2,208 research outputs found

    Efficient Implementation of a Synchronous Parallel Push-Relabel Algorithm

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    Motivated by the observation that FIFO-based push-relabel algorithms are able to outperform highest label-based variants on modern, large maximum flow problem instances, we introduce an efficient implementation of the algorithm that uses coarse-grained parallelism to avoid the problems of existing parallel approaches. We demonstrate good relative and absolute speedups of our algorithm on a set of large graph instances taken from real-world applications. On a modern 40-core machine, our parallel implementation outperforms existing sequential implementations by up to a factor of 12 and other parallel implementations by factors of up to 3

    Scale dependent alignment between velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind and comparisons to Boldyrev's phenomenological theory

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    (Abridged abstract) A theory of incompressible MHD turbulence recently developed by Boldyrev predicts the existence of a scale dependent angle of alignment between velocity and magnetic field fluctuations that is proportional to the lengthscale of the fluctuations to the power 1/4. In this study, plasma and magnetic field data from the Wind spacecraft are used to investigate the angle between velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind as a function of the timescale of the fluctuations and to look for the power law scaling predicted by Boldyrev.Comment: Particle Acceleration and Transport in the Heliosphere and Beyond, 7th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Kauai, Hawaii, G. Li, Q. Hu, O. Verkhoglyadova, G. P. Zank, R. P. Lin, J. Luhmann (eds), AIP Conference Proceedings 1039, 81-8

    Direct regeneration protocols of five Capsicum annuum L. varieties

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    The bud induction obtained is a simple and efficient protocol developed for in vitro propagation of five varieties of cultivars. Seeds of Capsicum annuum L. of five varieties red, yellow, green, purple and white were decontaminated and placed in a culture bottle containing a Murashige and Skoog medium, supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP, 5 mg/l) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA, 1 mg/l) or indole-3- acetic acid (IAA, 0.5 mg/l) and then were incubated in the dark for 10 - 12 days for germination. Leaf explants excised from 4 weeks -old aseptic seedlings were cultured on a MS medium supplemented with hormones BAP, kinetin (Kin), the combination of BAP + Kin, BAP with NAA (0.1 or 0.01 mg/l) and BAP with IAA (0.5 mg/l). The 2.0 mg/l BAP with 0.1 mg/l NAA media was observed to be more suitable for callus formation. The highest number of regenerated shoot buds was obtained when shoot explants were cultured on a MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/l IAA. The mean number of shoot per explants was obtained in red (6.3), yellow (3.6), purple (3.3), and white (3.0) variety of C. annuum whereas 3.0 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/l IAA were observed to be more suitable for green (6.6) variety of C. annuum. Plantlets were successfully acclimatized in greenhouse.Keywords: Capsicum, auxin, cytokinin, micropropagation, organogenesis, sweet pepperAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(2), pp. 307-312, 8 January, 201

    The Application of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (Ecg) and Prostaglandin F2α to Increase the Rate of Pregnancy in Bali Cattle at Buleleng, Bali

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    This research objective was to increase the rate of pregnancy in Bali cattle using eCG and PGF2 14α">  at Buleleng, Bali. The experimental animal used in this study comprised of 18 female Bali cattles, with normal estrus cycle and 18 months old of age. The Bali cattles are all healthy with a body score of at least 2. The Control Group was injected with PGF2α 25 mg intramuscular twice on day 0 and day 11. Treatment Group 1 was injected with PGF2α 25 mg and eCG dosage of 400 IU intramuscular. Treatment Group 2 was injected with PGF2α 25 mg and eCG dosage of 600 IU intramuscular. On day 14, the female Bali cattle both Treatment Group 1 and 2 respectively showed signs of estrus. Few hours’ later artificial insemination was performed on the same day. On Day 30, all 18 female Bali cattle were checked for pregnancy using Ultrasonography (USG). The female Bali cattle were assumed to be pregnant because there were signs of enlargement in cornua uteri unilaterally.  Therefore, this indicates that there was no significant difference between Treatment Group 1 and Treatment Group 2 in pregnancy rate. The results from Control Group showed 4 pregnant and 2 not-pregnant; Treatment Group 1 showed 6 pregnant; Treatment Group 2 showed 6 pregnant. Based on the results, Control Group showed 88% of the Bali cattle were pregnant. Meanwhile, Treatment Group 1 and Treatment Group 2 showed 100% pregnant from the total 18 Bali cattle. Therefore, this research showed a positive feedback consistent with the objective. Key words: Bali Cattle, eCG, PGF2 14α">  and The Rate of Pregnancy

    Torted and Ruptured Wandering Spleen Presenting as a Surgical Emergency in Pregnancy

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    Wandering spleen (WS) is characterised by incomplete fixation of the spleen to its supporting linorenal and gastrosplenic ligaments. It can predispose to life-threatening complications due to torsion of its vascular pedicle, splenic infarction, portal hypertension, and haemorrhage. A 27-year-old, 36-week prima gravida underwent emergency caesarean section for tachycardia and hypotension. A healthy baby girl was delivered. However, she remained shocked despite aggressive fluid therapy and intraoperatively it was noted that there was significant intraperitoneal bleeding and the on-call surgical team was summoned. Midline laparotomy revealed a lacerated, infarcted, hypermobile spleen found with free intraperitoneal bleeding. The unsalvageable spleen was resected and the patient went on to make an excellent recovery. The aetiology of WS is contentious. With an increased frequency among multiparous females of reproductive age, some suggest the hormonal effects of pregnancy as contributing factors. Clinical presentations range from an asymptomatic abdominal mass to acute abdominal pain with hypovolaemic shock. WS poses a serious threat to life due to thrombosis, bleeding, or infarction. Ultrasound scan and CT scan are equally effective in the diagnosis. Patients with asymptomatic WS should be treated with elective splenopexy, however, in the acute presentation, splenectomy is the procedure of choice
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