673 research outputs found


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    Fenomena LGBT sebagai epidemik sosial sangat terkait dengan tren negara-negara liberal yang memberikan pengakuan dan tempat bagi penyandang LGBT di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakatnya. LGBT dianggap sebagai bagian life style masyarakat modern yang menganggap pandangan heteroseksualitas sebagai konservatif dan tidak berlaku bagi semua orang. Kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia (HAM) kemudian menjadi dalih atas kebijakan tersebut. Kelompok masyarakat konservatif yang memegang teguh nilai-nilai keluarga dan teologis yang secara gigih menentang praktek penyimpangan seksual tersebut dan legalisasi atas pernikahan sejenis akan meruntuhkan tatanan kehidupan dalam masyarakat. Fenomena penyimpangan orientasi seksual yang jelas-jelas bertentangan dengan norma agama dan nilai-nilai sosial bangsa sebagaikelaziman, terbiasa dan bahkan tersugesti untuk masuk dalam kondisi yang mereka sebut sebagai hak azasi manusia ( HAM) yang tergantung pada pilihan individu masing-masing. Kaum LGBT kemudian semakin berani muncul di tempat publik dengan mempertontonkan identitasnyayang kini tidak lagi dianggap tabu. Legitimasi sosial muncul dengan pembelaan ilmiah dan teologis secara apriori guna memperkuat klaim tentang eksistensi maupun tujuan-tujuan sosial mereka. Situasi itulah yang kemudian membuat LGBT menyebar demikian pesat sebagai epidemik sosial. LGBT muncul sebagai dampak dari interaksi sosial yang keliru sehingga ikut mengalami penyimpangan seksual (sosial disease). Masyarakat harus mampu mengembangkan kewaspadaan sosialnya, begitu pula negara tidak bisa lepas tangan dan berlindung di balik penghargaan terhadap hak asasi manusia (HAM) warga negara. Negara memiliki kewajiban untuk menjaga nilai-nilai dan standar moral yang dianut oleh publik mayoritas. Negara tidak boleh melegalkan agresi terhadap moralitas dan nilai-nilai publik. Tanpa standar moral dan menjaga nilai-nilai yang diyakini publik, niscaya bangsa itu akan kehilangan generasi penerus bagi masa depannya.&nbsp

    Studi Eksperimen Perbandingan Kuat Tekan Beton Normal dan Beton dengan Tambahan Additon dengan Menggunakan Semen Pcc

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    This paper presents the influence of the use of h.e. Additon to normal concrete Portland Composite Cement (PCC) Holcim brand, red white and three wheels. The test objects that are created with the size of the cylinder-shaped Ø 15 cm high-30 cm. determination of concrete mixture using the method of SNI 2002. The quality of concrete which was planned was fc′ = 20 Mpa. From the results of research on three wheel cement, variations in additon h.e 80 cc has increased strongly press of 9.90% to normal concrete. While 120 cc variation experienced an increase of 10.92%. And 200 cc variation experienced an increase of 17.41%. At holcim cement, variations in additon h. e 80 cc has increased strongly press of 3.85% to normal concrete. While 120 cc variation experienced an increase of 9.34%. And 200 cc variation experienced an increase of 17.86%. Whereas, in a red and white cement, variations in additon h. e 80 cc has increased strongly press of 7.37% to normal concrete. While 120 cc variation experienced an increase of 6.49%. And 200 cc variation experienced an increase of 20.06%

