojeto: 1) a caracterização de territórios, sob os aspectos físico-ambiental, técnico, comercial, cultural e socioeconômico; 2) a análise da qualidade do café e 3) apoio às dinâmicas sociais e territoriais valorizando ativos específicos da região da cultura cafeeira

    Identificação e avaliação de estratégias de desenvolvimento territorial em áreas de cafeicultura familiar do sul de Minas Gerais.

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    Este texto se refere a uma pesquisa (?Identificação e avaliação de estratégias de desenvolvimento rural sustentável para a cafeicultura do Sul de Minas?, subprojeto componente do projeto ?Estratégias, modelos e geotecnologias para a caracterização e monitoramento de agroecossistemas cafeeiros de Minas Gerais?, coordenado pela Embrapa Café) em andamento que analisa as relações sócio-ambientais do espaço rural, mais especificamente as que tratam do processo de desenvolvimento rural sustentável das famílias produtoras de café dos de Machado, Campestre e Poço Fundo, Sul de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa optou por uma combinação de métodos científicos que foca o uso eficaz dos recursos naturais e valoriza o conhecimento e cultura locais. De maneira abrangente, três preocupações estruturam o subprojeto: 1) a caracterização de territórios, sob os aspectos físico-ambiental, técnico, comercial, cultural e socioeconômico; 2) a análise da qualidade do café e 3) apoio às dinâmicas sociais e territoriais valorizando ativos específicos da região da cultura cafeeira

    Tipologia dos sistemas de producao praticados pelos pequenos produtores do Estado do Ceara.

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    Esta pesquisa buscou tipificar e caracterizar os sistemas de producao praticados pelos pequenos produtores do Estado do Ceara. Foram selecionadas 23 Unidades Geoambientais representativas da regiao semi-arida do Estado, e para cada unidade, escolhido um municipio representativo. Em cada municipio, foi selecionada uma amostra de produtores e aplicado um questionario contendo 860 variaveis. As informacoes foram analisadas atraves de tecnicas estatisticas multivariadas. Os resultados mostraram a existencia de doze tipos distintos de pequenos produtores e que foram caracterizados de acordo com o tamanho da familia, dos rebanhos, producoes vegetais e animais, areas total e cultivadas (culturas comerciais, subsistencia e pastagens), indice de tecnologia e rendas diversas (agropecuarias, aposentadoria e outras atividades), e que estes tipos possuem demandas diferenciadas no que diz respeito a politica de difusao de tecnologias, priorizacao de acoes de pesquisa e de investimentos

    L'appui à l'agriculture familiale au Brésil, le projet de coopération entre Embrapa et Cirad-tera.

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    Ce texte présente quelques éclairages de ces travaux conduits par différents chercheurs ou doctorants du Cirad-tera et par leurs colleges brésiliens, mettant en oeuvre diverses démarches, spécifiques et complémentaires, destinées à traiter du fait technique en agriculture familiale, du développement agricole et du développement rural. L'organisation des unités de production et le dispositif local de gestion de l'innovation dans les Cerrados. Les interactions entre changements techniques et institutionnels. Le cas du municipe de Silvânia. Organisation des producteurs et action collective dans Ia région du Nordeste. Valorisation des productions de I'agriculture familiale au Nordeste. Organisation des producteurs et action collective dans Ia région du Nordeste. De la diffusion technologique à Ia prise en compte de l'espace au Nordeste

    BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language

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    Summary: The BioRuby software toolkit contains a comprehensive set of free development tools and libraries for bioinformatics and molecular biology, written in the Ruby programming language. BioRuby has components for sequence analysis, pathway analysis, protein modelling and phylogenetic analysis; it supports many widely used data formats and provides easy access to databases, external programs and public web services, including BLAST, KEGG, GenBank, MEDLINE and GO. BioRuby comes with a tutorial, documentation and an interactive environment, which can be used in the shell, and in the web browser

    Academic careers and the valuation of academics. A discursive perspective on status categories and academic salaries in France as compared to the U.S., Germany and Great Britain

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    Academic careers are social processes which involve many members of large populations over long periods of time. This paper outlines a discursive perspective which looks into how academics are categorized in academic systems. From a discursive view, academic careers are organized by categories which can define who academics are (subjectivation) and what they are worth (valuation). The question of this paper is what institutional categorizations such as status and salaries can tell us about academic subject positions and their valuation. By comparing formal status systems and salary scales in France with those in the U.S., Great Britain and Germany, this paper reveals the constraints of institutional categorization systems on academic careers. Special attention is given to the French system of status categories which is relatively homogeneous and restricts the competitive valuation of academics between institutions. The comparison shows that academic systems such as the U.S. which are characterized by a high level of heterogeneity typically present more negotiation opportunities for the valuation of academics. From a discursive perspective, institutional categories, therefore, can reflect the ways in which academics are valuated in the inter-institutional job market, by national bureaucracies or in professional oligarchies

    Active space debris removal by a hybrid propulsion module

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    During the last 40 years, the mass of the artificial objects in orbit increased quite steadily at the rate of about 145 metric tons annually, leading to a total tally of approximately 7000 metric tons. Now, most of the cross-sectional area and mass (97% in LEO) is concentrated in about 4600 intact objects, i.e. abandoned spacecraft and rocket bodies, plus a further 1000 operational spacecraft. Simulations and parametric analyses have shown that the most efficient and effective way to prevent the outbreak of a long-term exponential growth of the catalogued debris population would be to remove enough cross-sectional area and mass from densely populated orbits. In practice, according to the most recent NASA results, the active yearly removal of approximately 0.1% of the abandoned intact objects would be sufficient to stabilize the catalogued debris in low Earth orbit, together with the worldwide adoption of mitigation measures. The candidate targets for removal would have typical masses between 500 and 1000 kg, in the case of spacecraft, and of more than 1000 kg, in the case of rocket upper stages. Current data suggest that optimal active debris removal missions should be carried out in a few critical altitude-inclination bands. This paper deals with the feasibility study of a mission in which the debris is removed by using a hybrid propulsion module as propulsion unit. Specifically, the engine is transferred from a servicing platform to the debris target by a robotic arm so to perform a controlled disposal. Hybrid rocket technology for de-orbiting applications is considered a valuable option due to high specific impulse, intrinsic safety, thrust throttle ability, low environmental impact and reduced operating costs. Typically, in hybrid rockets a gaseous or liquid oxidizer is injected into the combustion chamber along the axial direction to burn a solid fuel. However, the use of tangential injection on a solid grain Pancake Geometry allows for more compact design of the propulsion unit. Only explorative tests were performed in the past on this rocket configuration, which appears to be suitable as de-orbiting system of new satellites as well as for direct application on large debris in the framework of a mission for debris removal. The paper describes some critical aspects of the mission with particular concern to the target selection, the hybrid propulsion module, the operations as well as the systems needed to rendezvous and dock with the target, and the disposal strateg