5,858 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Health-Economic Burden of Obesity Trends with Population-Based Preventive Strategies in a Developed Economy

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    The burden of obesity varies with age, ethnicity, socio-economic status and state economies. All new projections should hence accommodate population ageing, and other population changes such as immigration, health-care system reform, or technological advances for disease treatment for a comprehensible assessment of global burden. The unfordable and expensive nature for reversing the obesity tide arises from policies developed to combat obesity. Most of these approaches aim at bringing the problem under control, rather than affecting a cure, and obviously require a multi-disciplinary and intensive regimen. Prevention is the only feasible option and is essential for all affected countries. Yet it is not simple to have population based UK-wide strategic framework for tackling obesity. Besides existence of multiple layers of governance, there are clear demarcations between targets in diet; nutrition and physical activity level between regions some of which are not realistic. Population based approaches target policies and process, aiming for a transition towards healthy population diets, activity levels and weight status. It is essential to understand these aspects differ culturally and between and within countries. There are still no clear and appropriate answers about answer when, where, why, and, how costs accrue in obese populations, further long term commitments are required for the same. Most population-based prevention policies are cost effective, largely paying for themselves through future health gains and resulting reductions in health expenditures. Therefore these prevention programs should be high on the scientific and political agendas

    Microwave response of an HEMT photoconductor

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    Interdigitated photodetectors of various geometries have been fabricated on GaAlAs/GaAs heterostructure material. Optical response characteristics of these devices have been examined at both dc and microwave frequencies. The microwave response, at frequencies to 8 GHz, was studied by illuminating the devices with the output of an internally modulated GaAlAs diode laser. Results of these measurements are presented and compared with that of GaAs photoconductors

    Optical control of an 8-element Ka-band phased array using a high-speed optoelectronic interconnect

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    Optical distribution of control signals in electronically steered phased array antennas is being considered. A demonstration experiment is described in which a high speed hybrid GaAs optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) was used to control an eight element phased array antenna. The OEIC, which accepts a serial optical control signal as input and converts it to 16 demultiplexed parallel outputs, was used to control the monolithic GaAs phase shifters of a Ka-band patch panel array antenna. Antenna pattern switching speeds of 2.25 microsec, limited by interface circuitry, were observed

    Pcleavage: an SVM based method for prediction of constitutive proteasome and immunoproteasome cleavage sites in antigenic sequences

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    This manuscript describes a support vector machine based method for the prediction of constitutive as well as immunoproteasome cleavage sites in antigenic sequences. This method achieved Matthew's correlation coefficents of 0.54 and 0.43 on in vitro and major histocompatibility complex ligand data, respectively. This shows that the performance of our method is comparable to that of the NetChop method, which is currently considered to be the best method for proteasome cleavage site prediction. Based on the method, a web server, Pcleavage, has also been developed. This server accepts protein sequences in any standard format and present results in a user-friendly format. The server is available for free use by all academic users at the URL or

    Measurement techniques for cryogenic Ka-band microstrip antennas

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    The measurement of cryogenic antennas poses unique logistical problems since the antenna under test must be embedded in a cooling chamber. A method of measuring the performance of cryogenic microstrip antennas using a closed cycle gas cooled refrigerator in a far field range is described. Antenna patterns showing the performance of gold and superconducting Ka-band microstrip antennas at various temperatures are presented

    Classification of nuclear receptors based on amino acid composition and dipeptide composition

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    Nuclear receptors are key transcription factors that regulate crucial gene networks responsible for cell growth, differentiation, and homeostasis. Nuclear receptors form a superfamily of phylogenetically related proteins and control functions associated with major diseases (e.g. diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer). In this study, a novel method has been developed for classifying the subfamilies of nuclear receptors. The classification was achieved on the basis of amino acid and dipeptide composition from a sequence of receptors using support vector machines. The training and testing was done on a non-redundant data set of 282 proteins obtained from the NucleaRDB data base (1). The performance of all classifiers was evaluated using a 5-fold cross validation test. In the 5-fold cross-validation, the data set was randomly partitioned into five equal sets and evaluated five times on each distinct set while keeping the remaining four sets for training. It was found that different subfamilies of nuclear receptors were quite closely correlated in terms of amino acid composition as well as dipeptide composition. The overall accuracy of amino acid composition-based and dipeptide compositionbased classifiers were 82.6 and 97.5%, respectively. Therefore, our results prove that different subfamilies of nuclear receptors are predictable with considerable accuracy using amino acid or dipeptide composition. Furthermore, based on above approach, an online web service, NRpred, was developed, which is available at www.imtech.res.in/raghava/nrpred

