6 research outputs found

    Protiškai atsilikęs vaikas šeimoje: diagnozės nustatymo psichologinės problemos

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    The paper reports the results of interviews with parents of 221 severely mentally retarded children. The main attention is paid to the parental reactions to receiving the information about a child's handicap. It has been revealed that children psychiatrists and pediatricians preferred to postpone giving an adequate diagnosis to the parents. On the other hand, retrospective analysis showed that parents valued an early acknowledgment of the problem. Causes and consequences of these psychological phenomena are presented in the paper.Straipsnyje pristatomi interviu su 221 tėvų, auginančių protiškai atsilikusius vaikus, rezultatai. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama tėvų reakcijai, sužinojus informaciją apie vaiko negalią. Buvo nustatyta, kad vaikų psichiatrai ir pediatrai stengiasi vėlinti adekvačios diagnozės pranešimą tėvams. Iš kitos pusės, nustatyta, kad retrospektyviai tėvai vertina ankstesnį informavimą apie problemą. Šių psichologinių fenomenų priežastys ir pasekmės pristatytos straipsnyje

    Individual and contextual determinants of male suicide in the post‐communist region: The case of Lithuania

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    Article no. e2372Over the three last decades, Lithuania has reported some of the highest male suicide rates in the world. This paper relies on longitudinal census-linked data for Lithuania covering the entire male population aged 30–64 years during the 2011–2017 period. The study uses multilevel modelling to examine the importance of the selected individual and area-level contextual characteristics. One of the key findings is the persistence of a suicide disadvantage among males living in rural areas. This disadvantage could not be explained by major sociodemographic characteristics and remained statistically significant for those individuals who migrated to urban areas. Unlike some other studies, we found that socio-economic area-level characteristics retained their significance after controlling for the major individual-level characteristics. This evidence highlights the potential for policies aimed at improving area-level conditionsLietuvos demografų asociacijaLietuvos socialinių tyrimų centrasSocialinių tyrimų centrasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta