66 research outputs found
Integument cell differentiation in dandelions (Taraxacum, Asteraceae, Lactuceae) with special attention paid to plasmodesmata
The aim of the paper is to determine what happens with plasmodesmata when mucilage is secreted into the periplasmic space in plant cells. Ultrastructural analysis of the periendothelial zone mucilage cells was performed on examples of the ovule tissues of several sexual and apomictic Taraxacum species. The cytoplasm of the periendothelial zone cells was dense, filled by numerous organelles and profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum and active Golgi dictyosomes with vesicles that contained fibrillar material. At the beginning of the differentiation process of the periendothelial zone, the cells were connected by primary plasmodesmata. However, during the differentiation and the thickening of the cell walls (mucilage deposition), the plasmodesmata become elongated and associated with cytoplasmic bridges. The cytoplasmic bridges may connect the protoplast to the plasmodesmata through the mucilage layers in order to maintain cell-to-cell communication during the differentiation of the periendothelial zone cells
Nowe stanowisko Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii Monell, 1879 (Hemiptera, Aphididae: Calaphidinae) w Polsce
"Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii Monell, 1879 (Hemiptera, Aphididae:
Calaphidinae) jest inwazyjnym gatunkiem mszycy obcego pochodzenia, który
rozprzestrzenia się w Europie wraz z rośliną żywicielską – dębem czerwonym
Quercus rubra L. Ten nearktyczny gatunek, w Europie został po raz pierwszy odnotowany
we Francji (Remaudière G. 1989. Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (N. S.) 25(1): 117), a w późniejszych
latach również w Szwajcarii, Włoszech, Hiszpanii, Belgii, Niemczech, Danii, Czechach,
Serbii i na Węgrzech (Coeur d’arcier A. et al. 2010. BioRisk 4(1): 435–474)"
Flower nectar trichome structure of carnivorous plants from the genus butterworts Pinguicula L. (Lentibulariaceae)
Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) is a genus comprising around 96 species of herbaceous, carnivorous plants, which are extremely
diverse in flower size, colour and spur length and structure as well as pollination strategy. In Pinguicula, nectar is formed in the
flower spur; however, there is a gap in the knowledge about the nectary trichome structure in this genus. Our aim was to compare
the nectary trichome structure of various Pinguicula species in order to determine whether there are any differences among the
species in this genus. The taxa that were sampled were Pinguicula moctezumae, P. moranensis, P. rectifolia, P. emarginata and
P. esseriana. We used light microscopy, histochemistry, scanning and transmission electron microscopy to address those aims.
We show a conservative nectary trichome structure and spur anatomy in various Mexican Pinguicula species. The gross structural
similarities between the examined species were the spur anatomy, the occurrence of papillae, the architecture of the nectary
trichomes and the ultrastructure characters of the trichome cells. However, there were some differences in the spur length, the size
of spur trichomes, the occurrence of starch grains in the spur parenchyma and the occurrence of cellwall ingrowths in the terminal
cells of the nectary trichomes. Similar nectary capitate trichomes, as are described here, were recorded in the spurs of species from
other Lentibulariaceae genera. There are many ultrastructural similarities between the cells of nectary trichomes in Pinguicula
and Utricularia
Immunodetection of some pectic, arabinogalactan proteins and hemicellulose epitopes in the micropylar transmitting tissue of apomictic dandelions (Taraxacum, Asteraceae, Lactuceae)
In apomictic Taraxacum species, the development of both the embryo and the endosperm does not require double fertilisation. However, a structural reduction of ovular transmitting tissue was not observed in apomictic dandelions. The aim of this study was to analyse the chemical composition of the cell walls to describe the presence of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), hemicellulose and some pectic epitopes in the micropylar transmitting tissue of apomictic Taraxacum. The results point to (1) the similar distribution of AGPs in different developmental stages, (2) the absence of highly methyl-esterified homogalacturonan (HG) in transmitting tissue of ovule containing a mature embryo sac and the appearance of this pectin domain in the young seed containing the embryo and endosperm, (3) the similar pattern of low methyl-esterified pectin occurrence in both an ovule and a young seed with an embryo and endosperm in apomictic Taraxacum and (4) the presence of hemicelluloses recognised by LM25 and LM21 antibodies in the reproductive structure of Taraxacum
Cytochemical and ultrastructural aspects of aquatic carnivorous plant turions
Turions, which are modified shoot apices, are vegetative, dormant overwintering organs produced by perennial aquatic plants. In this study, the turion cytochemistry and ultrastructure of Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Utricularia vulgaris and U. stygia were compared with particular emphasis placed on storage substances. These three aquatic, rootless carnivorous plant species were studied at the end of their winter dormancy. At this stage, the turions of all species had starch as their main storage material. In contrast with A. vesiculosa, Utricularia turions were rich in protein storage vacuoles, and proteins were also accumulated as crystalline inclusions in the nuclei. All examined species accumulated lipid droplets in cells of epidermal glands
Life in the Current: Anatomy and Morphology of Utricularia neottioides
Rheophytism is extremely rare in the Utricularia genus (there are four strictly rheophytic
species out of a total of about 260). Utricularia neottioides is an aquatic rheophytic species exclusively
growing attached to bedrocks in the South American streams. Utricularia neottioides was considered
to be trap-free by some authors, suggesting that it had given up carnivory due to its specific habitat.
