23 research outputs found

    Hypsometric factors for differences in chemical composition of Tatra National Park spring waters

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    The aim of this study was to verify a hypothesis about the differences in chemical composition of spring waters as determined by hypsometric factors (relief) in the Tatra Mountains. During our research, 1,505 hydrological objects were inventoried, but this research was conducted on 872 selected outflows (swamps and springs). Temperature, conductivity, and pH were measured together with discharge in the field. A 0.5 dm3 water sample was taken from each hydrological object. The chemical composition was determined by ion chromatography. The role of hypsometric factors in the formation of chemical composition of spring waters is reflected throughout the TNP as a systematic reduction of the importance of two major hydrochemical classes of spring waters (HCO3-Ca, HCO3-Ca-Mg) in favor of waters containing a large share of SO4 2-. The lower and ridge parts of the mountains are characterized by low hydrochemical diversity for the entire Tatra range

    The current course of the hydrological research in the High Bieszczady Mts.

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    The paper presents main results of current hydrological studies which are carried out in the High Bieszczady Mountains (Outer Carpathians). The studies included: ground water outflows, hydrographic network pattern, water discharge in main streams, the factors controlling chemical composition of groundwater and streamwater. In 2007 detailed hydrological mapping in Upper Wo艂osatka catchment (8,32 km2) was conducted. This resulted with information about ground water outflows types, number, discharge, and also their water temperature, specific conductivity, pH and chemical composition. Relations between occurrence of outflows and geology and ground relief were also analyzed. Specific base flow was measured in 30 catchments (with area 3,21-42,95 km2) in October 2009. The recent studies are focused on mapping of springs in Polonina Wetli艅ska massif

    Headwater chemistry in subarctic areas with different plant communities (Finnish Lapland)

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    The study determines the differences in the chemistry of small headwater streams located in areas with different plant communities in Finnish Lapland. Water samples from 76 catchments with four different plant communities were collected and analyzed. The statistical analyses of water temperature, water specific electric conductivity and the concentration of main ions, revealed the greatest variation in ion concentrations related to rock weathering: Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3- in the studied catchments. Enrichment of water with these ions occurred in catchments representing forest communities with thick soils, especially in the boreal forest community. This suggests that future changes in the northern treeline may affect the surface water chemistry depending on the direction of changes. In case of the expansion of the treeline to the north due to climate warming, an increase in water mineralization and a shift of hydrochemical facies towards a Ca-Mg-HCO3-type can be expected. On the other hand, the regression of the northern treeline could be expected to result in a reduction of nutrient pools and leaching them into streams. Eventually, it could result in the depletion of soils and the dominance of atmosphere-derived ions in waters, and the hydrochemical facies will shift towards Na-Cl-type.Peer reviewe

    Springs in the High Bieszczady Mountains

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    Characteristic of springs occurrence in the High Bieszczady Mountains (Outer Carpathians) is presented. Types of springs, its discharge and spring density index are described. Moreover distribution of springs in relation to geological structures and tectonics of the study area have been analysed. Results of research available in publications of various authors and results obtained from mapping of springs in the Polonina Wetlinska massif which was carried out in 2009-2011 are compared in the paper

    Geological and geomorphological condition of the hydrographic network pattern in the catchment of the Upper Wo艂osatka Stream (High Bieszczady Mts)

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    Przeprowadzono szczeg贸艂owe kartowanie hydrograficzne obejmuj膮ce m.in. uk艂ad sieci rzecznej w g贸rnej cz臋艣ci zlewni Wo艂osatki. Badania ukierunkowane by艂y na okre艣lenie zwi膮zk贸w mi臋dzy wsp贸艂czesnym uk艂adem sieci rzecznej a budow膮 geologiczn膮 i rze藕b膮. Dominuj膮c膮 rol臋 w kszta艂towaniu uk艂adu sieci rzecznej odgrywa przebieg warstw skalnych oraz obecno艣膰 stref nieci膮g艂o艣ci tektonicznych. Upad warstw skalnych decyduje o mo偶liwo艣ci retencji w贸d opadowych i obok uwarunkowa艅 klimatycznych jest czynnikiem decyduj膮cym o zasobno艣ci zbiornika w贸d podziemnych. Odp艂yw jednostkowy okres贸w ni偶贸wkowych w poszczeg贸lnych cz臋艣ciach zlewni mo偶e wynosi膰 od 2.1 do 9.8 l/s/km2l/s/km^{2}Detailed hydrographic investigation was carried out in the catchment of Upper Wo艂osatka Stream. The characteristics cover the structure of hydrographic network, namely its pattern. Detailed map of stream network was created. The main factors controlling the development of the hydrological network were discussed. Geological structures played the most important role in the development of hydrographic network. The capacity of groundwater aquifer is strictly connected with the dip of flysch strata hoverer it also reflects the rain shadow effect. The unit discharge in the catchment can range in dry periods from 2.1 up to 9.8 $l/s/km^{2}

    Springs of the upper Wo艂osatka River catchment in the Wysokie Bieszczady Mountains.

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    Paper presents results of mapping of springs of the upper Wo艂osatka River catchment (Wysokie Bieszczady Mts. -Outer Carpathians). Springs were the most common outflow type in the area (52.55%). Outflow density in the area studied (8.32 km2) was equal 23.56 per km2, while spring rate was 12.4 per km2. Outflow discharges were low and very low- most springs belong to Meinzer classes VI-VIII. Only seven springs had discharges higher than 0.5 dm3/s, and three-over 1 dm3/s. The spatial outflow distribution strongly depends on geology, tectonics and river valley direction. High density of outflows was especially observed within the Bukowe Berdo anticline, where the Otryt sandstones are alternated by thin-bedded flysch of high shale content. All these layers dip down in the opposite direction to the slope, which creates numerous springs and other outflows. Furthermore, a spectacular spring line is visible in the field lying along the Halicz fault