    Ethnomedicinal study of plants used in villages around Kimboza forest reserve in Morogoro, Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An ethnomedicinal study was conducted to document medicinal plants used in the treatment of ailments in villages surrounding Kimboza forest reserve, a low land catchment forest with high number of endemic plant species.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ethnobotanical interviews on medicinal plants used to treat common illnesses were conducted with the traditional medical practitioners using open-ended semi -structured questionnaires. Diseases treated, methods of preparation, use and habitat of medicinal plants were recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 82 medicinal plant species belonging to 29 families were recorded during the study. The most commonly used plant families recorded were Fabaceae (29%), Euphorbiaceae (20%), Asteraceae and Moraceae (17% each) and Rubiaceae (15%) in that order. The most frequently utilized medicinal plant parts were leaves (41.3%), followed by roots (29.0%), bark (21.7%), seeds (5.31%), and fruits (2.6%). The study revealed that stomach ache was the condition treated with the highest percentage of medicinal plant species (15%), followed by hernia (13%), diarrhea (12), fever and wound (11% each), and coughs (10%). Majority of medicinal plant species (65.9%) were collected from the wild compared to only 26.7% from cultivated land.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A rich diversity of medicinal plant species are used for treating different diseases in villages around Kimboza forest reserve, with the wild habitat being the most important reservoir for the majority of the plants. Awareness programmes on sustainable utilization and active involvement of community in conservation programmes are needed.</p

    Comparing the effect of using normal saline, N-acetyl cysteine and not using them in endotracheal tube suction on physiologic parameters and the amount of secretions in intubated patients under mechanical ventilation

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    Aims: Today a large number of patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit need mechanical ventilation via an artificial air way. Since these patients have endotracheal tube, endotracheal suctioning is necessary for increasing oxygenation, cleaning the airway and keeping it open. But this method consists of various side effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate and respiratory rate, cyanosis, dizziness and increased intracranial pressure and hypoxia. This study aimed at comparing the effect of using normal saline serum, N-acetyl cysteine and not using them in endotracheal suctioning on physiologic parameters and the amount of secretions in intubated patients under mechanical ventilation. Material & Methods: It was a controlled clinical trial study with random allocation that was performed on 54 intubated patients hospitalized in ICU of health educational centers of Babol Medical Sciences University in 2014. Endotracheal tube suctioning was performed for each patient once without saline, the second time with 3 ml of normal saline and the third time with 2 ml of N-acetyl cysteine. Blood pressure, Heart rate, Respiratory rate, Arterial oxygen saturation were measured and recorded before each stage of suctioning and two and five minutes after that. Amount of secretions was measured after each method of suctioning. Data were analyzed by SPSS16 statistical software, variance analysis with repeated measures, ANOVA and paired t statistical tests. Results: Blood pressure, Heart rate and Respiratory rate were increased after suction in all the three groups, but these changes were higher in the group that received normal saline. Mean decrease of Arterial oxygen saturation was more in the method of receiving normal saline (p<0.05). The amount of secretion was more in the method of receiving N-acetyl cysteine (p=0.004). Conclusions: Endotracheal tube suctioning by using normal saline had more adverse effects on post- suction physiological parameters in compare with the other two methods. Therefore, it is recommended to not use normal saline in endotracheal tube suctioning to the possible extent, and if removing secretions is required, endotracheal N_acetyl cysteine should be used according to the patient's condition

    Pengaruh Implementasi Peraturan Bupati Nomor 18 Tahun 2011 terhadap Peningkatan Disiplin Kerja Pegawai (Study Kasus Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah dan Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)

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    Discipline is a starting point of all success in order to achieve the objectives of the organization. Therefore, the local goverment in the districks Rokan Hulu make regulation regent No. 18 of 2011 on compolsory prayer noon dan asr in congregation at mosques Pasir Pangarayan for Muslim employee in the working day in the administration districts Rokan Hulu in order to increase the devotion of empliyess to god almight one that affects discipline increase employeyment. Planning and regional Development Agencies Rokan hulu and Rokan Hulu Secretariat upstream part of the governance environment districts Rokan Hulu.This study aims to determine the implementation of the decree no. 18 of 2011. Dicipline of employess working in really in development Planning and Rokan Hulu Regency Secretariat inflence the implementation mainly Regent No. 18 of 2011 to dicipline the local Planning Agancy and the regional Secretariat Rokan Hulu.In this study the typies of research used in quantitative research required data collected to the study site with the questionnaire in this study are emplyess of the local palnning agancy Rokan Hulu 55 and Rokan Hulu district Secretariat asmany as 119 people.As this study using a Likert scale ewrw analized using simple Linier regression analysis and determination with the help of SPSS version 17.0 for Windows.The results of this study indicate that the implemantation of the decree No. 18 of 2011 against increased employee discipline Development planning Rokan Hulu great influence 23% and Rokan Hulu district Secretariat a big influence 29%.Key Words : Implementation, Diciplin