    Photoresponse of YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) granular and epitaxial superconducting thin films

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    The response is reported of thin films of YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) with either a very grainy or a smooth epitaxial morphology to visible radiation. SrTiO3 substrates were employed for both types of films. The grainy films were formed by sequential multi-layer electron beam evaporation while the epitaxial films were formed by laser ablation. Both films were patterned into H shaped detectors via a negative photolithographic process employing a Br/ethanol etchant. The bridge region of the H was 50 microns wide. The patterned films formed by laser ablation and sequential evaporation had critical temperatures of 74 K and 72 K respectively. The bridge was current biased and illuminated with chopped He-Ne laser radiation and the voltage developed in response to the illumination was measured. A signal was detected only above the critical temperature and the peak of the response coincided with the resistive transition for both types of films although the correspondence was less exact for the grainy film. The details of the responses and their analysis are presented

    SVM based method for predicting HLA-DRB1<SUP>&#8727;</SUP>0401 binding peptides in an antigen sequence

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    Summary: Prediction of peptides binding with MHC class II allele HLA-DRB10401 can effectively reduce the number of experiments required for identifying helper T cell epitopes.This paper describes support vector machine (SVM) based method developed for identifying HLA-DRB1&#8727;0401 binding peptides in an antigenic sequence. SVM was trained and tested on large and clean data set consisting of 567 binders and equal number of non-binders. The accuracy of the method was 86% when evaluated through 5-fold cross-validation technique. Available: A web server HLA-DR4Pred based on above approach is available at http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/ hladr4pred/ and http://bioinformatics.uams.edu/mirror/ ladr4pred/ (Mirror Site)

    System architecture of MMIC-based large aperture arrays for space application

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    The persistent trend to use millimeter-wave frequencies for satellite communications presents the challenge to design large-aperture phased arrays for space applications. These arrays, which comprise 100 to 10,000 elements, are now possible due to the advent of lightwave technology and the availability of monolithic microwave integrated circuits. In this paper, system aspects of optically controlled array design are studied. In particular, two architectures for a 40 GHz array are outlined, and the main system-related issues are examined: power budget, synchronization in frequency and phase, and stochastic effects

    GPCRsclass: a web tool for the classification of amine type of G-protein-coupled receptors

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    The receptors of amine subfamily are specifically major drug targets for therapy of nervous disorders and psychiatric diseases. The recognition of novel amine type of receptors and their cognate ligands is of paramount interest for pharmaceutical companies. In the past, Chou and co-workers have shown that different types of amine receptors are correlated with their amino acid composition and are predictable on its basis with considerable accuracy [Elrod and Chou (2002) Protein Eng., 15, 713–715]. This motivated us to develop a better method for the recognition of novel amine receptors and for their further classification. The method was developed on the basis of amino acid composition and dipeptide composition of proteins using support vector machine. The method was trained and tested on 167 proteins of amine subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The method discriminated amine subfamily of GPCRs from globular proteins with Matthew's correlation coefficient of 0.98 and 0.99 using amino acid composition and dipeptide composition, respectively. In classifying different types of amine receptors using amino acid composition and dipeptide composition, the method achieved an accuracy of 89.8 and 96.4%, respectively. The performance of the method was evaluated using 5-fold cross-validation. The dipeptide composition based method predicted 67.6% of protein sequences with an accuracy of 100% with a reliability index ≥5. A web server GPCRsclass has been developed for predicting amine-binding receptors from its amino acid sequence [ and (mirror site)]
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