206 research outputs found

    Equation of state of Mo from shock compression experiments on preheated samples

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    We present a reanalysis of reported Hugoniot data for Mo, including both experiments shocked from ambient temperature (T) and those preheated to 1673 K, using the most general methods of least-squares fitting to constrain the Grüneisen model. This updated Mie-Grüneisen equation of state (EOS) is used to construct a family of maximum likelihood Hugoniots of Mo from initial temperatures of 298 to 2350 K and a parameterization valid over this range. We adopted a single linear function at each initial temperature over the entire range of particle velocities considered. Total uncertainties of all the EOS parameters and correlation coefficients for these uncertainties are given. The improved predictive capabilities of our EOS for Mo are confirmed by (1) better agreement between calculated bulk sound speeds and published measurements along the principal Hugoniot, (2) good agreement between our Grüneisen data and three reported high-pressure γ(V) functions obtained from shock-compression of porous samples, and (3) very good agreement between our 1 bar Grüneisen values and γ(T) at ambient pressure recalculated from reported experimental data on the adiabatic bulk modulus K_s(T). Our analysis shows that an EOS constructed from shock compression data allows a much more accurate prediction of γ(T) values at 1 bar than those based on static compression measurements or first-principles calculations. Published calibrations of the Mie-Grüneisen EOS for Mo using static compression measurements only do not reproduce even low-pressure asymptotic values of γ(T) at 1 bar, where the most accurate experimental data are available

    Contributed Review: Absolute spectral radiance calibration of fiber-optic shock-temperature pyrometers using a coiled-coil irradiance standard lamp

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    We describe an accurate and precise calibration procedure for multichannel optical pyrometers such as the 6-channel, 3-ns temporal resolution instrument used in the Caltech experimental geophysics laboratory. We begin with a review of calibration sources for shock temperatures in the 3000-30 000 K range. High-power, coiled tungsten halogen standards of spectral irradiance appear to be the only practical alternative to NIST-traceable tungsten ribbon lamps, which are no longer available with large enough calibrated area. However, non-uniform radiance complicates the use of such coiled lamps for reliable and reproducible calibration of pyrometers that employ imaging or relay optics. Careful analysis of documented methods of shock pyrometer calibration to coiled irradiance standard lamps shows that only one technique, not directly applicable in our case, is free of major radiometric errors. We provide a detailed description of the modified Caltech pyrometer instrument and a procedure for its absolute spectral radiance calibration, accurate to ±5%. We employ a designated central area of a 0.7× demagnified image of a coiled-coil tungsten halogen lamp filament, cross-calibrated against a NIST-traceable tungsten ribbon lamp. We give the results of the cross-calibration along with descriptions of the optical arrangement, data acquisition, and processing. We describe a procedure to characterize the difference between the static and dynamic response of amplified photodetectors, allowing time-dependent photodiode correction factors for spectral radiance histories from shock experiments. We validate correct operation of the modified Caltech pyrometer with actual shock temperature experiments on single-crystal NaCl and MgO and obtain very good agreement with the literature data for these substances. We conclude with a summary of the most essential requirements for error-free calibration of a fiber-optic shock-temperature pyrometer using a high-power coiled tungsten halogen irradiance standard lamp

    MgO melting curve constraints from shock temperature and rarefaction overtake measurements in samples preheated to 2300 K

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    Continuing our effort to obtain experimental constraints on the melting curve of MgO at 100-200 GPa, we extended our target preheating capability to 2300 K. Our new Mo capsule design holds a long MgO crystal in a controlled thermal gradient until impact by a Ta flyer launched at up to 7.5 km/s on the Caltech two-stage light-gas gun. Radiative shock temperatures and rarefaction overtake times were measured simultaneously by a 6-channel VIS/NIR pyrometer with 3 ns time resolution. The majority of our experiments showed smooth monotonic increases in MgO sound speed and shock temperature with pressure from 197 to 243 GPa. The measured temperatures as well as the slopes of the pressure dependences for both temperature and sound speed were in good agreement with those calculated numerically for the solid phase at our peak shock compression conditions. Most observed sound speeds, however, were ~800 m/s higher than those predicted by the model. A single unconfirmed data point at 239 GPa showed anomalously low temperature and sound speed, which could both be explained by partial melting in this experiment and could suggest that the Hugoniot of MgO preheated to 2300 K crosses its melting line just slightly above 240 GPa

    Thermodynamically complete equation of state of MgO from true radiative shock temperature measurements on samples preheated to 1850 K

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    Plate impact experiments in the 100–250 GPa pressure range were done on a ⟨100⟩ single-crystal MgO preheated before compression to 1850 K. Hot Mo(driver)-MgO targets were impacted with Mo or Ta flyers launched by the Caltech two-stage light-gas gun up to 7.5 km/s. Radiative temperatures and shock velocities were measured with 3%–4% and 1%–2% uncertainty, respectively, by a six-channel pyrometer with 3-ns time resolution, over a 500–900-nm spectral range. MgO shock front reflectivity was determined in additional experiments at 220 and 248 GPa using ≈50/50 high-temperature sapphire beam splitters. Our measurements yield accurate experimental data on the mechanical, optical, and thermodynamic properties of B1 phase MgO from 102 GPa and 3900 K to 248 GPa and 9100 K, a region not sampled by previous studies. Reported Hugoniot data for MgO initially at ambient temperature, T=298 K, and the results of our current Hugoniot measurements on samples preheated to 1850 K were analyzed using the most general methods of least-squares fitting to constrain the Grüneisen model. This equation of state (EOS) was then used to construct maximum likelihood linear Hugoniots of MgO with initial temperatures from 298 to 2400 K. A parametrization of all EOS values and best-fit coefficients was done over the entire range of relevant particle velocities. Total uncertainties of all the EOS parameters and correlation coefficients for these uncertainties are also given. The predictive capabilities of our updated Mie-Grüneisen EOS were confirmed by (1) the good agreement between our Grüneisen data and five semiempirical γ(V) models derived from porous shock data only or from combined static and shock data sets, (2) the very good agreement between our 1-bar Grüneisen values and γ(T) at ambient pressure recalculated from reported experimental data on the adiabatic bulk modulus K_s(T), and (3) the good agreement of the brightness temperatures, corrected for shock reflectivity, with the corresponding values calculated using the current EOS or predicted by other groups via first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. Our experiments showed no evidence of MgO melting up to 250 GPa and 9100 K. The highest shock temperatures exceed the extrapolated melting curve of Zerr and Boehler by >3300 K and the upper limit for the melting boundary predictions of Aguado and Madden by >2600 K and those of Strachan et al. by >2100 K. We show that the potential for superheating in our shock experiments is negligible and therefore out data put a lower limit on the melting curve of B1 phase MgO in P−T space close to the set of consistent independent predictions by Sun et al., Liu et al., and de Koker and Stixrude

    Genesis and petrology of Late Neoproterozoic pegmatites and aplites associated with the Taba metamorphic complex in southern Sinai, Egypt

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    We present new field, petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical data from late Neoproterozoic pegmatites and aplites in southern Sinai, Egypt, at the northernmost limit of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. The pegmatites cross-cut host rocks in the Taba Metamorphic Complex (TMC) with sharp contacts and are divided into massive and zoned pegmatites. Massive pegmatites are the most common and form veins, dykes and masses of variable dimensions; strikes range mainly from E-W through NW-SE to N-S. Mineralogically, the massive pegmatites are divided into K-feldspar-rich and albite-rich groups. Zoned pegmatites occur as lenses of variable dimensions, featuring a quartz core, an intermediate zone rich in K-feldspars and an outer finer-grained zone rich in albite. All compositions are highly evolved and display geochemical characteristics of post-collisional A-type granites: high SiO2, Na2O+K2O, FeO*/MgO, Ga/Al, Zr, Nb, Ga and Y alongside low CaO, MgO, Ba and Sr. They are rich in Rare Earth Elements (REE) and have extreme negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*= 0.03-0.09). A genetic linkage between the pegmatites, aplites and alkali granite is confirmed by their common mild alkaline affinity and many other geochemical characteristics. These pegmatites and aplites represent the last small fraction of liquid remaining after extensive crystallization of granitic magma, injected along the foliation and into fractures of the host metamorphic rocks. The extensional tectonic regime and shallow depth of emplacement are consistent with a post-collisional environment

    Isentropic Melting Processes in the Mantle

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    Batch melting of ascending mantle can be approximated as an isentropic process, since on the time scale of melting heat flow into or out of source regions will typically be negligible and the process is slow enough to be close to reversible. Similarly, fractional fusion can be idealized as a series of incremental isentropic melting steps, although the entropy of the residue decreases in each step. Although actual melting processes (e.g., involving melt migration, diffusion, and convective boundary layers) must deviate to some extent from idealized isentropic conditions, modeling of mantle processes under the assumption of constant entropy is tractable from a thermodynamic perspective and leads to a number of insights. Here we present models of the productivity of isentropic pressure-release melting, consider the effect of solid-solid phase transitions on melting, and model deep crystal fractionation in ascending melts of the mantle

    PRIMELT3 MEGA.XLSM software for primary magma calculation: Peridotite primary magma MgO contents from the liquidus to the solidus

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    An upgrade of the PRIMELT algorithm for calculating primary magma composition is given together with its implementation in PRIMELT3 MEGA.xlsm software. It supersedes PRIMELT2.xls in correcting minor mistakes in melt fraction and computed Ni content of olivine, it identifies residuum mineralogy, and it provides a thorough analysis of uncertainties in mantle potential temperature and olivine liquidus temperature. The uncertainty analysis was made tractable by the computation of olivine liquidus temperatures as functions of pressure and partial melt MgO content between the liquidus and solidus. We present a computed anhydrous peridotite solidus in T-P space using relations amongst MgO, T and P along the solidus; it compares well with experiments on the solidus. Results of the application of PRIMELT3 to a wide range of basalts shows that the mantle sources of ocean islands and large igneous provinces were hotter than oceanic spreading centers, consistent with earlier studies and expectations of the mantle plume model
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