    International Comparisons of Bank Regulation, Liberalization, and Banking Crises

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    Purpose: The recurrence of banking crises throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and in the more recent 2008-09 global financial crisis, has led to an expanding empirical literature on crisis explanation and prediction. This paper provides an analytical review of proxies for and important determinants of banking crises − credit growth, financial liberalization, bank regulation and supervision. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study surveys the banking crisis literature by comparing proxies for and measures of banking crises and policy-related variables in the literature. Advantages and disadvantages of different proxies are discussed. Findings: Disagreements about determinants of banking crises are in part explained by the difference in the chosen proxies used in empirical models. The usefulness of different proxies depend partly on constraints in terms of time and country coverage but also on what particular policy question is asked. Originality: The study offers a comprehensive analysis of measurements of banking crises, credit growth, financial liberalization and banking regulations and concludes with an assessment of existing proxies and databases. Since the review points to the choice of proxies that best fit specific research objectives, it should serve as a reference point for empirical researchers in the banking crisis area

    Recovery of Acute Pulmonary Edema Following Drowning Due to Seizure: Report of Two Cases

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Drowning is a process of respiratory impairment due to the full immersion under fluids that about one third of patients with drowning experience pulmonary edema. In this article, two patients with acute pulmonary edema after drowning due to seizure who were admitted to the ICU department at Ayatollah Rouhani Hospital in Babol have been presented. CASE REPORT: An 18-year-old man with a history of epilepsy was drowned while swimming in the pool after a seizure. Due to hypoxia, he was treated with supplemental oxygen and NIV for 12 hours. After partial recovery, he was treated with oxygen for three days. The patient on the fourth day was discharged with a good general condition. Second patient: An 36-year old man, with a previous history of brain trauma was drowned while swimming in the sea after a seizure. The patient was intubated due to severe hypoxemia despite administration of oxygen (pao2 = 44mmHg) and low blood pressure (BP = 80 / 50mmHg), and was transferred to ICU at Ayatollah Rouhani Hospital. The patient was treated for mechanical ventilation and positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) for 12 days. After recovery, he was separated from the ventilator and was discharged on the 14th day. CONCLUSION: In acute pulmonary edema after drowning, administration of oxygen and non-invasive ventilation is recommended. In the absence of response, tracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation are recommended

    Sintesis Coating Copper-Cobalt Oksida pada Substrat Aluminium melalui Proses Sol Gel sebagai Solar Selective Absorber : Pengaruh Rasio Molar Cu/Co dan Ketebalan Coating

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    Solar selective absorber (SSA) is a layer which is selective to absorb solar radiation and convert it into maximum heat energy. The purpose of this research is to synthesize the SSA based on copper nitrate and cobalt nitrate precursor, to determine the influence of molar ratio and dipping times number to absorptance, and emittance of SSA using the sol gel dip coating method.. Aluminum plates with size of 2x4cm2 were cleaned using phosphoric acid 10% by volume at temperature ±50oC for 10 minutes and then washed again with distilled water. Sol precursor was prepared by mixing copper nitrate and cobalt nitrate in ethanol solvent and the addition of propionic acid as catalyst and complexing agent. This solution was stirred at room temperature for 2 hours. The coatings were synthesized by varying molar ratio of [Cu]/[Co] of 0,25; 1; and 4 with the number of dipping 1-10 times. The coatings then were annealed at temperature of 550oC for 1 hour. Reflectance spectra in the UV-Vis-NIR show that an increasing number of dipping and decreasing in the molar ratio of [Cu]/[Co] improved the absorptance (). SSA layer with best absorptance i.e. 84,788% is synthesized using precursors with a molar ratio of 4 at 10 dipping times, and emittance (ε) generated amount 8,999%