Our aim was to compare the anatomy of rheophytic U. neottioides with an aquatic Utricularia species
with a typical linear monomorphic shoot fromthe section Utricularia, U. reflexa, which grows in standing
or very slowly streaming African waters. Additionally, we compared the immunodetection of cell wall
components of both species. Light microscopy, histochemistry, scanning, and transmission electron
microscopy were used to address our aims. In U. neottioides, two organ systems can be distinguished:
organs (stolons, inflorescence stalk) which possess sclerenchyma and are thus resistant to water
currents, and organs without sclerenchyma (leaf-like shoots), which are submissive to the water
streaming/movement. Due to life in the turbulent habitat, U. neottioides evolved specific characters
including an anchor system with stolons, which have asymmetric structures, sclerenchyma and they
form adhesive trichomes on the ventral side. This anchor stolon system performs additional multiple
functions including photosynthesis, nutrient storage, vegetative reproduction. In contrast with typical
aquatic Utricularia species from the section Utricularia growing in standing waters, U. neottioides stems
have a well-developed sclerenchyma system lacking large gas spaces. Plants produce numerous
traps, so they should still be treated as a fully carnivorous plant
The Trap Architecture of Utricularia multifida and Utricularia westonii (subg. Polypompholyx)
Utricularia are carnivorous plants which have small hollow vesicles as suction traps that
work underwater by means of negative pressure and watertightness of the entrance
for capturing small animal prey. Utricularia multifida and U. westonii have specific
thick-walled traps, which are triangular in a transverse section but their functioning is
unclear. Some authors suggest that the trap door in U. multifida acts as a simple valve
without a suction trapping mechanism. Our main aim was to check the anatomical
trap characters that are responsible for possible water outflow and maintaining negative
pressure as main functional parts of the active trap suction mechanism in both species.
Using different microscopic techniques, we investigated the ultrastructure of external
trap glands, quadrifids, glands near the entrance (bifids, monofids), and also pavement
epithelium. Quadrifids of both species have a similar structure to those known in other
species from the genus, which possess the suction trap mechanism. Glands near the
entrance in U. multifida and U. westonii, which are responsible for water pumping in
other species, are typically developed as in other species in the genus and have pedestal
cells which are transfer cells. The transfer cells also occur in glands of the pavement
epithelium, which is again typically developed as in other species in the genus. Simple
biophysical tests did not confirm reliably neither the negative underpressure formation in
the traps nor the watertightness of the entrance in both species. Our anatomical results
indirectly support the hypothesis that both species have suction traps like all other
Utricularia species, but the biophysical data rather suggest a passive valve mechanism
Anatomy of ovary and ovule in dandelions (Taraxacum, Asteraceae)
The genus Taraxacum Wigg. (Asteraceae) forms a polyploid complex within which there are strong links between the ploidy level and the mode of reproduction. Diploids are obligate sexual, whereas polyploids are usually apomictic. The paper reports on a comparative study of the ovary and especially the ovule anatomy in the diploid dandelion T. linearisquameum and the triploid T. gentile. Observations with light and electron microscopy revealed no essential differences in the anatomy of both the ovary and ovule in the examined species. Dandelion ovules are anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. In both sexual and apomictic species, a zonal differentiation of the integument is characteristic of the ovule. In the integumentary layers situated next to the endothelium, the cell walls are extremely thick and PAS positive. Data obtained from TEM indicate that these special walls have an open spongy structure and their cytoplasm shows evidence of gradual degeneration. Increased deposition of wall material in the integumentary cells surrounding the endothelium takes place especially around the chalazal pole of the embryo sac as well as around the central cell. In contrast, the integumentary cells surrounding the micropylar region have thin walls and exhibit a high metabolic activity. The role of the thick-walled integumentary layers in the dandelion ovule is discussed. We also consider whether this may be a feature of taxonomic importance
The Nature Education Centre of the JagiellonianUniversity in Krakow has in its collection a spectacular fossil ofa Jurassic crinoid, in literature known as Seirocrinus subangularis(Miller). Only several museums in Central Europe can boast sucha perfectly preserved and complete specimen of Seirocrinus. Asseen against Polish museum collections the slab in questionis an outstanding object. That very form was a cosmopolitanand pseudoplanktonic crinoid species spread throughoutAsia, Europe, and Northern America, yet it has never beendocumented in Poland. The particular specimen reached Polandin the mid-19th century from Germany to enrich the collectionof the Mineralogical Cabinet. The paper presents the turbulenthistory of the slab with some dozen specimens of echinodermson it, the story which will shortly have a happy end, since itwill be permanently placed as a geological exhibit at the NatureEducation Centre of the Jagiellonian University
Flower palate structure of the aquatic bladderworts Utricularia bremii Heer and U. minor L. from section Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae)
There is an enormous diversity in the structure of the flower palate of the carnivorous rootless genus Utricularia. This study aims to examine the structure of the palates in Utricularia bremii Heer and U. minor L of the Utricularia sect. Utricularia, which have a glandular palate type. In both species, the palate has only one type of glandular trichomes. Because of the occurrence of cell wall ingrowths in its glandular cells, any exudation may be transported via eccrinous secretion. It was proposed that the palate trichomes of the examined species act as scent glands and that the palate may play a role as an unguentarium. Both U. bremii and U. minor are of an open flower type. Thus, U. bremii and U. minor flowers can be penetrated by small, weak insects, which then easily have access to their generative structure. Small Hymenoptera (member of families Mymaridae and Braconidae) were observed as flower visitors of the male-sterile species Utricularia bremii
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