16 research outputs found

    Platelets augment respiratory burst in neutrophils activated by selected species of gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria.

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    Neutrophils and platelets circulate in blood system and play important physiological roles as part of immunological system. Neutrophils are the first line of host defense against various intruders, and platelets are satellite cells cooperating with other components of defense system. Recent studies report about the cooperation among these types of cells. We analyzed the effect of platelets on oxygen burst in neutrophils triggered by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria in vitro. The effect of platelets on oxygen burst in neutrophils was measured by luminol enhanced chemiluminescence. Opsonized and non-opsonized bacteria were used as activators. Activation of neutrophils with live non-opsonized and opsonized bacteria in the presence of platelets increased the oxygen burst as compared to the same system without platelets. The gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) were causing higher activation than gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli). This work demonstrate that platelets potentate the response of neutrophils augmenting their respiratory burst in vitro when triggered by bacteria

    The Role of PPAR Alpha in the Modulation of Innate Immunity

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor 伪 is a potent regulator of systemic and cellular metabolism and energy homeostasis, but it also suppresses various inflammatory reactions. In this review, we focus on its role in the regulation of innate immunity; in particular, we discuss the PPAR伪 interplay with inflammatory transcription factor signaling, pattern-recognition receptor signaling, and the endocannabinoid system. We also present examples of the PPAR伪-specific immunomodulatory functions during parasitic, bacterial, and viral infections, as well as approach several issues associated with innate immunity processes, such as the production of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species, phagocytosis, and the effector functions of macrophages, innate lymphoid cells, and mast cells. The described phenomena encourage the application of endogenous and pharmacological PPAR伪 agonists to alleviate the disorders of immunological background and the development of new solutions that engage PPAR伪 activation or suppression

    Spin Trapping of Nitric Oxide by Hemoglobin and Ferrous Diethyldithiocarbamate in Model Tumors Differing in Vascularization

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    Animal tumors serve as reasonable models for human cancers. Both human and animal tumors often reveal triplet EPR signals of nitrosylhemoglobin (HbNO) as an effect of nitric oxide formation in tumor tissue, where NO is complexed by Hb. In search of factors determining the appearance of nitrosylhemoglobin (HbNO) in solid tumors, we compared the intensities of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals of various iron鈥搉itrosyl complexes detectable in tumor tissues, in the presence and absence of excess exogenous iron(II) and diethyldithiocarbamate (DETC). Three types of murine tumors, namely, L5178Y lymphoma, amelanotic Cloudman S91 melanoma, and Ehrlich carcinoma (EC) growing in DBA/2 or Swiss mice, were used. The results were analyzed in the context of vascularization determined histochemically using antibodies to CD31. Strong HbNO EPR signals were found in melanoma, i.e., in the tumor with a vast amount of a hemorrhagic necrosis core. Strong Fe(DETC)2NO signals could be induced in poorly vascularized EC. In L5178Y, there was a correlation between both types of signals, and in addition, Fe(RS)2(NO)2 signals of non-heme iron鈥搉itrosyl complexes could be detected. We postulate that HbNO EPR signals appear during active destruction of well-vascularized tumor tissue due to hemorrhagic necrosis. The presence of iron鈥搉itrosyl complexes in tumor tissue is biologically meaningful and defines the evolution of complicated tumor鈥揾ost interactions

    X-band and S-band EPR detection of nitric oxide in murine endotoxaemia using spin trapping by ferro-di(N-(dithio-carboxy)sarcosine)

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    Ammonium salt of N-(dithiocarboxy)sarcosine (DTCS) chelated to ferrous salt was tested as an NO-metric spin trap at room temperature for ex vivo measurement of g路NO production in murine endotoxaemia. In a chemically defined in vitro model system EPR triplet signals of NO-Fe(DTCS)g2 were observed for as long as 3 hours, only if samples were reduced with sodium dithionite. This procedure was not necessary for the ex vivo detection of 路NO in endotoxaemic liver homogenates at X-band or in the whole intact organs at S-band, whereas only a weak signal was observed in endotoxaemic lung. These results suggest that in endotoxaemia not only high level of 路NO, but also the redox properties of liver and lung might determine the formation of complexes of 路NO with a spin trap. Nevertheless, both S- and X-band EPR spectroscopy is suitable for 路NO-metry at room temperature using Fe(DTCS)2 as the spin trapping agent. In particular, S-band EPR spectroscopy enables the detection of 路NO production in a whole organ, such as murine liver

    Platelets augment respiratory burst in neutrophils activated by selected species of gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria.

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    Neutrophils and platelets circulate in blood system and play important physiological roles as part of immunological system. Neutrophils are the first line of host defense against various intruders, and platelets are satellite cells cooperating with other components of defense system. Recent studies report about the cooperation among these types of cells. We analyzed the effect of platelets on oxygen burst in neutrophils triggered by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria in vitro. The effect of platelets on oxygen burst in neutrophils was measured by luminol enhanced chemiluminescence. Opsonized and non-opsonized bacteria were used as activators. Activation of neutrophils with live non-opsonized and opsonized bacteria in the presence of platelets increased the oxygen burst as compared to the same system without platelets. The gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) were causing higher activation than gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli). This work demonstrate that platelets potentate the response of neutrophils augmenting their respiratory burst in vitro when triggered by bacteria